The next day, Lloyd trains at the Dojo again, Lloyd upside down and uses one hand to support himself
"Focus." Wu said calmly as he poured himself some tea
"In order to bear the fate of Ninjagoon your shoulders, you must first learn to bear the weight of all of us." Wu said as Lloyd supports all the ninja, using his feet to hold Zane up who holds Kai and Jay in his arms, Cole is standing on his head as Wu is on his shoulders, expecting (Y/N) who mediated
"Focus." Wu said sipping on the tea he poured
"Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Jay said nervously
"Yeah, Sensei, he's only a kid." Cole said as (Y/N) spoke
"If me and Lloyd are to fight the Dark Lord together, we must be stronger and to make us stronger is to trust each other." (Y/N) said mediating
"Well, if this is about trust, you seem to be doing a lot of distancing." Kai said nervously
"Hey, I need to learn my powers soon, so while you help Lloyd, I need to help myself." (Y/N) said as Jay groaned
"He's right, our focus is on Lloyd now, (Y/N) can handle himself." Jay said
As Lloyd kept balance, some machinery was heard from outside, a wrecking ball then swung in from behind making everyone go flying
"What was that?." Cole asked as they got up and see a builder and a foreman wearing hardhats, they spot the ninja, Dearth runs in from the beaded door way
"WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!." Dearth yelled much to the ninjas confusion
"Tomorrow?." The Foreman looked at the builder
"Let me see that order." The Foreman asked as the builder gives him the order slip
"Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry bout that. We'll be back in the morning." The Foreman said as they left
"What was that all about?." (Y/N) asked Dearth who groans as he picks up he's bent trophy
"Uh, Dearth, not to sounds like a broken record player, but, what is this all about?." Cole asked
"Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named Darnagom Enterprises is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee- golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone." Dearth said
"Dude, that's just cruel." (Y/N) said as Dearth sighed sadly
"But, we already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo now." Jay said
"My trophies, oh my fake trophies!." Dearth sobs
"Maybe I could go to this business and trying and have them lower the cost, or push the date?." (Y/N) suggested
"You may want to hold onto that thought (Y/N)." Zane said
"Why's that?." (Y/N) asked
"Darnagom, when you rearrange the letters, it spells-
"O grandma?." Jay said nervously
"No! Garmadon!." Kai corrected
"Right, that would make more sense." Jay chuckled
"Aargh, of course his doing this, he wants to prevent Lloyd training even more." (Y/N) rolled his eyes
"At least he isn't after you again." Jay said as (Y/N) crossed his arms
"Right, not the time." Jay chuckled nervously
"If he destroys the dojo, where will we train Lloyd?." Cole asked as Dearth walked up to Wu
"Any chance you got 50,000 in that teapot of yours?." Dearth asked
"Worry not dearth. You're not in this alone. We're all with you." Wu said as (Y/N) walked up
"You may not be one of us, but you're our friend and we're gonna do anything it takes to keep this place up." (Y/N) said as Dearth hugged him sobbing still
"Uh, there there." (Y/N) said patting Dearth's back
As Dearth let go Nya walked in, seeing (Y/N) she blushes crazy remembering what had happened previously, but she keeps her cool as the blush dies down
"Did someone say 50,000?." Nya asked as Jay gasped
"You didn't happen to win the lottery?." Jay asked
"No, but I heard about Ninjaball Run!." Nya said smiling
"Ninjaball Run?." The ninja looked confused
"It's the biggest road race in Ninjago, with a prize of 100,000 big ones. And it's tomorrow." Nya said
"I thank you, little lady fighter, but you're talking about the most dangerous race known to man. Only the most serious of racers even stand a chance." Dearth explained
"But didn't you just do a few upgrades on our Ultra Sonic Raider? Maybe we might stand a chance." Kai said
"And I can enter with my Dragon. You did say I needed the practice." Lloyd smiled as (Y/N) rubbed his head
"So it is agreed. You will all enter this Ninjaball Run to save the Dojo." Wu said as Nya noticed Dearth still crying
"Are you still crying?." Nya asked
"Yes. But these are happy tears." Dearth smiled
The following morning, a huge crowd of several racers are waiting along in line with the Ultra Sonic Raider
"Welcome, everyone, to the 14th annual Ninjaball Run!." An announcer yelled out to the crowd
"The Grad Prix where it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you get there first." A second announcer said as Wu, Dearth and his students, Phil and Jeffy join the crowd
"Well, let's take a look at the racers." The announcer said
"I see the starters line. We have a few familiar faces." The second announcer said as they look down onto the starting line
The postman jingles his bell before the Ultra dragon landed next to him, startling him as he falls off his bike
"Watch it, you big oaf!." The postman yelled
The ninja meanwhile sit in the Ultra Sonic Raider
"You look nervous Lloyd. You okay?." Cole asked
"If you want, we can swap rides." (Y/N) offered
"N-n-no it's okay, and I'm not n-n-nervous. Maybe for you guys." Lloyd chuckles as Nya gets off the Ultra Sonic Raider
"One final thing, I installed a pretty cool upgrade so if you're ever in a really tight spot, pull that lever because what it does-
In the bust next to the Ultra Sonic Raider, Brad revs the engine loudly, they grin at the ninja who can't hear because of the noise
"Didn't they learn their lesson when we last met?." (Y/N) asked as they shrugged as Nya stopped talking
"What?!." Kai yelled out
"Pull that lever, because if you pull that lever...
"Alright, the race is about to start. And officials are saying pit crews must take their places." The announcer said cutting Nya off
"Only under those circumstances and no other." Nya finished
"Okay this is ridiculous." (Y/N) crossed his arms as they didn't hear Nya again
"We're about to begin!." The announcer yelled
"That's my cue. Gotta go! Good luck!." Nya yelled as she left to take her seat in the stands
"Huh? Wait, Nya, we couldn't hear you!." Kai yelled only for Nya to be completely gone, as she left two racers appeared, Soto and his pirate crew in a van and Lou with his Royal blacksmiths in a modified pick up truck, they sing in harmony
"Look, it's my dad. They entered too?." Cole asked confused
"Too big. Too big. Too slow. Too slow. We had a lead but let it go." The royal blacksmiths sang, as they did Ed and Edna appeared
"Oh no." Jay said embarrassed as (Y/N) waves at them
"Hey Mr and Mrs Walker!." (Y/N) greeted as Jay looks even more embarrassed
"Jay! Jay! Oh, oh look, he sees us Ed." Edna said smiling as she waved at Jay
"I see him Edna. You don't have to embarrass the boy." Ed said waving at (Y/N)
"Oh, is there anyone we don't have to compete against?." Jay asked as a portal opened and reveals Kruncha and Nuckal is a skill based vehicle
"Oh, those boneheads again." (Y/N) said
"Wait a minute. It appears some skeletons have crashed the party. Is this against the rules?." The second announcer asked
"Rules?!." The announcer laughs
"There's only one rule in Ninjaball Run, and that is cross the finish line first. Let's take a look at the course. The first gruelling leg starts on the streets of Ninjago City and empties out into the treacherous Sea of Sand. Racers, look out for the dangerous crater way known as Crash Course Canyon, where the slightest mistake can be your last! The next two legs of the race takes us in the winding maze known as Birchwood Forest, and then through the perilous icy Glacier Barrens. Finally, in the fourth and final leg, racers must beat the desert heat in the badlands, which then takes us back to the finish line here in the heart of Ninjago city!." The announcer explained
"Woah, this is a lot more dangerous than I could've expected." (Y/N) said
"If we're gonna save the Dojo, we're gonna have to beat some pretty stiff competition." Kai said
"One final word, let's have a good clean race." The announcer said as Gene and another boy secretly remove a screw from the Ultra Sonic Raider, they snicker as they get back on the bus
"So good luck to everyone." The announcer said as a tv nearby, a red light appears, the racers started their engines as the yellow light turns on
"On your mark, get set....
A green light appears
"Ninjaball GO!." The announcer yelled as they take off
"Come on boy!." Lloyd yelled as he moves the dragon which takes off
"Woah!." Lloyd yelled as he flies away, unfortunately the Ultra Sonic Raiders traction belt falls off making it stop
"What happened?." Zane asked
"We've been sabotaged!." Cole yelled as he saw the traction belt
Meanwhile with the other racers, they ride along Ninjago city, Soto tries to intimidate Ed and Edna who activated inflating balls in the wheels and crash into Soto's van before speeding off, they crash into the Royal Blacksmiths truck, the postman's bike, the school bus, and the skull vehicle, they pass them and make a turn, Lloyd on the other hand is struggling to control the Ultra Dragon
"Woah! Oh!." Lloyd yelled as the dragon turns the other direction
"Wrong way! Oh! Oh, we're going the wrong way!." Lloyd yelled
Meanwhile at the prison, a Fangpyre bus chains wraps around Skales cell as they tried get it off, they succeeded as Skales laughs at his freedom, he then jumps onto the buses roof
"It's about time! Let's get outta here." Fangtom said as he drives the bus, as he drives off two police cars follow behind, they crash through a barricade m, coming across the racers, they crash into Ed and Edna's car before turning as the two police cars hit the skull vehicle, they join the race as they try to catch the Fangpyre bus
"What in the world is going on?." Skales asked
"Ooh, things just got interesting. And it seems snow new competitors have entered the race. Meanwhile the ninja remain at the starters line, dead last!." The announcer said, as the ninja try to fix the Raider
"Oh, great! We're already out of the race!." Jay complained
"We aren't just yet Jay." (Y/N) said
"Yeah, we can't quit now, not with everything that's on the line. Help me lift this thing." Cole said as they lifted the traction as support, Kai and Jay straighten and it gets in, causing the crowd to cheer louder
"So that's how this is gonna go. Alright boys, let's do this." Kai said as they hopped on and zoomed off
On the Black bounty, Lord Garmadon and the serpentine have a small meeting
"Now that the dojo will be destroyed, we'll crush them before Lloyd ever becomes a true ninja." Garmadon said as they Tv plays Ninjaball Run
"We're here live at the 14th annual Ninjaball Run, where it looks like the ninja are back in the race and now have a long shot at winning this years massive cash prize!." The announcer said as Garmadon pays attention
"They're trying to save the dojo? Will they ever quit?!." Garmadon growls
"Set sail for the race at once! We can't let them win!." Garmadon yelled as they speed off
Back at the race, Ed and Edna are currently in first place, they come up to the crash course, Ed presses a button realising the wheel balls, making most of the racers try to avoid them, one hits the postman Ed presses another button, releasing traction spikes on their wheels as they enter the canyon. The post manage manages to get the ball away, it nearly hits the skull vehicle, Soto's van comes up to the school bus as the pirates aim the roof mounted cannon at them
"Huh?." Brad looked confused as he moves the bus into them, nearly causing the pirate to fall off
"Treachery, me lads! Let'em have it!." Soto yelled as the van crashes into the bus, Brad crashes it back as they come up to the entrance of the canyon
"Uh oh." Brad looks ahead and sees the entrance, Brad rams the bus into the van making it crash on the side
"Ouchy mamma! Pirates are out of the race!." The announcer yelled
"Why do I let you drive?! Ahh!." Soto yelled at No-Eyed Pete, he then gets out, as he did the Royal blacksmiths pass by
"So long, A-do. You're wrecked and looking blue. Doo-doo, doo-doo. So here's a song....
"Ahh!." Soto screamed as he stands near the entrance
"And here is a tune...
They went into the canyon singing still
"Blast ye scurvy knaves! I'll get you for this!."Soto yelled as the other racers passed by including the Serpentine bus, No-Eyed Pete tried to walk up to Soto only for the Ultra Sonic Raider to come closer
"Left!." No-Eyed Pete turns right
"No, your other left!." As the Ultra Sonic Raider passes by causing No-Eyed Pete to spin and faint as it enters the canyon
"Yeah! We're no longer in last! Things are looking up." Jay chuckled as the Black Bounty appears above them
"Oh, no, Garmadon!." Kai yelled
"Oh man, does this guy ever quit?!." (Y/N) yelled annoyed
"Lord Garmadon, are you going to use the Mega Weapon?." Spitta asked
"What's the point? Look at them, they're trapped like rats. Set all cannons to fire. Now that they're in our sights, they have nowhere to run." Garmadon said as he walks up to a nearby cannon where a Fangpyre and Venomari aimed at the Ultra Sonic Raider
"Ah, we're sitting ducks! There's nowhere to run!." Jay yelled as the hatched opened up and (Y/N) climbed outside powering his hands up
"(Y/N)! What are you doing!?." Kai yelled
"And are those cannons? I would not wanna be in the Ultra Sonic Raider right now." The announcer said as the second covered his eyes
"Oh, I can't watch. But you, the fan can, in glorious high definition." The second announcer said
"Wait! What's this? It seems like the Purple Ninja is on top of the Ultra Sonic Raider!." The announcer yelled showing a close up of (Y/N) who glared at the Black Bounty
"What's he doing?." Dearth asked
"He's going to try and protect them." Nya said
Back at the canyon Garmadon glared at (Y/N)
"Aargh! Hold your fire!." Garmadon yelled as (Y/N) kept glaring
"Lord Garmadon, if we are to ssssstop then, we musssst take the ssshot." Spitta said as Garmadon huffed
"Aim at the Tractions!." Garmadon yelled as the cannon changed its course, before it could fire the Ultra Dragon then appears
"Oh! Ahhh! Out of the way!." Lloyd yelled as he crashed into the black bounty, it knocks them back and the cannon misses, it explodes elsewhere as the Ultra Dragon passes, (Y/N) smiled as he hopped back inside
"Nice going Lloyd." Kai said as Lloyd tried to grab the reins, but he slips and falls, he holds onto the reins
"You saved us!." Cole yelled smiling
"I did? I mean, yeah, I did! Hey, what do you say we work together?." Lloyd asked
"I say, let's do this little bud!." (Y/N) smiled
"Let's show 'em what we ninja are all about." Jay said
"Ninja! Go!." The yelled together as they kept moving
"They're getting away!." Garmadon yelled
"Uh, why don't you use your Mega Weapon?." Mezmo asked
"Because I can only use it once before it saps all of my energy. Then who's going to slap you around to get this ship moving?!." Garmadon yelled as he slaps Mezmo
"Get this ship moving!." Garmadon ordered
"Okay, you heard the evil Lord. Full speed ahead!." Mezmo yelled as they Black Bounty follows behind
"No one shall defeat me, even in competition. I will win this race." Garmadon said
At the start line, the crowd cheers as they watch the Ultra Sonic Raider and the Ultra Dragon on screen
"Looks like our leaders are just about to enter the second leg of the race into the Birchwood Forest!." The announcer yelled
At Birchwood Forest, The Fangpyre bus passed the Royal Blacksmiths truck
"You, dum-de-dum, you. Dum-de-dum you...
Their banner gets snagged on a tree branch making them crash into a pile of snow, they emerge out of the snow
"Too big, too big. Too slow, too slow. We had a lead but let it go." They sang as the Ultra Sonic Raider passes by, Cole looks disappointed as they pass by
"Oh, man." Cole sighed
"We'll never get through those trees to catch up." Kai said as they tried to drive through the trees
"Find a shortcut. Up, boy!." Lloyd yelled we the Ultra Dragon went up
"Woah! You actually went up." Lloyd laughed before looking down and sees another path, he heads down to the ninja
"Follow me!." Lloyd yelled as they turn down the right path
"Whoo-hoo!." Lloyd cheered
"Wow he's getting the hang of it." Jay said
"And it looks like we've made up the lost time." Cole said
"Green Ninja for the win!." (Y/N) smiled as they kept going, meanwhile Nuckal and Kruncha spot the ninja
"Working together!." Nuckal yelled
"Not if we have anything to say about it." Kruncha said as Nuckal grabs the grapple cannon and shoots it at the Ultra Dragon, Kruncha then makes a few turns
"Woah!." Lloyd yelled as the dragon crashes
Kruncha and Nuckal laugh before they come pass a nearby which makes them spin before crashing, everyone gasps at the starting line
"Oh, a nasty crash. More racers are out of the race. Hope they're okay." The announcer said
"Yeah. But if they're not, stay tuned for the slow-motion replay." The second announcer said
Back in Birchwood Forest, Nuckal and Kruncha and their skull vehicle are half buried in the snow, Lloyd nearby walks over to the injured Ultra Dragon
"Are you okay there fella?." Lloyd asked as one of the heads nods, Lloyd looks on
"We got them back in the race." Lloyd said
Back at the start line, Dearth whimpers as the announcers are behind him
"Excuse us. But you're all friends of the boy dragon rider are ya? Tell us how you feel." The announcer said
"Oh I feel terrible. This is all my fault. The only reason he and the ninja entered this race was to save my dojo. If they don't win, developers are gonna tear it down, leaving all my poor kids without a training centre to help enrich their tiny little lives." Dareth said as the crowd awes before standing up and chanting
"Dojo! Dojo! Dojo!." They chant
"I don't know if you can feel it up there in the booth, but down here, it appears the crowds have found their favourite racer, the ninja!." The announcer yelled
"Oh I feel it alright. But they better buckle their seatbelts because up next is the most dangerous part of the race, the Glacier Barrens!." The second announcer yelled
At the Glacier barrens, two men throw snowballs at each other before the racers appear, making them move out of the way
"Hey! Watch it!." The villager yelled
The serpentine bus is still getting chased by the police
"I can't shake them!." Skales yelled as they passed
"They aren't interested in catching you." Acidicus said
"Those coppers just want to win the race." Skales said as the police cars come closer to the postman causing them to turn and crash into one of the igloos. The postman sighs in relief before screaming as he crashes into a snowman, knocking him off his bike as it keeps going, the snow man on it, Kai monitors the remaining racers behind the raider
"Finally. Nothing can stop us now." Kai said as the engine soon starts losing flames and beeping is heard, Zane checks the fuel tank to see it is almost empty
"Oh no! We've used up all of our fuel! Weee not gonna make it to the finish line!." Zane yelled
"No! We can't lose now while we're so close!." (Y/N) yelled
"Oh, I don't want to say it, guys, but I think our goose is cooked." Jay said sadly as they heard honking, they look and see Ed and Edna in their vehicle
"You guys look like you could use a hand there. We heard on the radio that you're all trying to save Dearth's dojo." Ed said
"Oh, yeah, we're so proud of you son." Edna smiled
"Oh, thanks mom, but we're out of gas." Jay said
"Ooh, then take ours." Edna said
"Huh? But how? If we stop, we'll lose the lead." Jay explained as Ed grabs a fuel hose
"Well, then we'll just have to do this the hard way son." Ed said as he gets out, Edna drives as he moves to the filler cap and opens it, he inserts the hose and takes out the other end
"Take this end, son." Ed said as Jay got out and moves to the back of the Ultra Sonic Raider, he briefly looks down
"Keep it steady." Jay said trying to keep balance as he opens the filler cap
"Here you go son." Ed said as Jay grabs the hose and inserts it
"Ready dad." Jay said as Ed pulls a lever down and starts to transfer the fuel to the Ultra Sonic Raider, meanwhile on the black bounty Garmadon looks angered
"We're not fast enough. We should be pulling away!." Garmadon yelled
"But we're up to maximum speed." Mezmo said
"Then get rid of the excess weight." Garmadon said much to his confusion
"What excess weight?." Mezmo asked
All the serpentine are soon forced off the Black Bounty, some land on the snow, and some land on top of the Fangpyre bus
"I order you to slow the ninja down!." Garmadon ordered
The serpentine on top of the bus start moving as the Fangpyre bus comes closer
"We've got company boys." Cole said
Lizaru looks down to see the drive and was shocked to see it was Skales
"Skales?!." Lizaru yelled confused
"Get off the windshield! I'm trying to win a race." Skales yelled as he turns on the wiper blades, knocking him off
Snike and Fang-Suei jumped off the bus and onto the Ultra Sonic Raider
"Ninja! Go!." Jay yelled as he preforms Spinjtizu and knocks them off
"Need some help guys." Jay said as more come on top
Zane, Cole and (Y/N) climb up
"We've got your back, Ninja! Go!." Zane yelled as he does Spinjtizu knocking a Constrictai off
Cole notices a Fangpyre near the hose
"Ninja! Go!." Cole yelled using Spinjtizu to knock him off, a Venomari jumps onto the Jalopy
"Ninja! Go!." (Y/N) yelled doing Spinjtizu to knock him off
"Hey Ed, Edna, how are you?." (Y/N) asked as another Venomari jumped onboard
"Oh just fine." Ed smiled as (Y/N) punches the Venomaris head without looking
"That's nice." (Y/N) said
Rattla lands in the Ultra Sonic Raider and confronts Zane
"Look into my eyes, ninja." Rattla said as he used his hypnotic powers. Zane turns him head all the way around to avoid the waves
"Ugh! That is so gross!." Rattla complained as Jay and Cole make snowballs
"Hey! Down here!." Cole yelled as they threw them at Rattla, blinding him
"Now Zane!." Jay yelled as Zane turned his head around
"Ninja! Go!." Zane yelled as he used Spinjtizu on Rattla knocking him off, Rattla falls along to the Jalopy, he grabs ahold of the hose and turns it. This causes both vehicles to spin out of control. Skales screams at the sudden stopping of the vehicles, Brad quickly turn the bus to avoid it, but the snowman on the mailman's bike lands on their windshield scaring him
Back at the beginning, the crowd gasps as all the vehicles are spinning out of control
"Not again!." Nya yelled
"I can't take this anymore." Dearth covered his eyes
Back at the Glacier Barrens, the Ultra Sonjc Raider stops, Jay looks at the massive pile up of the vehicles that are piled up in front of him, Zane and Cole are about to hop in
"Wait! Stop!." Jay yelled as he walks over to his parents broken vehicle, a massive purple blast shot out as (Y/N) helped up Jays parents
"Are you alright? And sorry about your ride." (Y/N) apologised
"We're fine thank you. And don't worry about it, I've been needing an excuse to make some upgrades to it." Ed smiled
"Oh, thank goodness you're okay." Jay said in relief as he looked at (Y/N)
"Thank you." Jay thanked as (Y/N) nodded at him
"Yeah. Shame she didn't get to the finish line." Edna said looking at the broken Jalopy, Jay grabs a loose headlamp and places it on the Ultra Sonic Raider
"I'll make sure a part of it will." Jay said as he and (Y/N) get back in the Raider, the engine starts up
"Let's go. We have a dojo to save." Jay said as they took off, Ed placed a hand on Edna's shoulder
"Go make us proud son." Ed smiled
The ultra sonic Raider makes it to the badlands as the Black Bounty is in the sky, close to the city
"Looks like it's just us and Garmadon." Cole said
"Let's not lose to him this time." (Y/N) said as they nodded
"Yeah, this time the good guys don't finish last." Kai said as he moves a gear forward, making the Raider pass the black bounty
"No! I hate those ninja! It's time. You think you can beat me, ninja?! This race is mine! Hear me, Mega Weapon, I wish to rip open Ninjago and make an insurmountable obstacle they can never surpass!." Garmadon yelled as the Mega Weapon glows, the badlands crack and breaks apart as the Ultra Sonic Raider comes up to the hole
"Huh?." Kai looked confused before stopping the Raider as the Black Bounty passes them
"Oh, that's totally cheating!." Jay yelled
"Guys, it's impossible to cross that divide." Zane said
"Aargh! Garmadon!." (Y/N) yelled in anger
On the black bounty Garmadon laughs kneeling
"I did it! Did you see that? I win! The dojo is doomed!." Garmadon yelled as he cackles
Meanwhile Kai straightens the Raider
"Oh, we're not gonna win now." Jay complained
"Wait a minute. This ain't over." Kai said gripping the lever
"Everybody! Hang on!." Kai yelled as they accelerated to the hole
"Kai what are you doing?!." (Y/N) yelled as Kai ignored
"Uh, you do know we're heading straight off for that cliff right? You're sure that's a good idea?." Jay asked
"I haven't had time to think it through. Oh, what was it Sensei said? You gotta have trust." Kai said
"Yeah, in each other, not in miracles!." Cole yelled
"Oh, Nya, don't fail us now. Alright! Now!." Kai yelled pulling the lever which detached the top part Kai and (Y/N) sat on making it into a jet
"Woah!." (Y/N) yelled as Cole, Jay and Zane use Spinjtizu to grab onto the jet, the jet passes through the hole and catches up to the Black Bounty, meanwhile Garmadon laughs as they near the city, he then sees the jet causing him to stop
"No. No. NO!!!!!!." Garmadon yelled
The crowd cheers as the two racers near the city
"He pulled the lever!." Nya smiled as everyone chants for the Ninja just as the Ultra Sonic Raider and black bounty pass the finish line, the jet lands in the ground, they hop off as the crowd comes up to them, the black bounty also lands
"Ninja! Ninja." The crowd yelled lifting them onto their shoulders as they kept chanting, Garmadon hops of the Black Bounty
"I won. I won! Clearly I passed the finish line first!." Garmadon yelled as the announcers spoke
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner." The announcer said as everyone looks at the screen to see the winner, they see the headlamp of the Ultra Sonic Raider passed first
"The ninja! The ninja have won!." The announcer yelled as everyone cheers, Jay removed the headlamp
"Yeah! I knew it would bring us luck!." Jay laughed much to Garmadons dismay
"No! That's not fair! That wasn't even part of the vehicle in the first place! It's not even street legal! My ship was-
"Your ship?." Lloyd asked as Garmadon looks at him and see the Ultra Dragon in the deck of the bounty
"I believe this belongs to us." Lloyd said
"No! No! No!." Garmadon yelled as he begins to cry in anguish, an officer approaches Garmadon
"Alright Garmadon, you're coming with us." The officer said as the Fangpyre bus shows up, blocking the officer, Skales opens the door
"Look who needs who now." Skales said as Garmadon quickly hops in, the bus drives off
"Somehow Sensei, I don't think that will be the last we're gonna see of him." Nya said as dearth looks at the trophy full of money
"We did it! We did it! Ooh-hoo! We saved the dojo! Oh, look what I can do! CANNONBALL!." Dearth yelled as he jumped in the trophy, everyone laughs Nya looks at (Y/N) and kisses his cheek making him blush
"Good job hero." Nya smiled blushing as (Y/N) blushed back, they continued to laugh as Dearth plays with the money

Lego Ninjago The Purple Ninja (Male Reader)
ActionLong before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons, but when he passed a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon, so I, sensei Wu, his brother sought out four ninja to collect th...