Season 4 Episode 36: Only One Can Remain

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The ferry got closer to Chens island and everyone wows at it
"Look at that." Cole wowed
"Awesome." Kai wowed
"Let me see." Karlof said as he pushes Kai
"Do you mind?." Kai asked as the duo glared at each other
"Welcome to Chens island. The Tournament of Elements welcomes its brave fighters." Clouse said before looking at Garmadon
"Master Chen will be pleased you've returned, Sensei Garmadon." Clouse said
"The pleasure is all mine, Clouse." Garmadon glared
"I'm sure it is." Clouse glared back
"Definitely feeling some tension between you two." Jay said looking at the duo before they all left the ship
"Yeah, and how is it we're on an island I've never seen on any map?." Kai asked curious
"And care to explain how the face to Ninjagos most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?!." Cole yelled confused
"Master Chen used to be a friend. Now he's a traitor. During the Serpentine Wars, Chen turned against his own kind and sided with the treacherous snakes." Garmadon told them
"The battle you and uncle Wu fought together in? He was an enemy?." Lloyd asked
"He used deception to divide the Elemental Masters. We barely defeated the Serpentine, and in a deal of his surrender, Chen was never to this island. Little did we know, he'd begin to build his criminal empire from here." Garmadon told them
"He may have divided our ancestors, but he's not gonna divide us." Lloyd said smiling as Kai spots Skylor behind him
"Uh... ladies first." Kai said pushing the ninja aside, Skylor smiled at Kai before continuing up the stairs
"Fire will melt her icy heart. Just wait." Kai smiled as Garmadon sighs
"This is a big island. Zane and (Y/N) could be anywhere. Keep an eye out." Cole said as they walk through the main gate
"So this is the house that noodles built. Ha! Always wanted to go to a Red Carpet event." Jay said as they continued walking
"Chen lives like a king. Here, he's totally self-sufficient. The only way on or off the island is with his permission, which you have to earn." Garmadon explained
"You never told me about this place. How do you know so much about this island?." Lloyd asked curiously
"Because before Chen was my enemy, he was my Sensei." Garmadon said showing them his Anacondrai tattoo on his back
The Elemental Masters arrive inside of the place and sat in a circle
"You never told me you had a Sensei." Lloyd said confused
"When I was your age, I sought a darker means of guidance. He taught me to win at all cost, no matter who I hurt. It wasn't until you saved me that I saw the light." Garmadon smiled at Lloyd who smiled back
"Uh, apparently he also never taught you to have a sense humour. Lighten up, we're in an underground fight club. This is supposed to be fun." Jay said as Zugu bangs a gong and Eyezor turns on a gramophone
"All rise for Master Chen." Clouse said as Chen appeared
"Welcome to the Tournament of Elements! Now everyone can di-
The doors suddenly close and everyone gasps
-rect your attention to me." Chen laughed as everyone looked confused
"I forgot to mention, he had a penchant for theatrics." Garmadon whispered to Lloyd as Chen laughs again
"Never before have so many Elemental Fighters been under one roof. I see Master of Fire, Earth, Shadow, Speed, even a prophesied Green Saviour, shame your other counterpart couldn't participate in this tournament." Chen said as Lloyd glared at Chen slightly
"Easy son, remember why we're here." Garmadon whispered as Lloyd calmed down
"And a former pupil has returned." Chen said as he points to the gong
"This symbol before you is for the Anacondrai, fiercest Serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. It's creed. Only one can remain." Chen quoted as the gong moves aside showing a bracket
"Good, looks like we're each in our own bracket. We won't have to face each other for a while." Kai said in relief
"Better find Zane and (Y/N) before that happens." Lloyd said as Chen grabs a Jade-Blade
"Behold, a Jade-Blade. Here is represents life, obtain it, move on. Allow your opponent to take it, loser. The rules are simple. Every match will be different. No two fights will be the same. Your powers will keep you in the Tournament. Use it or lose it!." Chen yelled
"Hm, what does Karlof win?." Karlof asked
"Win and stay on the island. Win it all, and you'll receive fortunes beyond your wildest dreams, and lifetime supply of Master Chen noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter in all of Ninjago." Chen said as everyone but the ninja cheer
"And what happens if they lose?." Garmadon asked curiously glaring
"Lose?! Who here likes to lose?." Chen asked as everyone but the ninja laugh
"Now please, enjoy my island. It's a super fun happy place. Hahaha. Fun time on me." Chen said as Kabuki entered
"You'll now each be shown to your rooms." Clouse said as the Kabuki walk up to one of the Masters
"Ah, just what this place needs. Creepy clowns!." Jay yelled
"Not clowns. Kabuki, Chens jesters." Garmadon said as the Kabuki grabbed their arms and escorted them
"Yeah, well, whatever they are, I don't like them." Cole said as they go up the stairs
"So much for staying together." Kai said as they get to escorted to their suites
"Always be ready! Never lose focus!." Garmadon yelled as Clouse pushes him out
"What? Uh, what did he say?." Kai asked
"I don't know. Something about, uh, mucus?." Jay said confused as they reach their suites
"Your Fire suite, Master Kai." The Kabuki said smiling as Kai looked around amazed
"Are you kidding me?." Ha! Fire!." Kai yelled smiling as he looked around, he then spots a picture of himself
"Woah, so handsome." Kai smiled as he goes to the balcony
"I could get used to this." Kai smiled as the door next to his balcony opened and Skylor emerged
"Huh? Looks like we're neighbours. I'm Kai, Master of Fire." Kai smirked as he uses his fire on his hand
"Skylor, Master of... wouldn't you like to know?." Skylor smirked as Kai smiles at her before snapping back to reality
"Huh? Ow, ow, ow, ow!." Kai yelled about his fire trying to put it out as Skylor giggles
Meanwhile Jay gets shown his room
"Every device within your room has been configured to interact with your own electrical signal." The Kabuki said as Jay uses his lightning which activates a TV with a game console
"Whoo!." Jay laughed as he plays his video games
Cole lays down in his bed
"A stone bed?! Come on." Cole groaned as he accidentally opened a secret compartment
"Huh?." Cole looked confused as he runs towards it and sees food on the shelves
"Chens Noodle house? Three ingredients sizzling rice, snow pea cuttlefish, mu shu wu shu? Haha!." Cole laughed as he eats the food when he noticed cake
"Cake?! Hah! Score." Cole laughed
Meanwhile Lloyd tries on his new GI
"Yeah this is sweet, hehe." Lloyd chuckled as he looks at a photo of the ninja and sees Zane and (Y/N)
"Don't worry guys. We're gonna find you both." Lloyd said as he turns around and sees a picture of Lloyd and (Y/N) as the Ultimate Spinjtizu Masters together, Lloyd smiles
Meanwhile outside, Garmadon is pushed out of the palace by Clouse
"Since you weren't invited by Master Chen, I'm sorry to say there's no room for you." Clouse said as Garmadon glared
"Fine, I'll just stand guard. I wouldn't want anything to happen to them. I know how you like to use Dark Magic." Garmadon glared as Clouse smiles mischievously
"Now, why would I want to cheat the ninja?." Clouse asked as music plays, Clouse leaves and closes the gate behind him
"Fellow fighters, hidden around my island are enough JadeBlades." Chen spoke over the intercom as Garmadon climbs his way back
"For every participant except one. The one who returns to the palace arena empty-handed loses. The Tournament begins... now!." Chen announced as Jay takes a bath, he then looks at the intercom
"Now?." Jay looked confused as Bolobo enters
"Aah! This room could use a breath of fresh air. Lightning, meet nature!." Bolobo yelled as he and Jay saw the JadeBlade on the ceiling light
"May the best fighter win." Chen laughs as Skylor sees a JadeBlade above her
"Is that-
"A JadeBlade?." Kai asked as they looked at each other
Meanwhile Lloyd and several other Elemental Masters see a JadeBlade, Ash trips Lloyd
"Hey!." Lloyd yelled as he tries to punch him only for Ash to use his smoke
"Huh?." Lloyd looked confused
Outside Skylor jumps on Kai and goes for the JadeBlade
"That one is mine." Skylor said
"Hey!." Kai yelled jumping after her and tried to stop her
"Stop!." Skylor yelled
"You stop! Uhh!." Kai yelled as Skylor falls but Kai catches her
"Help me!." Skylor yelled as Kai throws her towards the JadeBlade
"Sorry, hot tamale." Skylor apologised as Kai sees Karlof below him with a JadeBlade, Kai jumps down
"What does Karlof..." Karlof growls as Kai stands infront of him, the two glare at each other as they go to fight over the JadeBlade
Cole meanwhile finds the Masters fighting for a JadeBlade
"Oh, I can't fight on a full stomach." Cole groaned holding his stomach, he sees a JadeBlade no one is after
"Alright!." Cole smiled as he slowly walked down, Griffin notices this and sees the JadeBlade, he pushes the off the other Masters and uses his speed to obtain the other JadeBlade
"Ha! Too slow, Rocky boy." Griffin laughed
"Hey!." Cole yelled
Meanwhile Bolobo uses his vines on Jay who dodges them, Jay grabs a remote and turns on the TV
"Fear? Fear isn't a word where I come from!." Fritz yelled gaining Bolivia attention
"Ooh, Fritz Donnegan." Bolobo said as Jay takes his towel off and wipes Bolobo, Bolobo screams as Jay grabs the JadeBlade and escapes
"Haha! I love my room!." Jay laughed
Meanwhile Lloyd tries to obtain a JadeBlade, but Clouse stops him with his magic
"Wha- hey!." Lloyd yelled as he spots Clouse using his magic, Garmadon then tackles him freeing Lloyd
"Hurry Lloyd. You must not lose." Garmadon said as Lloyd grabs the JadeBlade
Cole meanwhile pushes multiple Masters off him while holding the JadeBlade
"It's mine! Oh, stomach cramp." Cole groaned holding his stomach, Mr Pale turns invisible and steals the blade from Cole
"Hey, stop! Stupid blade! Uhh!." Cole groaned as he uses his powers to make Mr Pale visible
"Hahaha! Ninja go!." Cole yelled doing Spinjtizu on Mr Pale, Cole then gags
"Okay, that was too fast." Cole gagged as Gravis steals his JadeBlade
"Hey! That's mine!." Cole yelled only to spot another under a bench
"Uh, yes!." Cole said walking to it
In the main room, the Elemental Masters wait as Clouse puts a blade in a holder
"Two Blades remaining." Clouse said as Cole appeared
"Wait! I got one!." Cole announced as they cheer
"Cole! Whoo-hoo! You made it." Jay cheered
"You didn't have any doubts did you old friend?." Cole asked as he noticed Kai wasn't there
"Where's Kai?." Cole asked
"Only one JadeBlade remaining." Chen said
Meanwhile outside, Kai and Karlof glare at each other as they duel for the last blade
"Get on with it!." Chen yelled on the intercom as the duo fights for the last blade
Inside the ninja are worried as they hear heavy footsteps, which reveals Karlof with the JadeBlade
"Hahahahaha! Karlof wins!." Karlof yelled as everyone but the Ninja cheer, Kai sneaks up behind him and unscrews his metal hand
"What?." Karlof looked confused
"Ah, looks like you got a screw loose." Kai smirked as he steals the blade and puts it in the holder. Everyone but Garmadon cheers
"We have a loser!." Chen yelled as Karlof puts his hand back on
"That's not fair. He cheated!." Karlof yelled glaring at Kai
"I did what I had to do." Kai shrugged
"That is not how you win." Garmadon said with disappointment
"Fine. I lose. Karlof never wanted to be on stinking island." Karlof pouted
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. I guess this worked out for the best. This is goodbye!." Chen yelled as he pressed a button which activated a trapdoor underneath Karlof who screams as he falls
"As you can see, lose and you are out. Break any rule, you are out. Never bite the hand that feeds you Master Chen delicious noodle! Now rest up. Tomorrow the tournament will recommence." Chen said
Later that day, the ninja sit in a booth
"At least the chows good." Cole said eating
"Argh, it's killing me. What's under the trapdoor? What happens when you lose?." Jay asked curiously
"Don't think about that." Garmadon told Jay
"It's all I can think about. I moved on. I feel guilt. These are not good feelings." Jay said
"You think you feel bad? Imaging how I feel. Our mission is simple. Tonight we find Zane and (Y/N) and get off this crazy island." Kai said
"And just how are we supposed to do that? You heard Chen. Break a rule and we're out. He's not gonna let us roam around." Cole said
"Then it's a good think we're ninja. Meet in my room at midnight." Kai said as Mr Pale walked up to them
"You mind if I join you?." Mr Pale asked
"Disappear pal! This is private." Jay glared as he uses his light, Jay sighs
"I know you're still here. I can see your lunch tray." Jay said as Mr Pale grunts and he leaves
"Wow Jay, you were really mean." Cole said surprised
"How am I supposed to know if we can trust him? See what this island is doing to me? It's corrupting me! It has to stop. I'll see you tonight." Jay said looking at Kai
At midnight Kai opens his door to let Cole and Lloyd enter, however Jay arrived as Skylor goes to her balcony. Kai pushes Jay in a panic as he yells
"What was that you said?." Skylor asked
"Uh, I said w-w-what a beautiful night. Haha." Kai covered up as Jay hangs on the ledge
"Oh, come on." Jay whispered groaning
"What do you think happened to Karlof?." Skylor asked
"I feel horrible. If I had known what would happen-
"You did what you had to do to stay in the Tournament. I'm sorry if I was cold to you earlier." Skylor apologised
"Psst." Jay whispered to Kai who slightly glared at Jay
"Maybe it's good to have friends." Skylor said
"Kai." Jay yelled quietly at him as Kai glared at Jay
"Jay, would you stop making that noise?." Kai asked whispering
"You had asked about my power-
"Uh, yeah, oh it's so cold out." Kai lied pretending to shiver
"Better call it a night, hehe." Kai chuckled as he goes inside
"Oh, okay. Sorry to have bothered-
Kai pokes his head out of the door
"Oh, okay. Good night." Kai said as he goes back inside, skylor looks confused before going insider herself, Kai then comes back out and helps Jay
"You just had to leave me hanging, huh, Romeo?." Jay asked as Kai glared at him, they both go inside
"Woah-ho-ho-ho, nice digs." Jay complimented
"I know. His room is so much nicer than mine. Look, chocolate-covered shell peas. I love these." Cole said as he takes the bowl and jumps on his bed
"Oh, and look how soft your pillows are. Man, mine are made of rock. What a crock." Cole complained
"Okay, it was almost impossible to get here. This place is swarming with guards. Any ideas on how we search the island?." Jay asked
"We travel by shadow. Cover every square inch of this place until we find them." Kai explained as the bed flips over with Cole
"The islands big. We'll need to split up." Jay said
"No, we stick together." Lloyd said as the bed flips over again and Cole appears
"Uh guys, this bed is, uh..."
"Cole, I get it! You like my bed. Would you stop playing around?." Kai asked annoyed as Cole got an idea
"I think I know how we can search the island." Cole smirked as they all lie down on Kai's bed
"Okay, I feel ridiculous." Lloyd admitted
"Ah, you're right. The pillows are soft." Jay smiled
"Is this a joke?." Lloyd asked Cole
"I must've done something to trigger it, I was laying here, then I stretched-
Cole hits a button on the bed and the bed flips over, they all yell and gasp
"Woah! Secret passageway! Cool." Jay cheered as Kai uses his fire to light up the area
"Nice work Cole. Maybe Zane and (Y/N) aren't on the island, but in it." Kai said as they hear grunting
"Quiet. Do you hear that?." Lloyd asked as Jay sees light coming from two holes
"Oh, secret peep holes. Haha! Super cool. Sounds like someone's fighting on the other side of this wall." Jay said as he climbs up and looks through the holes
"What do you see? Who's fighting?." Cole asked
"It's not a fight. It's Skylors room. And it looks like she's training." Jay explained as Kai extinguishes his fire
"Let me see, let me see!." Kai yelled as he climbed up
"Ah, looks like Kai's got the hots for her." Cole smirked
"No, shes competition. I just wanna know what powers were up against." Kai said as he tried to look through the peep holes, fighting over Jay
"Ugh, wait your turn." Jay groaned
"We can at least share." Kai said as they looked through the peep holes
"Guys, this is an invasion of privacy." Lloyd said
"Ugh, her room doesn't reveal anything about her power." Kai said as she uses fire, Jay gasps
"What was it? What did you see?." Cole asked
"She's... Fire..." Kai said as he and Jay look at each other
"Wait a minute, if we're all descendants of Elemental Masters..." Lloyd smirks as Cole laughs
"Kai's heart is on fire. Kai's heart is on fire. Kai's heart is on fire." Cole sang as the duo jump down
"Can we please just keep moving? It's like a maze down here. Good thing you're leaving a trail back to our room." Kai said to Cole
"I'm what?." Cole asked as he looks behind himself as sees his chocolate shell peas
"Oh, yeah, heh. I mean to do that." Cole chuckled as they kept walking, Lloyd then stops them after seeing a tripwire
"Everyone stop! Booby traps." Lloyd said
"Haha! Booby traps. Even cooler. Haha." Jay laughed as Lloyd stared at him
"Or, I mean, kinda cool. I mean, they're totally not cool, you know, cause they're dangerous." Jay corrected himself
"From here on out, we have to watch our step." Lloyd said as Kai hears chanting
"Do you hear that? Everyone be quiet." Kai said as they hide behind a rock, Anacondrai cultists walk into an area chanting, they grabbed and fought four cultists and take their outfits, they then follow them to Chens ceremony
"Stop licking your tattoos." Kai told Cole who kept licking them
"It's chocolate. I can't resist." Cole said
"Shh! Just try to fit in." Lloyd said as they see Jay chant before chanting too, they soon bow when Chen arrived, the ninja followed behind
"Being out the loser." Chen announced as Karlof is grabbed and dragged to Chen
"Unh! Get hands off Karlof! Karlof wish he never sign up for this. What's chanting for?." Karlof asked curious about the chanting
"Uh, they're saying. Only one can remain. Like I said, use it or lose it." Chen said as he uses his staff to drain Karlof of his powers with a combination of Ice and Destruction, Karlof then loses his power
"He's stolen Karlofs power." Kai said shocked
"And he used ice and destruction. That means he must have already stolen Zane and (Y/N)'s powers too." Cole said
"What happened to my metal?." Karlof asked as he clashed his fists together for nothing to happen
"Your metal? Oh, it's mine now." Chen laughs
"But now I will let you go." Chen said as Karlof looked hopeful
"Really?." Karlof asked
"To the factory!." Chen yelled as they dragged a powerless Karlof away
"No, no! Let Karlof go! No, no!." Karlof yelled as the ninjas tattoos started melting
"Jay, your face..." Lloyd said as Jay gasps
"My face? All of our faces! The chocolates melting." Jay said as the warriors looked at them
"Who are they?." A warrior asked as Chen tried to get a good look of them
"Intruders! Stop them! They must not escape!." Chen yelled as the ninja run away, Cole trips the tripwire, closing the door in the warriors
"A-ha! Yes!." Kai cheered as swinging axes started to fall
"Oh no!." Kai yelled as they all ran away to safety
"That was close." Cole said as they hear growling
"That sound." Jay said as they looked under them and see a faint serpent
"That had got to be the second biggest snake I have ever seen!." Kai yelled as they climbed up while the serpent changed them, they slowly crawl back as the serpent tries biting them, ripping a hole in jays pants, just before it could get closer, they press a button and make it back to Kai's room, falling on his bed
"Are we..." Kai asked
"Yeah, barely." Lloyd said
"Did we just- ow!." Cole groaned
"No more sneaking around. From now on, let's just follow the rules." Jay said
"Uhh! We may not have found Zane and (Y/N), but we found something just as important. This tournament isn't about glory. It's about Chen stealing all of our Elemental Powers." Kai said
"But why? What is he planning?." Lloyd asked
"I don't know, but if we're gonna find out and find Zane and (Y/N), we have to play by his rules. Agreed?." Kai asked
"Agreed." They agreed
"Good thing we weren't spotted. That was close." Cole said thankful
"Yeah, too close." Jay said as he shows them the piece of his disguise on his pants with a hole
Meanwhile, Clouse takes the fabric off his serpents tooth
"Hm. Good work, my pet." Clouse praised as the serpent rubbed against Clouse
"Yes, yes, we do know who the impostors are, don't we? Don't worry. They will pay for their actions." Clouse said next to his giant serpent

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