Season 3 Episode 27: The Surge

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"The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden and Purple Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago city was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past, and build for our future." Kai narrated as a photo of the ninja and their allies take a photo together after the Final Battle, now people rebuild Ninjago City
"Great work people. Together we can do it. Transportation group, align with engineering." Cyrus said as he watched the construction take place
"Ninjago city soon became New Ninjago City. And it became the centre of great technological advancements. But without an enemy to fight, the age of the ninja came to an end." Kai narrated as the clip Kai showed changes to a bathroom where Jay records while Kai is heard scatting, it stops and Kai pokes his head out and noticed Jay
"Hey! How about a little privacy, you-
Kai stops the clip as he is seen inside a classroom wearing a suit operating a film projector
"Woah! This ain't supposed to be in here. Lights please!." Kai asked as the students began giggling as he can't turn of the projector
"Ugh! Seriously?." Kai asked as a student busted into the classroom
"Come quick! Mr. Zane's on the fritz!." The student said as they ran out and find Zane shorting out, the students laugh
"Up. No, down. Woah!." Zane yelled as his head spins
"What's going on here?." Cole asked entering
"Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and he's controlling Mr.Zane." Sally said as Zane whimpers
"How do you turn this thing off?." Cole asked grabbing it
"Hurry up, Cole. My liquid spirit level is making me less level." Zane said as Cole smashes the remote and Zane stops, he sighs in relief
"Ah." Zane sighed
"Mr. Cole is the worst." Brad groaned as they students groan
"I heard that." Cole said as a bell rings and the kids run out bumping Cole out of the way
"Unh! Ah, recess. My favourite time." Cole sighed
Outside kids play as it is revealed that Darkeys has been brought by the ninja and is now called Wu's academy, inside the ninja are in the teachers lounge
"All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it." Jay asked as Cole scoffed it down
"I didn't see Motor Mouth on it." Cole said as Jay got annoyed
"I'm telling the Headmaster." Jay said as Wu walks to a machine to pour himself some tea
"Leave me out of it. I'm on break too." Wu said
"Relax Jay, you can have mine." Kai said tossing it to Jay
"But this isn't cold." Jay said as Zane flips a switch and his arm freezes the cup
"Oh, give me. Mm." Jay said eating a bit of the pudding
"Is anyone else chapped out that Lloyd and (Y/N) gets to be the Golden and Purple Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? Ah. I miss out elemental weapons." Jay said
"If my memory serves me correctly, (Y/N) didn't leave with Lloyd, he said he had, personal things to work out." Zane said
"All the same really." Jay said eating more pudding
"Hi, miss Nya. I like your dress. Miss Nya." A boy said as Nya entered the teachers lounge
"Why is that when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?." Nya asked
"Hi, Miss Nya. I saved you some pudding." Jay said walking up to her
"What did we talk about?." Nya asked
"Oh, right. Boundaries." Jay smiled awkwardly
Nya shook her head before looking at the others
"Hey, did you guys hear the news?." Nya asked
"There's trouble?." Kai asked
"Danger?." Jay asked
"An emergency?." Zane asked
"Oh, a new menace?." Cole asked all expecting something
"No, we got clearance for a field trip." Nya smiled as they groaned
"Not just any field trip. A field trip to tour Borg industries." Nya said
"Ah! Not the Borg industries. As in home to super genius reclusive event Cyrus Borg? Inventor of the hover car and everything else cool in this world?." Jay asked as Zane kicks him, making Jay groan
"Who cares about Cyrus Borg? If you ask me, people should concern themselves with the lessons of the past. Not waste their time on the disposable fads of tomorrow when-" Kai groaned as he realised they left
The ninja and students gather on the bus outside
"Why can't we take the Ultra Dragon? Or the Ultra Sonic Raider?." Brad asked
"Because they don't have one of these." Cole said grabbing a microphone
"Pretty cool, huh? I'm on a microphone. I am the MC. The might Cole." Cole said through the microphone dancing
"Mr. Cole is the worst." Brad crossed his arms as Cole turned around
"I heard that." Cole said angrily as he sat down
"So we really are going back to the city. We haven't been there since- well, you know." Kai said as they understood
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We only have today. Or else this offer expires. Get a move on Nya." Wu said
"Aye aye Sensei." Nya said as she drove off
The ninja and students arrive at New Ninjago City, they wow as they drive by seeing the futuristic ascetics
"Welcome to New Ninjago city. The future is what we make it." Cyrus said on Tv
"Wow. You leave town a short while and- ahh!." Nya accidentally crashed the bus into the postman
"Ugh! Who here still uses wheels anymore? Get with the program!." The postman yelled
"Don't worry, we'll free you up. Time for some old-school muscle tool." Cole said as he goes outside and lifts up the Postman's van, freeing him from the bus as a robot approached
"Stand back, pedestrian." The robot said much to Cole's annoyance
"Who you calling pedestrian?." Cole asked
"It appears our help is not wanted." Zane said as the robot frees the Postman
"Well, I prefer travelling the old-fashioned way. On foot. Besides. It's not like we can't find where we're going." Wu said as they approached Borg tower, as they entered through, Kai repeatedly gets squished by the automatic doors, PIXAL then approached the ninja
"Welcome to Borg industries. I'm PIXAL, Cyrus Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form. I'm sorry to hear about the traffic accident." PIXAL apologised
"Wow, news travels fast." Cole said
"Everything in New Ninjago City is fully automated and interconnected. Your antiquated bus should be ready shortly. You are Zane, a droid like me. What does Zane stand for?." PIXAL asked Zane
"I stand for peace, freedom and courage in the face of all who threaten Ninjago." Zane said as Jay slaps him on the back of the head
"She means your name, tin head." Jay cleared up
"I guess I'm just Zane." Zane smiled
"Permission to scan?." PIXAL asked
"Uh... permission granted?." Zane answered confused as she scans him
"Heh, check it out. Zane has an admirer." Jay said as PIXAL finishes scanning him
"Your hardware is outdated and your processor is slow and incompatible with ours. Peculiar. All droids must recharge our batteries, yet curiously. I'm unable to locate your energy source. What powers you?." PIXAL asked
"I, uh... I don't know." Zane stuttered
"Mr Borg would like to see the ninja on the 100th floor. If the others would follow me for the rest of the tour." PIXAL said as Kai finally gets free from the door
"Seriously?." Kai asked as he goes after the others who are in the elevator
"Hey, Zane, you with us?." Cole asked Zane who stopped staring at PIXAL and catches up with them as they enter the elevator scans them
"Black Ninja, Blue Ninja, Red Ninja, White Ninja, Golden Ninja not identified, Purple Ninja not identified. Wait for action." The elevators computer said
Meanwhile the others go on a tour, PIXAL brings them into a room filled with different VR video games and giant display screens
"Mr. Borg believe technology is the key to making our dreams come true." PIXAL explained as the students gasp
"Woah! Cool beyond cool!." Brad smiled
"Awesome." A boy said amazed
"Uber-mega. I'm, like, wow!." Brad gawked as the other students chatter
"Even now, he is working on a Digiverse where the gamer will be digitally scanned in to take gaming to another level." PIXAL explained
"Woah! They have a Perfect Match console!." Sally said pointing at it
"What's perfect match?." Nya asked
"It's the latest craze. It find your perfect partner with flawless results. You should try it, Miss Nya." Sally said as Nya steps on the machine
"I doubt a machine could know someone's-
"Hello, Nya. You are an independent, self confident young woman who refuses to be in a boys club. Analysing match now." The computer said as they waited
"Of course it's gonna be Mr. Jay." Marla said
"No, it's going to be the Purple Ninja, haven't you heard her talk about him?." Mary asked
"Oh yeah, Mr. (Y/N), I heard he and Miss Nya have a past." Sarah said as a hologram pops up with Cole and they all gasp
"Promise you will not tell anyone." Nya asked as the ninja arrived to the 100th floor
"I would've guessed ninja to sneak through in a window, not use the elevator." Cyrus said
"Ah! Oh, my gosh. Are you-Are you-?." Jay asked wowed
"Cyrus Borg? Yes. Unfortunately, when my parents gave me a name like that, my future in technology was predetermined." Cyrus said as he revealed his robotic spider legs, they looked shocked as Jay chuckles nervously
"Ah, yes, these. Sadly I've been disabled all my life. But it's nothing my mind couldn't fix. Speaking of which, my deepest condolences Zane. I heard about your father. Oh, he was a brilliant mind. He would have fit right in." Cyrus said to Zane
"Thank you. But loss is inevitable." Zane said
"Today maybe, but not tomorrow. Technology making the impossible possible. The only limit to our potential is that which we don't dream." Cyrus said as Kai looked around
"Isn't this the same place the Overlord was destroyed? Who dreamed up the idea of building a corporate headquarters here?." Kai asked
"Ah, what a better way to send a message to evil that we won't cower to anyone. I see. Or better yet. I don't see the Golden and Purple Ninja." Cyrus said looking at them
"Oh, their hands are a bit full, but we can tell them to stop by when we see them." Cole offered
"No, no, no. I'm glad it's just you four. I wanted to give you a gift." Cyrus said as he walks over to something that is covered in a green cloth
"A gift? Won't say no to that. It wouldn't happen to be cake, would it?." Cole asked hopeful as Cyrus revealed it to be a golden statue of himself
"The future is what we make it." The recording of Cyrus said
"Ha. So no cake." Cole said
"Oh, wow. A statue. Of yourself." Kai said confused trying not to be rude
"I know. How cool is that?." Jay asked as Cyrus whispered to Kai
"Please. Protect them with your life. All of Ninjago depends on it." Cyrus whispered to Kai's confusion
"Protect? Protect what?." Kai asked as a security camera zoomed in at them
"You were right. I should never have built here. You must go. He's listening." Cyrus said as he walked away smiling nervously
"Uh, I'm sorry to cut this short, but there's things to invent. I hope you can show yourselves out." Cyrus said as the ninja lift up the statue while Kai looked suspicious
"Ah, okay. Of course. A little help?." Cole asked Kai
"Oh, yeah." Kai said as he helps carry it as they walked into the elevator
"Guys, something weird is up with Borg." Kai said
"They're called artificial limbs, Kai. I know you hate machines, but you don't have to be rude. We're his guests." Jay said defending Borg
"I mean he was acting suspicious. Like he was scared. He said we had to protect them with our lives." Kai said
"Them who?." Cole asked confused
"I don't know, but-"
"Ahh!." Cole yelled as they dropped the statue and it breaks
"Oh great, now look what you've done." Jay said looking at Kai as Zane noticed something
"It's hollow. There's something inside." Zane said as they pull out ninja GI's
"Huh. Why would he he give us new ninja outfits? Guys, hate to admit it, but maybe Kai is onto something." Cole said as Kai picked up two Technoblades
"And what exactly are these?." Kai asked as the computer identified them and blared and alarm
"Techno Blades located. Apprehend. Will the assailants please stand down and drop the Techno blades?." The computer asked
"First you call us pedestrians, and now we're assailants?." Jay asked confused at the computer as Zane presses some buttons
"Nothing works. Perhaps a malfunction?." Zane asked
"Guys, these must be the Techno Blades. We have to protect them with our lives." Kai said
"Have it your way. Goodbye." The computer said as it drops and hurtles towards the ground
"Let the elevator have the Techno Blades, Kai! I think it's made its point!." Jay yelled
"We have to get off this thing!." Cole yelled as Kai spotted a hatch on the top of the elevator
"Going up?." Kai asked as he breaks the top
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled using Spinjtizu to get out, Zane peers over the elevator and smiles
"There!." Zane yelled as they jump onto a passing elevator
Ok the ground to security guards stand
"Ah, I'm bored." The security man said
"Really? Well, me too actually." The second security man said smiling just as the elevator crashed and explodes
The ninja pant as they stand on the new elevator
"Looks like we just quit our day jobs." Cole said
"Oh, my gosh! Our students!." Jay yelled as they remembered the others
Inside PIXAL gives a tour of
"And this factory line where-
"This will be the end of your tour." PIXAL said as the machines turned on them
"Stay back and stay together." Nya said grunted as Wu held back the machines
"This way. There's a way out!." Brad yelled as they ran to it, only for machines to go after them, they whimper
"No! Don't break formation! Why don't boys ever listen to me?." Nya asked as she kicks off a robot that tries to harm them
The ninja meanwhile jump out of the elevator, in their new GI's and Techno Blades
"Heh. I gotta say it. I love the new threads." Jay said as three robots show up
"Oh yeah? Two can play at this game!." Kai yelled trying to activate the weapon, only for nothing
"What's with these things? How do we turn them on?." Kai asked
"Here, let me try." Zane said as he hits it on the wall
"It's not sharp. Why even call it a Blade?."  Zane asked as a robot fires at the Ninja but missed and hits the window behind them instead
"Oh snap." Jay said as the window breaks and pulls the ninja outside of the building, Cole grabs onto a rope and the others hold onto him
"Grab on! Ready to crash the party, boys?." Cole asked as they go to smash the window only for it not to break, they slide off and fall
They groaned as they slip off and they scream only to get saved by an aerial work platform with a cleaning robot, it then throws the window cleaner at Jay
"Ow!." Jay groaned
Inside the building, the Overlord appears on the screens as Borg walks around scared
"You fool. You tried to give them the only thing that could defeat me and thought I wouldn't notice? I'd get rid of you if I didn't still need you. Don't think to ever betray me again." The Overlord said
"Of course not. I promise. I promise!." Cyrus yelled
"A promise isn't good enough." The Overlord said as he controls Borgs robot legs which make him back up as four robotic arms grab Borg and put him on a table, the robot hands coming towards him
"No! No! Don't. Let me go! No. Please. No more." Borg whimpered as robotic components are put on him
Outside, the ninja slowly lower themselves on the platform by rope
"And that's when Borg said he was listening." Kai explained what happened
"Do you really think it's the Overlord?." Jay asked
"But how? We all saw Lloyd and (Y/N) defeat him." Cole said
"Defeat, yes. But can he be destroyed?." Zane asked as a Hover-copter pulls up to them
"I don't know, but we can." Jay said
"Cole, throw me." Zane said much to Cole's surprise
"Excuse me?." Cole asked
"Throw me!." Zane yelled as Zane threw him onto the Hover-copter, he grabs the Techno Blade and hacks the Copter
"What just happened?." Kai asked
"The Techno Blade must've hacked the tower-copters system! Zane controls it!." Jay said
"Cool!." They all wowed
Meanwhile inside the factory, Nya and Wu fight off the machines
"Run! Jump and kick!." Nya yelled as she guides the students and Wu through the robots
"Everyone get to the window." Wu said as the conveyor belt they stand on starts taking them to a garbage incinerator
"How do we stop it?." Nya asked as the ninja pull up on the Ninjacopter, carrying the aerial platform with them
"We need to get everyone to the bus. I have an idea." Kai said as they destroyed the conveyor belt power
"Come on kids, jump on board." Cole said as they ran on to the platform, Nya runs to it only to be grabbed by PIXAL
"This will be the end of your tour." PIXAL said as Nya kicked her head and runs and jumps onto the copter
"Come on, she's one of them. We have to go!." Nya yelled as Zane pilots them away, he looks at PIXAL one last time before leaving to the bus
"Get to the academy as fast as you can sis. We need the Golden and Purple Ninja." Kai said
"What about you guys?." Nya asked
"We must protect the people." Wu said as a traffic light alternates between green and red before turning full red and attacking a pedestrian who yells
A hover car goes haywire and starts spinning as the passengers scream, a vacuum chases a woman  who screams
A security mechanism tries to tip over the school bus as the students scream
"I'm on it. Ninja! Go!." Cole yelled as he used Spinjtizu to jump over the bus and pull out the power chords of the mech
"No one calls me pedestrian!." Cole said standing above the robot
"I always said Mr. Cole was my favourite." Brad said as the students cheer as the bus drives off
"Alright, so these Techno Blades can back into their systems." Kai said
"So, what do you say we do a little hack-attack?." Cole asked the others
"Zane, Kai, you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. And I'll do what I can for the people." Wu said
"Heh-heh! Anyone else feeling all tingly inside?." Cole asked
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as they do Spinjtizu
Zane takes Kai to the skies, he jumps onto a copter and goes to hack it, only to see a jet instead
"Oh, I want that." Kai said as he uses his Techno Blade to hook onto it and he hack it the same time
"Yeah! Haha!." Kai cheered as he looked at the buttons
"Aw seriously?." Kai pressed a button
"Woah! Okay, not that button." Kai said as a hologram of Cyrus appeared
"So you've figured out how the Techno Blades work." Holo Cyrus said
"What?." Kai asked confused
"You must know, they are far, far more important than you think." Holo Cyrus said
"You mind explaining-
"This is a prerecorded message, but I can tell you that a few weeks ago, we discovered a virus laying dormant in our system. The Overlord." Holo Cyrus said
"Overlord?." Kai asked as hover copters followed him
"You have to get the Techno Blades out of the city. Because one he knows you have them, he'll never let you leave. I've also given you new outfits to help block the facial recognition software." Holo Cyrus explained
"Uh, great. Style and function. Ugh. Wanna wrap it up? I'm a bit occupied at the moment." Kai said as the Hover-copter fired at him, Kai tries to dodge them as they follow him
"Had I known this would happen, I would never have built where the Overlord was destroyed. Goodbye ninja, and good luck." Holo Cyrus said as he disappears
"Can you guys handle that?." Kai asked
"On it!." Jay yelled as he jumps on a tank and backs it
"Ha! I love it! Hey, Cole, need a hand with those security mechs?." Jay asked as he fired multiple missiles at them
"Or maybe just some old-fashioned artillery fire?." Jay asked
"I think I got a handle on it. Yeah!." Cole yelled as he dodges lasers being shot at him as he hacks a security mech and destroys the other mechs
"Stomping robots to robot stomper!." Cole yelled as Jay stops near him
Meanwhile at the academy, Nya runs through the halls
"Lloyd! (Y/N)! The ninja are in trouble!." Nya yelled as she busts into a room where dearth watches tv
"Oh, hi Nya. Can you believe it? I'm watching my favourite game show with the jujitsu dogs, you know, when bang, the cable dies on me." Dareth said to Nyas surprise
Back in New Ninjago City, the ninja attack
"We have to get the Techno Blades out of the city." Kai said
"But what about Sensei? We can't leave without him." Zane said
"There! I'll pick him up and meet you guys at the intersection of Wilfert and Fleming." Kai explained as security mechs surrounded Wu
"I can't find a place to land." Kai said as Wu jumps over the mechs and hits a fire hydrant, using the blast of water to launch him upwards so he can grab onto the Kai fighter, the ninja meet up as more security mechs surround them
"There's too many! We'll never get out!." Cole yelled as they attacked
"Keep fighting. They'll have to run out of batteries at some point." Kai said as they kept attacking
"Well, I'm not so sure about that." Zane said as they got closer, only for a golden mist to stop the mechs as Lloyd arrived, he jumps off the Golden Dragon
"Robots versus ninja? Heh. Dare I ask?." Lloyd asked
"All right!." Cole cheered
"You are a sight for sore eyes." Kai said
"Where's (Y/N) at? I thought he would've been back with you by now." Zane asked
"I thought he was with you." Lloyd said confused
"So you couldn't help yourself. The Golden Ninja, we meet again, yet I don't see the Purple Ninja." The Overlord said as he appeared on the TV screen
"Overlord. I helped defeat you once. I can help defeat you again." Lloyd glared at him
"Oh, I don't want to fight. I just want your power! And my apprentice back!." The Overlord yelled as the mechs absorbs his golden power
"Seriously? (Y/N) is a wanted apprentice still?." Jay asked
"Poor guy can't catch a break." Cole said as Lloyd tried to fight them
"No Lloyd, your power is only make them stronger." Wu said
"But how do we fight?." Lloyd asked
"We don't, we need to get you and the Techno Blades out of the city." Kai explained
"I don't think he'll let us leave." Cole said
"I have an idea, but I don't have much time to explain. Listen close." Wu said as they huddled telling them the plan
"Ninja! Go!." They yelled as they used their Spinjtizu to hop into the respected vehicles
"I hope this works." Kai said
"At 4.2 percent chance of success, I'd say our hope is slim." Zane calculated
"That's why it's called hope, Zane." Jay said as they got away
"The Techno Blades, find them!." The Overlord yelled
"Searching to Techno Blades." The computer said as Jay and Cole began fleeing the city
"Cole, jump on!." Jay yelled as Cole's mech jumps onto jays thunder Raider and use the jets on the mech to gain speed, the computer scans Wu with a cloth he holds
"Techno Blades, 92 percent confirmation." The computer said
"Sensei. The Sensei has them." The Overlord said as Wu runs away, he jumps on the traffic lights to pass onto another rooftop, he pants as he realised he is surrounded by the Hover-copters, he reveals the cloth that has nothing in them
"No, no! No! Where are the blades?." The Overlord asked as he rewinds footage and saw Wu pass the blades to Kai when he jumps onto the traffic lights
"That old fool pay dearly!." The Overlord yelled
Meanwhile the Ninja escape the city
"We have to go back for him." Lloyd said
"We will, but only when you are safe." Kai said
"He wants these weapons, and for some reason he also wants you and (Y/N). Remember, this was Sensei's plan. They can't break him." Cole explained
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has yet to come. We need to worry about today." Zane quoted Wu
"You side it Zane." Jay said
"We will come back to New Ninjago City. And when we do we'll be ready." Zane said
"But for now, we find someplace to hide. They'll be looking for us and (Y/N)." Kai said
"Let's just hope (Y/N)'s safe wherever he is currently." Cole said as they continued to get away from the city
Meanwhile in Borg factory, PIXAL uploads Zane's schematics into a computer, she replaced his arms and head and finished uploading
"Upgrade complete." PIXAL said as the factory begins working as it begins creating Nindroids, an army of Nindroids

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