Season 3 Episode 31: Enter the Digiverse

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Inside Borg Tower, PIXAL plugs a cord to herself while Cyrus works on the Digiverse
"I think we should put the main switch over here to keep it tucked away a little." Borg said moving the main switch
"With a little ingenuity and a few more coaxial cables, we may be able to reboot the system with the Techno Blades and erase the Digital Overlord for good." Cyrus said smiling
"I thought you said we needed the stolen hard drive to do that." Jay said looking confused
"I did. But that was before I truly understood the entire capabilities of what Zane's powers truly allow us." Cyrus said
"And what is that?." Kai asked pointing at the chairs
"A chance to enter remotely. By the time we figure out where Lloyd and (Y/N) is, it'll be too late to stop the Overlord from draining their Golden and Ultimate Destruction Power." Cyrus explained
"And escaping the Digiverse?." Nya asked
"Exactly. But if we digitise the ninja and Techno Blades using my experimental technology, you could fight him on his own turf inside the Digiverse." Cyrus explained as Zane stared at the screen
"What do you mean inside the Digiverse?." Jay asked
"Ugh, weren't you listening? He's going to put us into the video game." Cole said annoyed
"I know, heh, I just wanted to hear it again!." Jay smiled
"But, Mr. Borg, if anything were to happen to them inside the program-
"Of course. Every step into the unknown has its dangers." Cyrus said
"What dangers? What is she talking about?." Kai asked
"You know how in video games you get multiple lives?." Cyrus asked
"Yeah, woah." Jay said hopping on his chair
"It's not like that." Cyrus said much to jays disappointment
"Oh." Jay said
"Presto! We're up and running!." Cyrus smiled as the elevator opens and the Postman leads the citizens inside
"Aha! You see? Borg is holding out on us. He does have power." The Postman smirked
"Oh, this is no time for more post-apocalyptic role playing, Postman." Cyrus said annoyed
"This isn't a game anymore. We heard about the Nindroid activity. What if they come back? We need power to defend ourselves. And I wanna catch up on my shows." The Postman said
"Would you like to play a game?." The computer asked
"They are playing a game. Take back the power!." The Postman yelled as they started trying to take stuff
"No, stop!." Cole yelled
"We're trying to help you!." Kai yelled, only for the fighting to stop as Golden and Purple surround them
"Uh." Jay looked confused
"Where's all the power coming from?." Nya asked
"Golden and Ultimate destruction power. It's already begun. The Overlord has started the transference." Cyrus said as the Nindroids approached
Meanwhile in the MechDragon, Lloyd and (Y/N) groans as their powers get extracted
"Soon you both will be utterly powerless. And I will escape this digital prison and become whole, and nothing will stop me from becoming the Golden Master!." The Overlord yelled
"You'll never win!." (Y/N) groaned as the Overlord laughs
"Oh, but I already have, and when I return whole, you'll serve me like you should have all those years ago, and you will not betray me. Again!." The Overlord yelled
The ninja realised that they are now surrounded by Nindroids who approached, led by Tech Wu and Pythor
"Quick, PIXAL. We must isolate our server. If he finds out our plan to use the Techno Weapons remotely, the ninja won't stand a chance." Cyrus said
"Isolating server, sir. We have an abnormal mass of power signatures." PIXAL said as the Nindroids got closer
"Aah! They're already here. Initiate lockdown." Cyrus said as he activated a barricade around Borg Tower
"The Techno Blades are on the top floor. What are you waiting for? Get rid of that door." Pythor ordered as Cryptor goes to destroy the door with his machine
"Be seated ninja. There isn't much time." Cyrus said as the ninja sits down
"Do something useful and make sure those Nindroids don't get up here. If you ever wanna see your favourite shows again, you better get downstairs, now!." Nya yelled at the citizens who do so
"Once we're inside, what do we do?." Zane asked
"Put simply, reboot the system. All source code travels through the heart of the mainframe. Follow it and you'll find a glowing activation port. The Techno Blades are the keys to activate the reboot and erase all corruption from the system." Cyrus explained as he readies the ninja
"Uh, can you put it more simply?." Kai asked
"Look for a big bright light, Airhead, then put your weapon in it." Cole said
"Okay, got it. I can do that. Hey! I'm not an airhead." Kai glared at Cole
"Remember, I wrote the code, but he controls it. His turf, his rules. I'll do my best to keep you hidden from here, but the longer you go unnoticed, the better chance you have to succeed." Cyrus said
"Be careful in there." PIXAL said looking at Zane
"I will come back to you." Zane smiled at her
"Prepare for entry." Cyrus said
"How do we know this is really gonna work and won't disintegrate us instantly?." Kai asked
"Hm. I'm not sure. Let's see." Cyrus said sending them into the Digiverse
"Aaah! I HATE TECHNOLOGY!." Kai yelled as they entered the Digiverse, they groan as they look around
"Aargh, See? I told you it wouldn't work." Kai said standing in Borg Tower
"I think it did. Look." Cole said looking around, Zane touches the wall revealing the coding for Borg Tower, he gasps
"This is most definitely the Digiverse." Zane said wowed
"And this is most definitely awesome!." Jay looked excited
"Oh, it's like a dream." Cole said as Jay punches him
"Ow! What was that for?." Cole asked
"Just testing the rules. First rule. Cole's a crybaby." Jay said
"We know we can still get hurt in the Digiverse. Let's stay on task. We have the keys. Now let's find that activation point." Zane said as they activated their Techno Blades and point them upwards
Meanwhile back in the real world, the Nindroids break through the barricade, before they could enter, the postman leads the citizens to attack
"Our favourite shows will continue!." The Postman yelled as they attacked
Meanwhile in the MechDragon, Lloyd and (Y/N) continue to have their powers extracted, Lloyd groans as he falls to his knees
"Lloyd!." (Y/N) yelled trying to break the pod
"Keep trying all you like my creation, it only makes me stronger!." The Overlord laughed
(Y/N) tries to stand but falls to his knees
"You are both all alone, nothing can save you both now, accept it my creation, when you are drained, I will try again with you, and I won't stop until you are perfected to what you were meant to be!." The Overlord laughed
Meanwhile on the Top Floor of Borg Tower, PIXAL checks the ninjas vitals
"Vitals are strong." PIXAL said
"So far, so good. He hasn't detected them yet." Cyrus said thankfully
Meanwhile in the Digiverse, the ninja step on a ledge outside of the tower
"Borg was right. The source code appears to be moving towards the same location." Zane said
"Then let's follow it Kai said
"Easier said then done." Cole said looking down at the ground
"Aren't you forgetting, we're in a video game, whoo-hoo!." Jay yelled jumping off the tower and lands safely on the ground
"Haha, second rule. Video games rule!." Jay yelled laughing
"How did you do that?." Kai asked
"Just imagine it!." Jay yelled as Cole and Zane jump off
"Whoo-hoo!." Cole yelled
"Woah!." Zane yelled as they safely land, Kai stays on the ledge
"Just image." Kai said as his head inflates
"Huh? What's happening?." Kai asked
"You gotta clear your mind." Jay yelled up to him
"Uh, huh, you were the one who called me an airhead!." Kai yelled at Jay
"Uh, no, it was me actually." Cole corrected
"Stop being so self-conscious and jump!." Jay yelled as Kai falls
"Aah!." Kai screamed
"See? He is such an airhead." Jay said
Meanwhile in the real world, Borg checks on their progress on a computer
"They're doing it. They're mastering the digital world. I must buy them more time-
Just a Borg went to do something, his artificial legs break in and attack Borg
"Aah! My legs! They're back!." Borg yelled as he tried to fight back, Nya then attacks the legs
"Stay with them! If the Overlord finds them in the system. It's all over!." Nya yelled
"He's already found them." PIXAL said
Meanwhile in the Digiverse, Cole examines the code further
"Everything is flowing to the bottom of the building." Cole said
"The ashes of the Overlord." Kai said
"You mean when Lloyd and (Y/N) defeated him in the Ultimate battle?." Jay asked
"It must be where the corruption all started." Zane explained
"We're close. Let's go." Kai said as they tried to move off the platform, only to realise they are stuck, they soon get pulled into the ground
"Argh! Who's imagining this? I can't move my feet." Jay said as they tried to get free
"Not me." Cole defended himself
"Me neither." Zane said defending himself
"Well, don't look at me." Kai said defending himself
"You think you can come into my world and get rid of me?." The Overlord asked as Zane tried to reach for a crane
"I can't get out. I can't reach it." Zane struggled
"Uh, I have a sinking feeling this is it guys." Jay said worriedly as they keep sinking
"The ninja, they're being consumed by the corrupted program." PIXAL said looking at them
"We're all a bit consumed." Nya said fighting the artificial limbs as the tv shows the postman
"We couldn't stop them. They're coming up! This time, the postman does not deliver!." The Postman yelled as he gets attacked by a Nindroid
"Uhh! Go, these are my legs, and my problem." Cyrus grunted
"I'll try to hold the rest of them back."  Nya said leaving
"PIXAL. Listen to me closely. You need to bypass the main subnet and, argh, overwrite the existing corrupted code." Cyrus groaned fighting back
"Yes sir." PIXAL said as she controls the crane and saves the ninja as they fully sink
"I temporarily altered the corrupted code. Hurry, I can only resist him for so long." PIXAL spoke through the speaker as the crane explodes
"We have to get to that activation port, quick!." Cole yelled
"Ugh, it's all downhill from here!." Jay yelled
"Just because your friend thinks she can change the rules doesn't mean I can't play the same game! THIS IS MY WORLD!." The Overlord yelled as the world rumbles
"What's happening?." Cole asked
"I spoke too soon!." Jay yelled as the Overlord tilts the tower upside down and laughs evilly
"Look out, Jay!." Zane yelled as they held on and dodged oncoming objects that fell
"Everybody okay?." Cole asked as they hanged on
"More incoming!." Jay yelled as they saw a car fall down with other objects
"Follow the car into the building, then we- woah!." Zane yelled as they made it into the building
"Ugh, well, that gives us a new perspective." Kai said groaning
Meanwhile inside the real world Borg Tower, Pythor, Tech Wu and the Nindroids enter the tower, they encounter Nya
"I'll give you one chance to surrender." Nya glared at them as Cryptor laughs
"Cute." Cryptor laughed
"I hate it when people other than (Y/N) call me cute." Nya said as the Samurai X mech destroys the window and Nya jumps in as it does, she then attacks them
"Huh! Would you look at that? You made me break a nail." Nya said as she attacks the Nindroids, while Tech Wu and Pythor escape
Meanwhile in the upside down Digiverse, the ninja climb upwards
"Ugh, hey. We're not thinking big enough. Why climb when we could do this?." Jay asked as he imagines his Thunder Raider and drives upwards
"That kid plays too many games." Kai said
"Jays right. Forget this!." Cole yelled as he summoned his mech
"Okay, you can do this, Kai. You can." Kai said as he jumps off and creates his jet, but it disappears
"Aah! I can't do it! I can't do it! I can't do it!." Kai yelled as Zane catches him
"Gotcha." Zane said riding his Ninja-Copter
"Let's get to the top." Cole said
"You mean bottom." Jay said
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as they moved to the corruption
Meanwhile on the Top Floor of the real Borg Tower, Borg fights his legs, but notices Tech Wu and Pythor in the room
"Argh! Ugh! Oh, no, PIXAL, protect the ninja." Cyrus said
"No!." PIXAL yelled saving Zane as she attacks and disarms Wu and Pythor, outside, a Nindroid grabs Cyrus
"Argh! PIXAL. It's all up to you now!." Cyrus yelled as he gets pulled out
Meanwhile, the ninja destroy several jets
"The data filters into the ground! The heart of the system must be behind it." Cole said
"Then let's be surgical about this." Jay said
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as they destroyed the floor and entered it
"The reboot activation port! It can't be that easy, can it?." Kai asked seeing the central reboot port
"I'm not gonna stand around to find out." Cole said as they jumped over to it with their Techno Blades
"Let's hack this thing." Kai said as they placed their Techno Blades in the reboot port
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as the Digital Overlord appears and stops the reboots, he captures Jay
"Enough! You may have beat my program, but you cannot beat me!." The Overlord yelled
"He's blocked the reboot signal. We have to complete the circuit." Zane explained
"Uhh! We have to move him?." Jay asked
"We can try." Kai said
"And you can fail!." The Overlord yelled
Meanwhile, PIXAL accidentally hits Tech Wu next to the main switch
"Turn off the master switch." Pythor ordered as Tech Wu went to
"No. The ninja will be left behind in the program forever." PIXAL explained
"Just like they left me in ghettos Devourer. Do it!." Pythor yelled as Wu went to, but Garmadon, disguised as a Nindroid runs in and throws Wu off the tower, he takes the hood off and looks at Pythor
"You're back." PIXAL said surprised
"But your oath! You said you'd never fight." Pythor said confused
"When you too my son and nephew, all bets were off." Garmadon said as he goes to attack Pythor, he kicks and punches him
"You're too late. Your son and nephew is already ours." Pythor said as he escaped on a Hover-Copter, Garmadon then sees Wu on the crane and goes after him
"Sorry, brother, it ends now." Garmadon said as Wu looks at him
"Sweet dreams." Tech Wu said as they went to attack each other
Meanwhile, the ninja plan how to move the Overlord
"Fools! All your existence, you have been powered by a lie...
"I got him! I got him!." Jay yelled
.....that the good guys always win." The Overlord said
"He's too big." Kai said
"Sadly, they don't, my creation will know that soon." The Overlord said
"We cannot fail." Zane said
"I have the power now. Technology has made me infinite!." The Overlord yelled
"You let me go, you overgrown- woah! Argh!." Jay groaned as the Overlord threw him
"The Golden and Purple Ninja are mine!." The Overlord yelled
Meanwhile in the MechDragon, Lloyd and (Y/N) are stuck in the chamber still
"I am not alone. I am not alone." Lloyd said
"We are not alone. We are not alone." (Y/N) said
"You are not alone." Zane heard Lloyd and (Y/N) in his head
"We are not alone." Lloyd and (Y/N) said
"Lloyd? (Y/N)? You're wrong Overlord. Good guys may not always win, but they never give up." Zane said as his GI turns golden
"If we can't move him, go around him." Zane said as he got on top of the Overlords head
"What? Zane, you're gold." Kai looked confused
"Exactly. Even in the darkness, we have the choice to reflect the light. Cole, get into the light." Zane said
"Ugh, you're a genius. Catch the light, Jay." Cole said as his GI turned gold
"Kai, run to your position." Jay said as his GI turned gold
"I'm too big to fail now." The Overlord said
"Cole on, Kai. You can do it. Just believe." Jay said
"How can I? This is not my world." Kai said
"Now, too little, too late. I won't allow!." The Overlord yelled as Kai looks down
"What Zane's powers truly allow." Cyrus said in Zane's mind as Kai looks up and raises his arms
"I allow myself!." Kai yelled as his GI turned gold allowing the light to spread to each ninja
"System reboot initiated." The computer said
"No, no! NOOO!." The Overlord yelled as he was destroyed
In the real world, the robots that were fighting against the citizens had their lights turned green again, the robots then attacked the Nindroids as they cheered
"They delivered." The Postman smiled
Wu and Garmadon keeps fight, Garmadon gets knocked off and holds onto the edge of the platform, Tech Wu goes to punch him, but he turns back to normal
"Brother?." Wu looked confused as he saves Garmadon before he falls
"Brother." Garmadon smiled
Nya meanwhile fights the Nindroids and defeats them
"They rebooted the system. Switch your power offline. I look forward to our second date." Cryptor said
"Thanks, but not interested, I have someone in mind already." Nya said as they left
PIXAL pushes the button and brings the Ninja back
"I'm just Zane." Zane said as PIXAL hugs him
"You're back!." PIXAL cheered
"You're so much more then just Zane." Kai smiled
"You didn't it!." Nya smiled
"You all did it." Wu said as he and Garmadon entered the
"Oh, Sensei, you're back!." Jay smiled
"I knew you'd be back." Kai smiled
"So the system is completely clear?." Zane asked as PIXAL checks
"There is no evidence of the Digital Overlord. He is erased." PIXAL said as everyone cheered except for Garmadon
"But what about Lloyd and (Y/N)?." Garmadon asked
Meanwhile on the MechDragon, it gets set ablaze as Lloyd and (Y/N) are freed from their chambers
"Losing altitude. Impact in T-Minus 10, 9, 8....
"We have to get off this thing." (Y/N) said as he used his powers which were very weak to destroy a hole in a wall, they jumped out and fall into the sea as the MechDragon falls into the sea
Meanwhile, the ninja set up a communication device
"Lloyd, (Y/N)? Are you there? Do you read me?." PIXAL asked
"We're here. We're alright." Lloyd said
"Son, nephew where are you?." Garmadon asked
"Dad? You're alive!." Lloyd cheered
"I'm not the only one." Garmadon smiled as Wu smiled
"Hello my dear nephew and son." Wu said
"Dad! You're back to normal!." (Y/N) laughed happily
"It's good to be back son." Wu smiled
"Where are you guys?." Nya asked
"Uh, we're in some remote island." (Y/N) said
"Stay where you are, we're picking you both up." Garmadon said
"Ah good, cause uh, our powers are a little spent." Lloyd said as everyone laughs, PIXAL looks at Cyruses wheelchair
"Don't worry, we'll find him. And when we stop Pythor, all of this will be over." Zane smiled
"I hope not." PIXAL said
Meanwhile in the sea, the Overlords hand emerges up on physical form
"I am free! Free!." The Overlord laughed evilly

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