The next day comes around and the gang trains at Dearth's Mojo Dojo, Lloyd tries to light a lightbulb with his lightning, he grunts as Jay passes him
"Focus Lloyd. Control the power inside of you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it." Jay explained
"I understand. I am in control." Lloyd said as he groans
"Come on Lloyd. You can do it." Jay said as Lloyd lights the bulb brighter before he breaks the lightbulb
"Aargh! Stupid lightbulb!." Lloyd yelled
"Hey, you did better that time." (Y/N) placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder as Lloyd shrugged him off, this reaction shocked (Y/N) and the others
"You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try." Lloyd begged
"Ugh, sorry Lloyd. That was the last lightbulb." Kai apologised as Cole hands him a broom
"Clean up Lloyd, we'll continue training tomorrow." Cole said as Lloyd uses it on a punching bag, Jay sighs
"What am I doing wrong Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power." Jay sighed
Lloyd's broom hits him in the head
"You dare to defy the Green Ninja?!." Lloyd yelled
"Patience Jay. Sometimes the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light." Wu said
"But (Y/N) was literally born with the same powers as Lord Garmadon, yet he's super nice." Jay said as (Y/N) span his Sais around as Zane claps for him
"He is different, what you are born with does not defy who you are, it is what you do with that something that makes you, you." Wu said as Nya entered the dojo in the dress she wore to her and Jays date
"Hey guys." Nya smiled
"Hey Nya!." The others greeted as (Y/N) tried to contain a blush from emerging
"Hey, (Y/N). Uh, wanna come by the auto body shop later?." Nya asked as (Y/N) looked confused
"Auto body shop?." (Y/N) asked
"Yeah, I got a part time job, though I could fix up the Ultra Sonic Raider in my off time. Maybe if you come over. I can show you what I've been working on." Nya asked smiling as Jay got jealous again
"Uh, not to be rude or anything, but why him? I'm the mechanic in this area." Jay said
"I have to agree with Jay here, but, it wouldn't hurt to see what you've done so far, and who knows, maybe I'll learn a thing or two." (Y/N) smiled as Jay got annoyed
"Well... I should come along... just in case that is." Jay chuckled as (Y/N) side hugged Jay
"Sweet! We haven't been a trio since the monastery burnt down, maybe we can finally get back to old routes." (Y/N) smiled as Lloyd looked guilty about the monastery, he knew he didn't do it, but he was partly responsible for it
Jay sighed, not of annoyance, but of sadness, he did miss the time the three of them would hang together, as he thought about that, he noticed Nya holding a letter
"Uh, what you got there?." Jay asked pointing at the letter
"Oh, um this letter came for Lloyd." Nya said handing it to Wu
"Hmm, it's from Lloyd's school." Wu said reading it
"The Darkley School for Bad Boys?." Cole looked confused
"Formerly Bad boys. Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School of Great Children." Wu said
"Heh, wait . They've turned good?." Kai asked
"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony." Wu said
"I love ceremonies. That means there going to be cake." Cole smiled
"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence." Wu said as they looked at Lloyd who breaks the broom in half and headbutts the punching bag
"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?." Kai asked
Meanwhile on the Black Bounty, Garmadon and the Serpentine plan their ways to get back at the Ninja
"Squeeze in tight. Can everyone hear? Okay, so let's brainstorm on how to use my Mega Weapon to destroy the ninja. Remember, the weapon can only create, never destroy. And I can only use it once a day, as it drains all of my strength. So, no such thing as a bad idea. Anyone?." Garmadon asked
"What if you made more pirates?." Chokun asked as Garmadon glared
"Over the side!." Garmadon ordered as Fangtom grabs him
"No, no! I-I was kidding, wait. Ahh!." Chokun screamed as he gets thrown over the ship
"Anyone else? Don't be shy. No bad ideas." Garmadons said as the Serpentine looked at one another
"Oh, what if you recreated the Devourer?." Lasha asked
"Over the side!." Garmadon ordered as Lasha gets thrown off
"Instead of things that have already failed to destroy the ninja, how about something new?." Garmadon asked slightly annoyed
"Can you create a giant ham sandwich?." Another Chokun suggested
"A poisoned giant ham sandwich?." Garmadon asked raising a brown
"I would hope not. I'm ssssso hungry." The other Chokun said as Garmadon get agitated, he then gets throw off the ship
"Ahh!." The other Chokun screams
"Aargh! This is impossible! Those pesky ninja always come out on top. How can I defeat ninja who so rudely refuse to be defeated? Weapon, answer me." Garmadon said as he looked into the Mega Weapon to see his reflection
"Wait, that's it!." Garmadon came up with a idea
"Hm? The giant ham sandwich?." Mezmo asked as three serpentine perk up and pull out utensils, Garmadon kicks Mezmo off the ship, he then chuckles
"Better. No more brainstorming! Gather me any ninja belongings left on their ship!." Garmadon ordered as the serpentine collected their GI's from their old bed, excluding Lloyd's
"Ninja, today wish for you to finally meet your match." Garmadon said as the Mega Weapon creates the Ninja, paler with red eyes, he then falls over exhausted
"I have made you... to be equal to the ninja... and loyal only to me." Garmadon said exhausted
"Yes, Lord Garmadon." The evil ninja said
"Then I command you to find and destroy the ninja, and bring me the real Purple ninja... alive!." Garmadon ordered as (Y/N)'s evil clone nodded
Meanwhile, the real Ninja fly towards the school on the Ultra Dragon,
"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Now that we can ride the dragon, we should get to Darkley's in no time." Jay said smiling
"If Lloyd can get us there in one piece." Kai said as Lloyd struggled
"Just be gentle. Any sudden moves can cause him to-
"Any sudden what?." Lloyd asked Cole only to pull on the reins which makes the dragon dive, the Ninja scream
"The reins! Let go of the reins!." Cole yelled as Lloyd does so, they soon land at the ground Lloyd chuckles
"Hehe, at least I'm getting better." Lloyd chuckles as (Y/N) tries not to throw up, Kai rubs his back
"All the same. I'll take the reins going home. Just to be safe." Cole said
"That would be much appreciated." (Y/N) said as he walked up feeling better
"Lloyd?." Brad called out to the Green Ninja
"Uh, Brad?." Lloyd responded confused as he saw Brad attending to some flowers
"You came! So good to see you." Brad smiled
"It is? You put fire and in my bed." Lloyd said
"He did what now?." (Y/N) asked slightly mad but trying to keep his cool, Brad looks worriedly
"Please forgive me. I wasn't myself and have learned the error of my ways." Brad apologised before looking at the Ninja
"And you must be the ninja!." Brad smiled
"Uh, guys. Meet Brad Tudabone." Lloyd introduced
"Such a huge fan!." Brad shakes their hands when he gets up to (Y/N) Lloyd speaks up
"Oh, Brad this is my cousin (Y/N)." Lloyd introduced
"You have a cousin? You never said you had a cousin before." Brad looked confused
"Yeah, I didn't know he was my cousin either until a while back." Lloyd said smiling at (Y/N) who smiled back, Brad then walks back from shaking their hands
"Go good! Haha. Please, will you not follow me to see the principal?." Brad asked as they walked into the school, they looked around as it was quiet and empty
"Uh, should you all be in class?." Cole asked
"Actually today is a new Darkley School Tradition, Ninja Day. We stay out of sight to honour the way of the ninja for showing us the light." Brad explained
"Seems reasonable." (Y/N) said as Cole looks surprised
"Huh, this is a good school. I'm impressed." Cole said as they make it to the principals office
"Principal Noble? Lloyd and the ninja are here for the ceremony." Brad called out
"That, and the cake. By the way, do you know what kind it is?." Cole asked
"I'll be with you in just a moment." Noble said from inside the office
"I should get back to the flowers." Brad said walking away
The ninja look around to the empty rooms
"Um, heh, has anyone seen a teacher yet?." Jay asked
"Indeed, their absence is most strange." Zane said
"I'll see you now. Come in, come in." Noble called out as the ninja walked in, only to find out Noble isn't in the office, but a speaker, Gene then walks out
"Welcome back, Lloyd." Gene said evilly
"Uh, Gene?." Lloyd looked confused
"And welcome ninja, to the new Darkley's School for Worse Boys!." Gene said as he cuts a rope, which dropped sandbags onto the ninja knocking them out
"Ahh!." They screamed as they got knocked out
"(Y/N)!." Lloyd looked at Gene with anger
"Ugh, Gene. I'm gonna get you for thi-
Lloyd blacks out as Gene smiles evilly
The ninja soon wake up in a room full of teachers who have been captured, they groan as they get up
"Thank goodness you're here!." The real Noble said to the ninja
"What happened? Where's Lloyd? And who are all you?." Kai asked
"We're the teachers and we've been taken prisoners. We've tried to teach the boys how to be good, but they overthrew us. They're monsters!." The woman teacher yelled
"But I thought Lloyd was getting a honorary degree." Jay asked confused
"Oh, that was just the boys trick to lure Lloyd here and convince him to be their leader." Noble explained
"They want to do what now?!." (Y/N) yelled confused
"Wait does that mean, there's not gonna be cake?!." Cole yelled scared as (Y/N) faceplams
Meanwhile in another room, Lloyd is tied up to a chair while they try to make him evil again
"Welcome to your ceremony, Lloyd. Or, should I call it an evil intervention?." Brad asked evilly
"Where are my friends and cousin?." Lloyd asked
"Aw, they're better off without you. With friends and family like you, who needs enemies?." Gene asked
"You may have forgotten, but we're your true friends and your only family. And we want to help you undo the damage you've done to yourself and our school's reputation. Be honest. Doesn't a part of you miss being bad?." Brad asked Lloyd
Meanwhile in Ninjago City, the evil ninja are wreaking havoc. They laugh as they walk down the street
"Oh, ninjas. Thank goodness! Can you reunite me with my dear pebbles?." A woman asked as she points at a cat stuck in a tree, the evil ninja look at each other before putting the woman in the tree
"That's not what I had in mind!." She yelled as the evil ninja walk away
The soon mess with traffic lights, causing a car crash. Evil Zane breaks an ATM causing money to fly out of the machine
"Ninja! Go!." Evil Cole yelled as he used Spinjtizu to steal Nuckals cotton candy
"Hey!." Nuckal yelled
"Remember, we must find the ninja." Evil Kai said after finishing messing around
"And we must bring Lord Garmadon the Purple Ninja." Evil (Y/N) said as they walked away
Back at the Dojo, Wu cleans up the light bulb Lloyd broke earlier, the evil ninja soon walked in
"You're back. So, how was it?." Wu asked
"It was great. We were having so much fun we forgot where we were." Evil Kai lied as Wu got suspicious
"Hmm. I bet Lloyd had a blast." Wu said
"Yeah, the little twerp had fun." Evil (Y/N) said as Wu got even more suspicious
"Uh yeah, sure. He's still there. He wanted us to tell you he thinks you should go. Like, now." Evil Kai said
"Hmm." Wu hummed looking at evil Kai's sun glasses
"Interesting." Wu said as they play in the training equipment
"(Y/N) why aren't you with Lloyd? It is very unusual for you to leave him behind little then leave him alone." Wu said as evil (Y/N) chuckled
"He can handle himself now." Evil (Y/N) chuckled as he high fives evil Jay
"Well, Mega Monster Amusement Park is no place for an old man. I'd just slow him down." Wu said lying
"Mega Monster Amusement Park? Uh, oh, yeah, right. Haha." Evil Kai laughed playing along
"Yeah that's true old man. You would just slow him down." Evil (Y/N) laughed as Wu gets in a position to fight
"Lloyd is not at the amusement park. You are not my students or my son." Wu said as the five glared at him, taking their glasses off, showing their red eyes
"And you are not our master." Evil Kai said
"Nor are you my father, old man." Evil (Y/N) said as they get ready to attack
"Ninja! Go!." Evil Jay yelled as he used Spinjtizu on Wu, Wu hits him with his broom
"Argh!." Evil Jay groaned, Wu then threw Dearthes fake trophies at them
"Aargh!." The evil ninja groaned
"Whatever you are, you all could use a lesson!." Wu yelled as evil Zane uses his shurikens to pin Wu down
"Teach us then. Where are the ninja?." Evil Kai asked as they walked up to Wu
"He'll never talk." Jay said as Nyas voice came over a phone
"(Y/N)? Are you back yet? Can't wait to see you at the auto body shop. See you then!." Nya said over the phone
"Hmmm." Wu hummed
"Hey, I thought Nya liked me?." Evil jay asked as he glared at evil (Y/N)
"Heh, how couldn't resist these good looks?." (Y/N) smiled as he walked out
"Where are you going?." Evil Cole asked
"I'm going to pay a certain someone a visit." Evil (Y/N) smirked as he left
Back at Darkley's, the ninja try and find a way out, Zane flips a switch and he stiffens up
"Battering ram activated." Zane said as the ninja pick him up and bang his head on the door, only for it to stay stuck
Meanwhile (Y/N) talks to the teachers
"So your Lloyd's cousin? He must be a handful." Noble said
"Nah, he was at one point, but honestly, he's not that bad, I've kinda grown attached to him." (Y/N) smiled as the teachers looked at each other before smiling
"Well we're glad Lloyd has someone to look up to." Noble said as (Y/N) smiled
"Hey, (Y/N), mind giving us a hand here?." Kai asked as (Y/N) walked over to
"What's the problem?." (Y/N) asked as Jay gestures the door
"Oh right, any luck?." (Y/N) asked
"No not yet, aargh! Were never gonna open that door! I just hope they haven't turned Lloyd. I dont think things can get much worse." Kai said
"Wait... Jay, weren't we meant to meet up with Nya at the auto body shop around now?." (Y/N) asked as Jay smiled
"Yeah! Haha, Nya will save us, I'm very punctual, if I'm even one second late, she's gonna suspect somethings wrong." Jay smiled
"Yeah, I told her I'd call her when I got back by now, she must now somethings up." (Y/N) said
At the auto body shop, Nya works as evil (Y/N) approaches whistling
"Oh, there you are. I was wondering when you'd get back. You usually call me if you were." Nya smiled at evil (Y/N)
"Heh, sorry Nya, but I can't let you have me straight away, you gotta be desperate if you wanna have me over." Evil (Y/N) smirked
"I should've known spending time at Darkley's School would turn you into a bad boy." Nya smiled as evil (Y/N) finally understands where the real ninja were
"Of course it would, I mean, I can't be goodie two shoes hero guy forever, sometimes all a good woman needs is a good bad man." Evil (Y/N) said as Nya became flustered
"What's gotten into you-
Evil (Y/N) kisses Nya which makes her surprised but kisses back, she doesn't know that evil (Y/N) snatched the keys as he does he pulls apart
"Catch ya on the flip side babe." Evil (Y/N) smirked as Nya blushed heavily, Evil (Y/N) then drives away on the Ultra Sonic Raider
"Heh, call me!." Nya yelled flustered
"I finally did it!." Nya smiled happily as she cherished the kiss
Evil (Y/N) smirks as he finds the others gathered around a crashed car laughing
"Oi! Idiots! Hop in!." Evil (Y/N) smirked as they hopped in, as they did Garmadon appeared on the screen
"Did you find them?." Garmadon asked
"They're at Darkley's my Lord." Evil (Y/N) said
"Excellent! Now destroy them! And bring me the Purple Ninja!." Garmadon ordered
"It'll be our pleasure." Evil Cole said as they drove away
Back at Darkley's, the ninja are still trapped
"If we don't get out, they're going to brainwash Lloyd and undo all the lessons we tried to teach him." Kai said
"Not to mention never taste cake again." Cole said as (Y/N) sighed
"Is there anything but cake on your mind?." (Y/N) asked as Cole shakes (Y/N)
"If I don't taste cake again! I'm going to lose my marbles!." Cole shook (Y/N)
"Yeah, I think the marbles fell long ago." Kai said as Cole continued to shake a deadpanned (Y/N)
"Principal Noble, how well do you and the teachers know this building?." Zane asked
"We barely know it at all, actually we're new. The old teachers are highly committed to teaching NY evil and quit in protest when the school went good." Principal Noble explained
"So if the school building was originally built for evil, don't we have to assume there are hidden passages, which none of you would even know about?." Zane asked as Cole finally stopped shaking (Y/N) who sighed in relief
"Thank you." (Y/N) mumbled to himself
"Hey. You're right. It just wouldn't be an evil school without hidden passages." Cole said
"Or I could just destroy the door with my powers and save us the time and effort." (Y/N) suggested as the teachers stopped him
"No don't!." A male teacher yelled
"Why not?." Jay asked
"These boys, they know no limits, for all we could know behind that door, it could be boobytrapped." The male teacher explained paranoid
"Okay, so (Y/N) idea is out of the window." Cole said
"Okay then plan B, everyone. Look for a hidden switch. It could be anything, a book, a tile, a fixture." Kai said as they looked around, Jay pulls on a book
"I found it!." Jay said happily only for the roof to start lowering
"Wrong switch! Keep looking!." Kai yelled as they searched faster, Cole rotates a plant
"Aha!." Cole cheered only for spikes to appear on the roof, everyone gasps
"Oh, that is just so evil!." Cole yelled as they searched faster
"Normally I would have a sarcastic remark! But I honestly don't wanna die right now!." (Y/N) yelled as he searched
Zane tilts a lamp and a door opens
"This way!." Zane yelled as they all ran through the dark area
"Hahaha! Stop tickling me!." Jay laughed
"I'm not tickling you." Cole said
"Zane, can you give us some light?." Kai asked as Zane's head glows, as it's revealed the rooms covered in Spykors
"Is it too late to have the lights off again?." (Y/N) asked as everyone screams
Meanwhile with Lloyd, the kids try to brainwash him still, Lloyd getting annoyed of this decided to play along
"Haha. Come on, you can untie me. Really, this is just a huge relief. I couldn't stand being good. Ha. Thank you for saving me." Lloyd lied
"How do we know you're not lying to us just to escape and help the ninja." Brad asked suspiciously
"Well, if I am truly good, I wouldn't be able to lie, which I'm not, but even if I was, wouldn't lying make me evil, thus giving you assurance that you could release me?." Lloyd stated much to their confusion
"Uh... he's trying to trick us with mind games!." Brad yelled
Meanwhile the evil ninja laugh and destroy the school as they make their way through
"Someone coming." Brad said as he checked outside to see the evil ninja, he gasps
"The ninja escaped! Execute Doomsday formations! To glory! Spitball brigade, step forward." Brad ordered as they walked out
"Fire!." Brad yelled as they spitball at them, the ninja use a locker as a shield
"Smoke bomb brigade, step forward. Fire!." Brad ordered as they laugh dropping the smoke bombs
"Ninja! Go!." The evil ninja yelled using Spinjtizu to clear the smoke
"Dodgeball brigade, ready, fire!." Brad ordered as they threw dodgeballs at the evil ninja who grabbed them
"Our turn." Evil Kai said much to their worry
"Run!." Brad yelled as they evil ninja threw the dodgeballs at them
"Retreat!." Brad yelled as they tried to get away, Brad gets hit with a ball and falls, he is then grabbed by evil Kai
"Where are the ninja?." Evil Kai asked as Brad looked scared
Meanwhile with Lloyd, he is left alone in the room
"Oh, why don't always get tied up? Think I'd be pretty good with knots by now." Lloyd said trying to free himself, he then sees a lightbulb
"Okay, you can do this, Lloyd." Lloyd motivated himself as he concentrated his power of lightning on the bulb that shatters
"Haha, yes!." Lloyd yelled happily as he falls over and uses the shards to cut the ropes
"Haha! Finally! I'm free!." Lloyd cheered as the students came back
"Aww, no way! I escaped fair and square!." Lloyd yelled
"Heh, your friends are pure evil." Gene said smirking much to Lloyd's confusion
"What?." Lloyd asked confused
Meanwhile with the evil ninja, they head to the room the teachers and ninja were, but they only find it vacant
"What is this? Some kind of joke?." Evil Cole asked
"Oh I don't like jokes kid." Evil (Y/N) said as Brad looked scared
"Uh, that's were they were. Honest!." Brad pleaded
"Time for another noogie." The evil ninja said
"No, no! Anything but that!." Brad yelled, as he did the ninja and teachers come out of a door in the wall
"Ah, finally, a way out." Cole said thankful as Kai spotted their double gangers
"Guys, why are we starting at ourselves?." Kai asked
"Uh, this is kind of too weird for us. We're gonna stay in here." Noble said as they closed the door
"Ha, those who don't fight, teach." Jay said
"Drop the boy, uh, me!." Cole yelled at his double ganger
"He's of no use to us anymore." Evil Cole said as he dropped Brad who ran away
"Who are you guys?." Kai asked
"Your doom." Evil Kai said
"My early assessment tells me this must be Garmadons doing." Zane said
"My early assessment tells me you will be destroyed." Evil Zane said
"Hand us the purple ninja and your destruction will be swiftly." Evil (Y/N) said
"Yep this is Garmadons doing alright." (Y/N) said glaring at this double
"Ninja! Go!." The duo yelled as the charge each other and fight one another, as they do, they mimic each others hits, being completely even
Meanwhile with Lloyd who watches with the other boys
"See, I told you my friends and cousin wouldn't turn evil. The evil ninja must be my father's doing." Lloyd said smiling
"Fascinating. It's like fighting a mirror where the reflection countermoves in perfect sync and no one appears to be able to land a single blow." Gene said fascinated
"We have to help them." Lloyd said
"Just to be clear, which them." Gene asked smirking
"Uh, my friends, of course, uh I mean the evil ninja. Mwhahahahaha!." Lloyd tries to convince them only to be tied up again
"Ugh! Ugh! I am Lloyd Garmadon! Evil son of the super evil Lord Garmadon, and I demand you release me! Mwhahaha!." Lloyd tried to prove he was evil which no one believes
"Eh. Here's my theory on how to help the evil ninja destroy the good ninja." Gene said climbing a ladder and writing on a chalkboard fast
"Look what happens when positive energy connects with negative energy. So, if an evil ninja manages to compact a single blow against his opposite, that same spark should be so powerful as to eradicate the good ninja." Gene explained as he finished writing
"Trust me. I'm like, an evil genius." Gene smiled
"Okay, good enough for me." Brad said
"Ugh, alright you win, I'm good. But guess what? So is Brad." Lloyd said as Brad looks nervous
"That's a lie!." Brad gulps
"Is it? Then explain why on the day we first met you were nice to me. When I arrived here on my first day, I didn't know how things worked around here and everyone made fun of me. Brad even put fire ants in my bed." Lloyd said as Gene chuckles
"Hehehe. Yeah, I remember that. That was evil." Gene chuckled
"But when everyone was gone, he said he was just trying to teach me how things go. And after that, he took me under his wing, and he taught me the art of revenge." Lloyd explained as Gene looked at Brad
"Why would you do that?." Gene asked
"I wanted to get in good with his father." Brad lied
"No, it's because deep down, he's not all evil. And Brads not the only one. Face it, all of you have a secret good side that stays quiet out of fear, because it thinks it's alone. But it's not. And I'm living proof. So, who's with me?." Lloyd asked as Brad sighed
"It's true. And I love planting flowers." Brad admitted
"You what?!." Gene yelled in disbelief
"Also, the ninja saved my life. A kindness I plan to return." Brad said as he untied Lloyd
"Aw, my dad is gonna be so mad." Gene sighed
"Yeah, join the club. Now then, I have a plan. Who here can sew?." Lloyd asked as everyone gasps
"Sew?." Brad asked as Lloyd smirks, they soon make their ninja gi and suit up
"Ninja! Go!." Lloyd yelled as he donned his mask
Meanwhile outside the ninja fight each other
"Ugh, we're so evenly balanced....ugh....this fight could go on....forever." Jay groaned
"We can't give up. Keep fighting." Kai said as they kept fighting
(Y/N) fights his evil version
"I can do this all day." Evil (Y/N) said as (Y/N) sighed
"Yeah, I know." (Y/N) said as he kept fighting
"Ninja! Go!." The students yelled running out in their GI's as they helped fight the evil ninja
"Hey, it really is Ninja day!." Cole said surprised
"Oh, I see what they're doing! They're trying to confuse them!." Kai came to the realisation
"Yeah, but it's confusing me too." Jay said
"That's cause you'rere easily distracted!". (Y/N) yelled as Jay glared
"Just keep your focus." Zane said as he destroys his evil counterpart with Spinjtizu
"It works just like Gene says. If you can land a punch, they'll be defeated!." Lloyd yelled to the ninja
Cole kicks his evil variant and then punches him
"Aargh! Good riddance!." Cole yelled
"Don't think you can get rid of us that easily!." Evil Jay laughed at Jay
"Oh yeah?!." Jay yelled as he jumped behind his evil variant and furiously kicks him
"Ugh! Stay back!." Evil Kai yelled as he gets smockbombed in the eyes
"Aw, my eyes! I can't see!." Evil Kai yelled blinded as Kia punches him
"Ain't so bad." Kai said
(Y/N) fights evil (Y/N), Lloyd jumps over and kicks evil (Y/N) and knocks him down
"You know you can't prevent Garmadon from retrieving you Purple Ninja, he will get you one day, one day, very very soon, also hope your happy, I kissed Nya for you. Hahaha!." Evil (Y/N) laughed as (Y/N) punched his head
"Dude, shut up." (Y/N) said before coming to realisation what his double ganger did
"You did what?!." (Y/N) yelled
Everyone cheers for the ninja
"It worked Lloyd! You did it!." Brad smiled
"No, we did it." Lloyd smiled as the student cheer again, the teachers then walk out of the door in the wall
"Normally, we'd punish you for holding us captive, but I guess now that we've all learned a valuable lesson, I suppose it's cause for a celebration." Noble said smiling
"Uh, that wouldn't mean cake now would it?." Cole asked as everyone laughs, later the ninja drive in the Ultra Sonic raider while Cole flies the Ultra Dragon
"Oh, man. So great to have the tank back." Jay smiled
"You said it, mmm." Cole stuffed his face with cake
"Can't wait to hear what Sensei says when he hears about this." Kai said as Garmadon pops on screen
"So, it is true. You have destroyed my evil ninja." Garmadon said displeased
"Keep it coming Garmadon. Your attempts to stop us are only making us stronger." Kai said as Garmadon sighs
"But tomorrow is a new day, ninja. Mark my words, I will find new ways to finish you once and for al-
The screen malfunctions
"What? I can't hear you?." Kai said
"Nya will be displeased. She just repaired it and it appears it had already has to go back to the shop." Zane said
"Nah, it's not broken." Lloyd said as electricity surges down his arm as he switches the screen to a video game
"You did that? But it didn't blow up." Jay asked confused as Lloyd grabs a game controller
"Hey, you go to school, and sometimes you might pick up a thing or two." Lloyd said as everyone laughs
"Hey, (Y/N), I got you a controller, wanna play?." Lloyd asked as (Y/N) smiled
"Bring it on champ." (Y/N) smiled as the duo plays the video game as they ride home

Lego Ninjago The Purple Ninja (Male Reader)
ActionLong before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons, but when he passed a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon, so I, sensei Wu, his brother sought out four ninja to collect th...