Season 2 Episode 15: Pirates vs. Ninja

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In a flashback to a sea, the Destiny's Bounty sails through a storm, onboard the bounty was pirates, lead by Captain Soto, their goal was to find the Dark Island, inside the lower deck in Soto's private headquarters, he writes in his journal
"We have spent months searching for this fabled Island of Darkness, but all my eyes have seen is ocean. I fear my crew has given up, but I hold out hope that it exists- Captain Soto." Soto monologued as he stores his journal in a hidden compartment before leaving to check his crew
"Hardy hardy hardy, ho. Hey, we all in a yo-yo-yo." The crew sang
"This is no time for fooling around. Who's steering the ship?." Soto asked
"Don't worry, Captain. No-Eyed Pete is behind the wheel." A pirate said much to Soto's dismay
"No! Not No-Eyed Pete!." Soto yelled as No-Eyed Pete steers with his parrot guiding him
"Awk, left! No the other left!." The Parrot yelled
A pirate sees something ahead
"The Island of Darkness?." A pirate asked
"No you fool!." Soto yelled taking back the wheel
"He's steered us back to Ninjago. All hands on deck! Brace for impact!." Soto yelled as they crash into rocks, it sinks killing everyone aboard
In the present time. Lloyd is punching Kai hands while he wears mittens
"Good, keep it up." Kai smiled as Lloyd punched Kai's hands
"Ha! Fists of fury! Uhh! You can't even see''em move im so fast! Ha!." Lloyd yelled punching
"Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy." Kai said
"Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me." Lloyd said as he kicks Kai back
"Woah, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." Kai said as he wiggled his pinky toe while Wu observed
"I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons for the five ninja." Wu said
"Great, now that lessons is over, how about some target practice... on Kai?." Cole suggested
"You'll get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya and (Y/N)." Wu said as Lloyd sighed
"Aww, but when will I learn Spinjtizu." Lloyd asked as Wu sighs
"Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." Wu said as Lloyd groans and walks up to meet Nya and (Y/N)
"I say, (Y/N) and Nya have been spending a lot of time together since the Devourer was destroyed." Zane said
"Yeah, she was really worried when she thought Garmadon took (Y/N)." Cole responded
Jay looked slightly annoyed but remained cool
"Well, I'm guessing they just missed each other after everything that happened." Jay spoke trying to hide his jealousy
Meanwhile on the rooftop Nya and (Y/N) talk on the rooftop of the dragon keep
"It's just, we have to face Lord Garmadon someday, and I worry how Lloyd is going to handle with it." (Y/N) said as Nya looked worriedly
"It must be hard for him, I'm just glad he's got you to help him, I just wished there was more I can do to help." Nya looked sadly as (Y/N) placed a hand on her shoulder
"You've done so much for our team, we're glad to have you here, honestly without you, we wouldn't of survived the Great Devourer, or have any idea we are doing the whole time, you do so much for us, and we always appreciated it." (Y/N) smiled at Nya
Lloyd then walks up to them
"Hey champ." (Y/N) smiled as Lloyd smiled back
"Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon. But it's important to take care of him because one day, he'll be yours." Nya said petting the Ultra Dragon
"Uh, mine? Really!." Lloyd looked excited
"Slow it champ, you'll need to grow first." (Y/N) smiled as Lloyd groaned
"But once then. It will be yours. The elemental Dragons were loyal to the four ninja. But the Ultra Dragon, he's meant for the Green Ninja to ride." Nya explained
"Woah! I never knew that." Lloyd said smiling
"See? Even a samurai like myself can teach you a thing or two." Nya smiled
"Unfortunately while you know everything about Dragons, we are yet to have one still." (Y/N) smirked at Nya who smiled back
"But, uh. I don't know how to fly." Lloyd said
"It's all in the legs." Nya said as Lloyd chuckles
"He'll be the fastest and strongest dragon in all of Ninjago." Nya chuckles as the dragon slightly nudged Nya
"Looks like he's already feeling better." Lloyd said
"Go try to get some air, big boy." Nya smiled as (Y/N) petted it
"Just take it slow bud." (Y/N) said as the Flame head of the dragon nuzzled him before taking off and flying away, meanwhile the others look for a place to train Lloyd
"It's time we search Ninjago City for a more suitable place to train Lloyd." Wu said
"Oh, but Sensei, Ninjago City is huge. It'll take us all day to find it on foot." Jay complained
"And without our Golden Weapons, we have no Spinjtizu vehicles. How are we going to get around town?." Zane asked
"You'll learn to travel with these." Wu said handing them a coin
"What are those?." Cole asked
"They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city." Wu said
"Like a magic portal?." Cole asked
"Ooh! Or a Spinjtizu vortex?." Jay asked hopeful as Cole takes the coin and examines it
"Hey, wait a minute, these are bus tokens." Cole said as Wu chuckles
"Great... well, we should get (Y/N) to join us, since he has Lloyd." Cole said as Zane opened his wrist control panel and pressed some buttons
"Falcon sent, (Y/N) should arrive shortly." Zane said smiling
Meanwhile with Garmadon and the serpentine, Garmadon wields the Mega Weapon and tries to think what to use it on
"So, what does it do?." Acidicus asked
"The weapon possesses unspeakable powers." Garmadon said
"Like what?." Fangtom asked
"I told you fool. They're unspeakable!." Garmadon yelled
"It kind of looks like you don't know how to use it." Skalidor said much to Garmadons annoyance
"Of course I know how to use it. I just don't have anything to use it on!." Garmadon spoke angrily
"Lord Garmadon! We spotted something!." A serpentine yelled as they spotted the Ultra Dragon
"Ah the ninjas let. What a better way to test out the Mega Weapons power. Keep up with him, you slithering idiots! Don't let him get away!." Garmadon yelled as the Black Bounty follows the Ultra Dragon
"Eliminate Dragon!." Garmadon yelled pointing the Mega Weapon at the dragon, only for nothing to happen
"Keep it straight! Destroy! Fire! Annihilate! Bad dragon! Shoot it down pretty, pretty please?." Garmadon asked as he waved the weapon around for nothing to happen
"I can't concentrate with us jostling around." Garmadon blamed the Serpentine as the ship stops and the Dragon gets away
"Obviously if I had a proper crew that could fly this ship, I would've had a clear shot. This is all your fault!." Garmadon yelled to the serpentine as he walks into the lower deck
"Aargh! They dare mock me!? Ahh! How does this weapon work?!." Garmadon yelled as he hits the weapon on the desk which opens the secret compartment, he finds the journal
"Ah, what's this?." Garmadon asked as he opened the journal
"Captain Soto. Captains log. You mean this ship belonged to a pirate crew long before the ninja ever had it? Now this crew sounds like they knew how to fly a ship. I wish they were here to show these scaly idiots how it's done." Garmadon said as the weapon starts glowing and reacting
"What? What is happening? Ugh. The power of the Mega Weapon." Garmadon tried to drop the weapon only for it to stick
"It won't let me let go of it! I feel weak...
Garmadon kneels as he is drained while the weapon dims down
"All hands on deck!." Soto yelled from outside the ship making Garmadon look at the door
"What has it done?." Garmadon asked
"I am Captain Soto!." Soto yelled outside
"Captain Soto?." Garmadon looked confused
In Ninjago city, the ninjas bus stopped in front of Grand Sensei Dearth' Mojo dojo, they left and looked at the building
"This is where Lloyd is going to train?." Kai asked
"Hehe, it's better than our dumpy apartment." Jay chuckled as they walked inside
"I just hope this place has everything we need." (Y/N) said as they waited in the main training room
Dareth then walked in the room
"Welcome to Grand Sensei Dearth's Mojo Dojo, I am Grand Sensei Dearth, and I Dearth you to join my dojo. Heeya!." Dearth did some motions before getting stuck
"Uh." The ninja sighed as he managed to free himself
"Face the wall of karate trophies. If you look closely, my name is on all of them. That is because I am a highly skilled karate machine." Dearth spoke prideful
"Oh I'm sure you are." (Y/N) rolled his eyes in annoyance
"Look Dearth, we're wondering if we could share your dojo. You see, we've been out in charge of training this little guy to become the second greatest ninja in all of Ninjago." Kai said gesturing Lloyd 
"Not possible, for I am the greatest and second greatest in the land. How many trophies do you have." Dearth said much to the others annoyance
"Look, pal, were the guys that just saved the city from that giant snake." Jay said annoyed crossing his arms
"Ha! Am I looking at Lord Garmadon and the Purple Ninja? Because unless I'm stupid, and I'm not, Lord Garmadon and The Purple Ninja destroyed the Devourer." Dearth laughed
"Well, good thing we brought the Purple ninja then." Kai said smirking as (Y/N) crossed his arms as Dearth gasps
"You're the Purple Ninja! You saved the city and my collection of trophies! I'm honoured to have you here!." Dearth smiled shaking (Y/N)'s hand vigorously
"Uh, the pleasures all mine? I guess." (Y/N) said as dearth released his hands
"You can train at my dojo anytime." Dearth smiled as Kai high fives (Y/N) much to his confusion
"I'm starting to get the feeling this is going to happen a lot." (Y/N) said
Back at the Black Bounty, the serpentine and pirates stare at each other, confused on why each other is on their ship
"When I wished it to destroy the Dragon, it wouldn't. But when I wished for a better crew... the Mega Weapon didn't have the power to destroy, it only has the power to create!." Garmadon yelled coming to a realisation
"I still don't see how you got on our ship!." Spitta yelled at the pirates
"Your ship? We built'er! So why don't you slither yourself off the plank?." The first mate asked
"I finally have a crew I can be proud of. Batten down the hatches fellas." Garmadon ordered the pirates as Soto glared
"Created me? I be Captain Soto, stealer of the seas. Raise your weapon!." Soto yelled bringing out a sword while Garmadon looks weak
"The Mega Weapon must've created them. But now Garmadons too weak to use it." Fang-Suei whispered to Mezmk
"Take it from him." Soto ordered a pirate to grab the Mega Weapon
"Ugh! No! Don't! It's too powerful! Only I can-
The pirate grabs the weapon only to disappear in. A golden light, Garmadon collapses and pants
"Only I have the power to wield the Mega Weapon. It may have drained my powers for now, but when my strength returns. I'll deal with you." Garmadon glared at Soto
"Then that's too bad for you, because we're taking back our ship! Lock him and all his reptilian friends into the brig!." Soto ordered
"Awk, left!." No-Eyed Pete grabbed Soto
"No, your other left! Awk!." The parrot corrected as he locks the Serpentine and Garmadon in the brig. Meanwhile Soto and his first mate enter the bridge
"Someone's done something to my ship." Soto said looking around as his first mate sighs
"She ain't like how we left her." First mate said as they both look at the raider scanner
"Hm, must be some sort of treasure map." Soto said as he pressed a button making the ship fly
"Flying. Awk! Flying!." The parrot yelled as Soto walks onto the deck
"Ah, your bird speaks the truth. A flying ship! Oh, this is too good. Just wait till they get a load of us!." Soto smiled as they flew to Ninjago
Meanwhile in Ninjago City, Lloyd trains at the dojo
"You must be light in your feet. Hiyah!." Jay said as Cole places some planks on the ground
"When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong." Cole said as Lloyd jumps up and strikes the boards, making an earth quake, the others gasp
"That was the power of the Staff of Quakes. And you did it without the Golden Weapon!." Jay said amazed
"That must be why you have the potential to be the second greatest ninja. You can harness all of the Elemental powers." Zane said
"Heh, what do you know, I was right about that." (Y/N) smiled
"Really? Cool. What, why am I the second greatest Ninja?." Lloyd asked
"You can't be the older one." (Y/N) smirked as Lloyd punched his legs gently as (Y/N) chuckles
"Dude, I know you guys aren't related, but it's like you and Lloyd are brothers more than cousins." Jay said as (Y/N) chuckled
"I always wanted a little brother." (Y/N) chuckled as he rubbed Lloyd's head, Lloyd only smiled
"But remember, with this power, you must be careful. You just control it before it controls you." Wu warned the duo as Dearth walked in
"I have to admit, not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack'em boys." Dearth said as two students walked in placing planks up, Wu sighs
"And perhaps if I, Grand Sensei Dearth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become...
He pulls a hood over his head
"The Brown Ninja!." Dearth said as Jay and (Y/N) snicker at the name
"The Brown Ninja? You gotta be joking." Jay chuckled
"Sorry pal. Clubs already full." Cole said
"Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil, are we ready?." Dearth asked
"Yes, Grand Sensei Dearth." They bowed
"Observer, I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength. The dragon. Heeyah!." Dearth yelled as he hits the boards only to scream in pain, the two students laugh at him
"Oh man, ow!." Jay recoiled seeing the pain Dearth was in
(Y/N) went to a freeze and grabbed a ice pack and gave it to Dearth
"Maybe you should leave that to the professionals for now, start off small then work your way up." (Y/N) said as Dearth nodded
"Right, of course, but that was only a test, for I Grand Sensei Dearth could break over fifty with his pinky." Dearth said trying to fix up his pride, just as (Y/N) raises a brow before lightly hitting the ten planks with his pinky, breaking the boards, this widens all their eyes
"What?." (Y/N) looked confused
Meanwhile outside in the city, everyone screams as they see the Black bounty flying
"What is this place, Cap'n?." First mate asked
"A place to plunder. Never have my eyes seen such treasures. Boys, take whatever you want!." Soto yelled as they passed a business meeting, the woman looks at the window and see the ship
"Are those pirates?." She asked
"Fire!." Soto yelled as a cannonball smash's the window making everyone scream
"Great, now what?." The post man asked as a pirate swipe his mail
"Hey, you can't do that!." He yelled angrily only for the pirate to laugh
"Aye, a creature. Let's give him a taste of our steel!." Soto yelled as the pirates attacked the bus
"It surrenders and gives us its loot, have at it boys!." Soto yelled as the ninja go outside and see the bounty
"Oh, that's our ship!." Jay yelled
"What did they do to it?." (Y/N) asked
"But pirates?." Lloyd said confused
"Pirates haven't been around for centuries." Cole looked confused
"I sense Lord Garmadon is somehow behind this." Zane said
"Great. Just great." (Y/N) looked annoyed
"How are we gonna follow them?." Lloyd asked as Kai holds a bus token
"Perhaps this can be of some use." Kai said as they ran onto the bus
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but follow that ship!." Kai ordered as he sees Lloyd
"Ugh, I don't like the kid coming along. It's too dangerous." Kai said
"Please, please, please. I'll be super good." Lloyd begged
"Sorry champ, but you're not old enough, nor experienced enough yet, your powers are too uncontrollable too, it would be best you stay here and be safe." (Y/N) said as Lloyd groans but nods
"One of these days you'll be able to join us, sorry kid." Cole apologised as they climbed onto the roof, they went to grab onto the anchor but the bus stops for an old woman
"Come on people. We're trying to save the city here!." Jay yelled
"It's getting away!." Cole yelled, as he yelled that the old woman's bag rips open spilling its contents
"Oh!." She cried out as they sigh
Meanwhile Dearth stands on top of his dojo
"This is my chance to prove they need the Brown Ninja. Let's do this." Dearth said as he jumps onboard the ship
"Heeyah! Surrender, or face the Brown Njnja." Dearth said
"Pajama ma! Get him!." Soto ordered as Dearth does animal poses
"The wolf." He howls
"The spider." He chatters
"The hippo." He snorts
Soto uses his sword to rip open his shirt
"Those swords are really sharp." Dearth said as he gets tied up
"Aw, nuts." Dearth sighed
"Mates, keep an eye out for any other silly masked Pajama people." Soto ordered
"Oh! Please! Help!." Dearth yelled as the ninja heard him
"Ugh, dang it, dearth." Kai groaned
"Great, now we have to save him as well as stop the pirates." (Y/N) groaned
"We need to get onboard that ship." Cole said as Jay sees a costume shop
"Ah ha. There are other ways a ninja can hid in plain sight." Jay said as they disguise themselves in pirate costumes
"Wow." Jay wowed as they snuck onboard
"I hate this, yet I love it too." (Y/N) smiled at the suit
"Hahaha! How about we have him walk the plank?." Soto asked as the pirates laugh excluding the ninja
"You're making a big mistake. Don't make me call upon the Dragon." Dearth threatened
"We have to save him." Jay said to Kai
"We can't get close enough without blowing our cover." Kai said
"Who here wants to see him go splat?." Soto asked as everyone cheers
"Who here wants to see him live?." Jay asked as the pirates cheer before it starts dying done with confusion
"Hehe. The planks getting shorter, huh?." Soto said as he slowly approached to the end of the plank
"We don't need to do this, fellas. I'm a lousy martial artist. What I do, I wouldn't even call it an art. I know I'm a brown belt, but I painted it. And my trophies, they're all fake." Dearth admitted as Kai, Jay and (Y/N) groan, dearth is then pushed off the plank
"Ahhh!." Dearth screamed only to be saved by the Ultra Dragon and Lloyd
"Woo-hoo!." Lloyd cheered as he saved Dearth
"I-I called the Dragon. I-I called the Dragon!." dearth laughs
"Ninja! Go!." The ninja yelled as the used Spinjtizu to return to their GI's
"More Pajama men?." Soto looked confused
"Where? I can't see." No-Eyed Pete said
"Ninja versus pirates. Who will win?." Kai asked as they attack each other
"Awk, left! No, the other left. Awk! Right!." The parrot yelled as No-Eyed Pete swung
Jay breaks open a gumball machine making everyone including the Ninja slip
"Ugh! Jay!." Cole groaned
"Oops!." Jay chuckled nervously
(Y/N) attacks multiple pirates with his powers
"Your powers are pure destruction, I've only heard such legends." Soto said as (Y/N) glared at him
"Ninja! Go!." Lloyd yelled as he jumped aboard and knocked over Soto
"Lloyd?!. (Y/N) yelled confused
"Pirate Go!." Soto yelled as Kai ran over to Lloyd
"Lloyd! You're it supposed to be here!." Kai said putting Lloyd in a barrel
"Oh smart thinking Kai! Put a child in a blind spot with sword buckling pirates!." (Y/N) yelled as Lloyd accidentally knocks Kai off
"Ahh!." Kai screamed as he holds onto the anchor which causes destruction in the city
"Sorry about that! I'll pay for that! Ah, that's gonna leave a mark! Oops, hehe." Kai yelled
Meanwhile in the brig, Garmadon uses the Mega Weapon to grab the keys
Soto slashes at Lloyd
"Come here, you blurry little munchkin!." Soto yelled tried to hit him
"Don't you dare hurt him!." (Y/N) yelled as he tried to save Lloyd only for No-Eyed Pete swung him in the head
"Ninja! Go!." Lloyd yelled as he did Spinjtizu for the first time, he then breaks the barrel
"Woah! Spinjtizu! I just did Spinjtizu for the first time!." Lloyd cheered as Soto kicks Lloyd, he accidentally flips the switch before the anchor hits a gas tanker
"Whoo, haha!." Kai cheered
(Y/N) gets up and helps Lloyd
"My son and Nephew, they're growing stronger." Garmadon said
Lloyd uses his energy
"Lloyd! Don't! Your powers are too uncontrollable!." Kai warned
"Ahh!." Lloyd screamed as the mast falls on top of them, Soto points a sword at them
"You lose, Pajama people." Soto smirked as the pirates cheer
"Huh?." The ninja looked up
"Now you're walking the plank." Soto said as the Samurai X mech arrives and defeats the pirates and frees the ninja
"Who wins between pirates and ninja? It's samurai!." Jay cheered
"Nya you beauty! I knew we could always count on you." (Y/N) smiled as Nya chuckled
The pirates soon get arrested by the police and get thrown into the police cars
"Good work team." The police offer congratulated
"Don't forget to include this guy." Kai said as he gives Lloyd a noogie and Lloyd chuckles before (Y/N) grabs him and places him on his shoulders, Lloyd laughs
"Uh, that your ship?." The office asked
"It sure is." Jay smiled
"Sorry, you snooze you lose." Garmadon said regaining control of the ship
"Lord Garmadon!." Kai yelled
"Dad!." Lloyd yelled
"Uncle!." (Y/N) yelled
"You're both coming stronger, but you both will never be strong enough to defeat me. Give up, before it's too late." Garmadon warned
Lloyd looks at the ninja before looking at (Y/N) who glares at him, Lloyd then glares at Garmadon
"Have it your own way. Another day, ninja, another day." As Garmadon looked at (Y/N)
"You will be my apprentice! By any means necessary!." Garmadon yelled as the bounty flies away
"Ah great. Lord Garmadon is back, and now he's got our ship." Jay glared
"And now he's even more determined to get (Y/N) as he's apprentice." Kai glared where the bounty was
"Well, at least we got this little guy." Cole gestured to Lloyd
"And as long as I've got you guys, there's no chance I'm ever going to join Garmadon." (Y/N) said as he puts Lloyd down, he then puts his hand in the middle
"All for six?." (Y/N) asked as Lloyd looked confused
"All for six?." Lloyd asked
"Yeah, join in little buddy." (Y/N) smiled as they all put their hands in
"All for six!." They yelled together, while they chuckle, Dearth tries to sneak attack on Jay who tackles him and flips him over
"Oh, come on guys. I dearth you to forgive me." Dearth said as everyone laughs
Back on the apartment rooftop (Y/N) talks to Wu
"It seems Garmadons conquest for pure darkness grows near, and he is desperately trying to get you to help him." Wu said as (Y/N) looked confused
"Is this because I'm the master of Destruction?." (Y/N) asked
"It may be, but for what I know, as long as you continue to fight on the right side, light will grow stronger." Wu said as (Y/N) nodded
"I understand. Thanks dad." (Y/N) smiled as he hugged Wu quickly before running inside, Wu then looked worriedly
"I fear this may lead to something much worse in the future." Wu said worriedly as he looks into the sky

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