The Elemental Masters and Garmadon ride on a blimp above the island
"What are you looking at, Zippy?." Jay asked Griffin who looked at Jay
"The next one out of the Tournament." Griffin said
"Uh, heh." Jay chuckled as he looked at his broken leg
"Why so scared to show us your back, shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?." Kai asked Shade
"I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back." Shade said as Mr Pale whistles
"Do you mind?." Skylor asked annoyed at Mr Pale
"Tensions are high." Garmadon said
"Yeah, not as high as we are now. Can hardly see the island from up here." Lloyd said looking down at the island, Neruo gets up from his spot and starts panicking
"I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?." Neruo asked as he opens the door to the control room, to find no one piloting
"Ugh!." Neruo yelled as everyone walked up to the room as Chen is on screen on a computer
"How do I know if this thing on? Oh, oh, oh, I see the light. Oh, oh I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem. Hello, final eight. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a JadeBlade, today you will be fighting for something different." Chen said as he shows them a video of Nya on the island wearing her Samurai X suit
"Nya." Kai said surprised
"You know her?." Skylor asked
"It's my sister." Kai said
"We have an uninvited guest in the island." Chen said
"And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen." Kai said
"Find her and you will automatically move on....
"The spell he plans to use when he takes our powers." Kai told her the final round!." Chen yelled
"He wants us all to hunt her down? She won't stand a chance." Jay said
"Then we have to find her before anyone else does." Lloyd said
"In ten seconds, the bottom will drop." Chen said as everyone gasps
"But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes." Chen said as they all ran to grab a parachute
"Sensei Garmadon is there? Shoot, that makes nine. Oh, well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo." Chen said as the floor almost opens
"That guys love for trapdoors is seriously getting on my nerves!." Lloyd yelled as everyone falls
"Lloyd, use your Energy Dragon!." Jay yelled, Lloyd tries to but fails
"I can't! I can't get it to work!." Lloyd yelled as Jay lands on Griffins parachute
"Get your own chute, Lead Foot." Griffin said as Jay grabs his own
"I got one! I got one! Hahah!." Jay laughed
"Your powers don't work because you aren't controlling your fear. Focus." Garmadon told Lloyd as Mr Pal steals Lloyd's parachute
"Control your fear. Don't let it control you. Centre yourself." Garmadon instructed, Neruo steals Kai's parachute
"Woah!." Kai yelled before grabbing another one
"There's only one parachute left." Kai said as Lloyd and Garmadon grab the last one
"We'll share." Lloyd said
"They're only built for one. This is an easy decision." Garmadon said
"You're right." Lloyd said as he opens the parachute for Garmadon before letting go
"What have you done?!." Garmadon yelled as Lloyd falls
"Control my fear." Lloyd said as he summons his dragon just as he hits the trees
"Huh. He made it!." Kai cheered
"Haha! Of course he did!." Jay cheered
"Atta boy!." Garmadons praised, Nya looks above and see the parachutes
"This doesn't look good." Nya said running off
Kai almost lands in a volcano
"Woah!." Kai yelled as he sighs, his parachute catches on fire
"Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow!." Kai yelled as Jay lands on a tree, he frees himself and falls
"Oh, that did not feel good." Jay groaned as Chen comes on the speakers
"Hail, combatants, I have left a few treats to help you in the hunt." Chen said as shade grabs some bow and arrow
"I hope you use them wisely." Chen said as he looks at Clouse
"Clouse, why i never had a mobile base? It's my new favourite toy. Hoo,hoo. There's so many buttons and surprises." Chen said as they are inside the D.B Express
"Like I'll ever trust a treat from you, Chen! Ouch. Ouch. Ouch!." Jay groaned as he sees a mech and gasps
"Okay, maybe just a small treat, ouch, ouch, ouch!." Jay groaned as he get on the mech
"Welcome, Master of Lightning." The mech said as it changes to blue
"Aah. Suddenly, my leg feels much better! I'm on my way, Nya!." Jay yelled
Lloyd meets up with Garmadon
"If we're going to find Nya before the others do, we got a lot of ground to cover." Garmadon said as Lloyd points behind Garmadon
"Look, Nyas footprints." Lloyd said
"Hmm, Nya is more clever than that. No, she wants everyone to follow these tracks. But only us to see this." Garmadon said as he points to a tree carving on it
"Samurai X symbol." Garmadon said
"Can I give you a lift?." Lloyd asked as he tries to summon his dragon
"Save your energy. It's best not to draw attention. Come on." Garmadon said as they walked away
Meanwhile in the Samurai X Cave, Miskao tries to call Nya and Dearth
"Nya, come in? Dearth? Can anyone read me?." Miskao asked
"Still no word?." Wu asked
"Nothing. We've lost all communication. How can you be so calm? My husband and son are out there all alone." Misako said
"As are my brother and pupils, but we must not fear cloud our thinking. Sensei Garmadon is there to guide them through this. I have to believe so." Wu said
Meanwhile underground, the Anacondrai cultist plan on how to find Zane and Cole
"Still no sign of Cole and that metal man?." A cultist asked
"They still haven't escaped the island. We'll find them. Search the labyrinth and lock this place down, and keep the location of the Purple Ninja on the low, we cant have anyone snitch on Cole and the metal man if they are helping them." Zugu said as they left
"All clear." Karlof said as Zane and Cole emerge from a barrel
"Okay, so that clarifies that Chen has (Y/N) and makes this slightly more complicated than before." Cole said
"But that means he is on top of the labyrinth, meaning we can escape without having to look for him." Zane said as Cole nodded
"Okay then, back to our plan of all of us getting out of here." Cole said as Zane projects a network of sewers
"Now, if we all tried to tackle the labyrinth, some of us would be sure to get lost, so that's not an option. But Zane here, he analysed the sewer network." Cole explained
"Sewer network? Isn't that stinky?." Karlof asked
"Hey, I'd blast my way out of here if I could, but all of our powers are gone." Cole said
"The sewer network is old and can only sustain so much weight. But after adding up all of our combined masses, the pipes will hold by the slimmest of margins." Zane explained
"Did anyone else understand that?." Karlof asked confused
"He mans it'll work." Cole said
"It'll work!." They all cheered as Dearth gets thrown into the factory
"Get to work." Sleven said as he closed the door
"Don't worry boys. The Brown Ninjas here. But before I rescue you, can anyone show me how to make a puffy potsticker? Cole, you're here. And Zane. Is that you? Boy, have you changed." Dearth said looking at Zane
"I'm not the only one, (Y/N) is alive." Zane said
"He is? Where is he?." Dearth asked
"Chen has him currently." Zane said
"Karlof hate to interrupt, but when metal friend say slimmest of margins, his slim?." Karlof asked
"Ugh, it won't work. Back to the drawing board." Cole groaned as Zane sighed
Meanwhile above ground, Lloyd and Garmadon look for Nya
"You said before that Master Chen was your Sensei, but nothing else." Lloyd said
"Son, there are things from my past that I am not proud of. Perhaps it's time for you to know the truth. After the Devourer bit me when I was a child, it took years for all the evil to fully consume me." Garmadon said as he becomes a younger Garmadon in a flashback
"Good Garmadon. Good Clouse. But you're both holding back. Might I add he who wins this fight shall become my right hand and be granted lordship?." Past Chen said as Past Clouse uses Dark Magic on some training equipment, Garmadon counters it with Spinjtizu
"He cheated, Master. You told us Spinjtizu was forbidden." Past Clouse said
"He did what he had to do to win. Congratulations, Lord Garmadon." Past Chen said as Garmadon smiled
"It was a time in our history when man and Serpentine were not getting along. As our sides clashed, we hoped for a truce. But not Chen." Garmadon said remembering the past
"Oh peace is so boring, but conflict and turmoil is so unpredictable and exciting." Past Chen said smiling
"But Master Chen, even the Anacondrai are making concessions. There could be a truce. There could be-
"Never trust a snake, Lord Garmadon. Remember that. Oh, don't look so sad, I've intercepted something that will make you feel better." Past Chen said as he pulls out a paper
"A love letter. Apparently your pathetic brother feels the same about that girl you admire." Past Chen said
"Miskao." Past Garmadon said looking at the paper
"His words are so heartfelt. They could swag how she feels about one of you." Past Chen said passing him the letter
"I didn't write this... I shouldn't be reading it!." Past Garmadon yelled
"Didn't you? It could be your name on it. Certainly you feel the same." Past Chen said as Past Garmadons eyes turned red as he signs it with his name, unaware past Clouse watches them
"Mom thought that letter was from you!." Lloyd yelled looking at Garmadon
"As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope into one day make peace with." Garmadon said
Inside the D.B Express, Chen presses a few buttons
"Master, if our men couldn't find her, why do you think they will fare much better? If the girl gets that spell to the ninja, all of our plans will be jeopardised." Clouse said
"Oh, Clousey Clouse. There's a reason why I'm the Master and you're the pupil. Why should I worry about the remaining fighters rising up against me, when after today there'll be no fighters remaining? The little treats I gave them are tracking their every move. This little game isn't about them hunting the girl, it's about hunting them." Chen laughs
"Master, you are a devious one." Clouse said as they share a laugh
In the forest, Nya is carving signs in the trees, she stops and hides when she hears something. Shade appears and a horn is sounded, Shade looks at the speaker as Clouse and some Cultist appears, Clouse goes up to shade
"Your time in this tournament has expired." Clouse said
"So the ninja were right all along. Chen was never gonna hand over that staff." Shade glared at them
"Only one can remain. And it will be Chen!." Clouse yelled as the cultist grab shade who shouts, Nya watches horrified
"Nya! Where are you?." Kai asked as he hears someone behind him
"Nya? Is that you?." Kai asked as he sets his hand on fire
"Whoever's there, I'm fired up." Kai threatened as Skylor approached
"It's just me." Skylor said
"Oh." Kai said putting his hand out
"I see you didn't pick up any of Chens special treats either." Kai said
"Of course not, like I'd ever trust him. And I wanna find her to help you get the spell and stop Chen once and for all." Skylor said as they held hands
"Maybe we should be together. Ahh, that didn't come out right, heh. I mean, it's a big island, so maybe if we were a couple- argh! No. Uh, heh. What I'm trying to say is, umm...
"You want me to help you find your sister. Of course, I'll follow you." Skylor said
"Heh. It's good to work with people you trust." Kai said smiling
"Yes, I couldn't agree more." Skylor said smiling
Eyezor and Clouse bring another Master in
"Two fighters down, six remaining. And this one was a bit hard to find." Clouse said as Mr Pale reveals himself
"Argh. You'll never get away with this Chen." Mr Pale said
"Are you serious? Where have you been? I've been getting away with it time and time again. Oh, take him away, he's boring" Chen said as Eyezor drags and Pale away
"Argh, You'd think they'd create a trapdoor in this thing." Chen said annoyed
"Master, Skylor is with Kai." Clouse said
"Good!." Chen smiled
"But we still don't know where Lloyd and Garmadon are." Clouse said
"Bad! Find them, Clouse. While you're at it, round up the rest of them." Chen ordered
Garmadon and Lloyd find another Samurai X symbol
"Father, I don't understand. You trained under Chen, yet you fought beside Wu in the wars. What happened to the truce?." Lloyd asked
"When Chen said. Never trust a snake. He was right. The serpentine struck first. The alliance of the Elemental Masters fought back. But they had never seen the likes of an Anacodrai warrior. They were bigger, smarter, natural leaders on the battle field. The Anacodrai were a proud tribe who fought with every ounce of venom. There was no greater warrior in the land. And with them in command, they proved to be too much for the alliance to handle." Garmadon told Lloyd as he remembered when they fought
"Charge!." The past Gravity Master yelled as they attacked
"We've taken the village, General Arcturus." The past Venomari general said bowing down
"Good. Only one can remain." Past Arcturus said
"Chen stood to gain more if he sided with the snakes and wanted me to help him. Though the evil in my veins tempted me, I wouldn't fight a war for him. I would only fight to see Miskao again. From then on, Chen and I went our separate ways so that I could join my brother in battle." Garmadon told Lloyd as a younger Garmadon and Wu marched along side the Elemental Masters against the Serpentine
"We were the sons of the First Spinjtizu Master. And together, with the Elemental Alliance, we stood a fight chance. But Chens influence changed all that. He found a way to turn the alliance against each other." Garmadon explained as some Elemental Masters betrayed the alliance
"The battle was all but lost. But in our darkest hour, we found hope." Garmadon said as his younger self found a sacred flute to hypnotise the snake
"And hope found a way to end the war." Garmadon said as the Elemental Masters used their Elemental Dragons to hypnotise the serpentine
"The serpentine were divided and locked away in tombs. Chen and Clouse were exiled." Garmadon said as the past Chen and Clouse leave on the ferry, inside a court, the Anacondrai generals beg for mercy
"We ask for mercy." Past Arcturus begged
"Mercy? Never heard of it." Past Mystake said
"And the Anacodrai generals were give the strictest sentence. Banishment to the Cursed Realm so that they will never set foot in Ninjago again." Garmadon said as the Past Generals get banished
"Even after all this time, you never told Wu about your past with Chen?." Lloyd asked
"What would I have said? I would have lost your mother, as well as my brother, not to mention-
"Someone once told me you need to control your fear, and not let fear control you." Lloyd quoted
"Hm, you're right. Once we put all of this behind us, I'll make things right. But first, we need to find Nya. Come on." Garmadon said as they kept moving
In the dungeons, Cole draws up a plan
"Argh. Okay, so maybe rolling ourselves up into giant egg rolls isn't the best plan. Anyone else have another idea?." Cole asked
"Karlof used to be aeronautical engineer back in Metalonia. Work on Roto Jets. Just one could take out entire army." Karlof said
"Oh, great idea. But two things. We don't have a Roto Jet, and what good is a jet if we're underground?!." Cole asked as Dearth grabbed some tools
"Okay, don't mind me, carry on whatever important business you're all doing." Dearth said
"Sure, we were only using that to hatch our escape. Dearth, what are you doing?." Cole asked
"Well, if there isn't a machine that makes puffy potstickers, by golly in gonna make one." Dearth said as Zane gets an idea
"That's it! Dearth, you've solved it." Zane smiled
"How are puffy potstickers gonna help us?." Cole asked
"Well her machine parts to build the Roto Jet. Karlof, do you still remember the schematics of it?." Zane asked
"Of course." Karlof nodded
"Then it's set. Karlof and I will create a blueprint. Everyone else, find parts." Zane said as everyone runs off
"But we're underground!." Cole yelled
Meanwhile above ground, Jay walks around the jungle
"Wrists tired. Must keep looking." Jay said as he spots the Samurai X symbol
"Nya!." Jay smiled as Clouse approached
"I'm sorry, your search ends here. Your time in the tournament is over!." Clouse yelled
"Magic's got wussies. I'll stick to good old nuts and bolts with a little ingenuity." Jay smirked
"You want ingenuity? Try this on for size!." Clouse yelled as he used his magic to create a rock mech
"Magic versus nuts and bolts." Clouse said as the duo fight
"Ha! Is that all the hocus-pocus you got?." Jay asked as Nya finds them
"Jay. Jay!." Nya yelled
"Nya! I've got my hands full at the moment. Did you find the spell?." Jay asked fighting Clouse
"Yes, it's right here! Chen plans to use everyone's Elemental Powers to-
"What?!." Jay yelled not being able to hear her
"Silence, girl!." Jay yelled
"Go, Nya! Tell the others! I can't hold him for long!." Jay yelled as Nya runs away, Clouse rips out some wires in jays mech
"Primary power obstructed. Automatic self detonation in five, four-
"Hehe. That's unfortunate." Jay said as he and Clouse looked worried
"Three... two...
Kai and skylor walk around and hear the explosion
"That could be Nya, come on." Kai said as he hops onto rocks
"Let me, I have a faster way." Skylor said as she freezes the pond, Kai stand there confused
"What are you waiting for? Your friends could be in trouble." Skylor said
"How did you just do that?." Kai asked
"I can absorb Elemental Power." Skylor said
"But the ice. Zane's never been in the tournament." Kai said as he puts two and two together
"You're the spy. You've seen Zane, that means you saw (Y/N) too! Do you have his powers too?!." Kai yelled
"I'm sorry, I had to obey my father or else-
"Chens your father?!." Kai yelled as he falls, Chen the appears
"Yes!." Chen yelled
"Ahh!." Kai screamed
"And now your time in the tournament is over, Master of Fire. Take him, skylor." Chen ordered
"Okay, dad." Skylor obeyed
"The reason you didn't have a tattoo was because you used the power of Form." Kai said getting up
"And now I'll use the power of Smoke." Skylor said as she escaped and stops Kai from using his Fire
"Do it, and we'll both go in." Skylor said as Kai lights his other hand
"No!." Skylor yelled
"Ninja! Go!." Kai yelled using Spinjtizu
"What are you doing?." Skylor asked
"Woah!." Chen yelled as he falls in the water
"Skylor! Help me!." Chen yelled
"Dad!." Skylor yelled helping him up, Kai tries to escape
"Enough of this." Chen said using Nature to trap Kai
Garmadon and Lloyd walk together as Nya runs into them
"Nya!." Lloyd yelled surprised
"They took Jay. They took everyone." Nya said rushed
"Slow down, Nya." Garmadon said
"You're the only left Lloyd. You're the only one who can stop it." Nya said
"Stop what?." Lloyd asked as Garmadon sees the spell
"A transformation spell. It can't be." Garmadon said
"Transformation? Transform into what?." Lloyd asked
"An army of Anacondrai. The tournament may be over, but the next Serpentine war may have just begun." Garmadon said
"And that's not all." Nya said
"What? What else is there?." Lloyd asked
"Chens planned something for you, he calls it, the Final act." Nya said
"Do you know anything about it?." Garmadon asked
"No, all I know is Lloyd has to fight someone." Nya said as they looked at Lloyd
"This is Chens final plan, we must prepare." Garmadon said
"No, we need to save the others." Lloyd said
"But what good is saving your friends if we head into Chens base of operations?." Garmadon asked
"Whoever it is, I won't lose to." Lloyd said determined
"Come on, we don't have much time, let's go." Nya said as Garmadon wondered what Chen had planned
Kai gets thrown with the other Masters
"Don't worry. Lloyd will come for us." Jay said
"We're planning on it." Chen smiled
"We're? Who else is with you on this?." Kai asked
"I may have one more surprise for you." Chen smiled as the D.B Express doors open, someone walks through as Jay and Kai gasps
"Losers, met the my champion for what I call the Final Act." Chen smiled as the person approached and glared at the ninja
"(Y/N)?." Jay asked his friend who only glared at them
"Final act? Oh no, Lloyd!." Kai yelled as Chen laughs evilly

Lego Ninjago The Purple Ninja (Male Reader)
ActionLong before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons, but when he passed a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon, so I, sensei Wu, his brother sought out four ninja to collect th...