In a jungle, Nindroids walk around and scan the area, Lloyd hides in the bushes and he attacks them, Lloyd then runs into a cave,
"Ninja! Go!." Lloyd yelled doing Spinjtizu on some Nindroids, he spots the Golden Amour on a pedestal and ties a rope to his waist, he then jumps down to grab the Amour which disappears, revealing the whole thing to be a test
"You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids." Cryus said looking at the broken Nindroids
"If I can't steal the Golden Amour. I'd be surprised if anyone else could. It's secure, but where is the real one?." Lloyd asked pushing Cryus's wheelchair
"Some secrets are best kept safe." Borg said as they approached Wu
"Lloyd, where are the other ninja? I asked all of you to take part in this test." Wu asked as Lloyd looked nervously
"Uh, they uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh... all had other plans." Lloyd said
"I understand perfectly well. The loss of Zane and (Y/N) has affected us all. I haven't even heard word from my assistant PIXAL since their memorial. It's heartbreaking." Cyrus said sadly
"Yes, the loss was hard, losing the one I would call my son, it hurts more than anything, but if we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane and (Y/N) will either tear you four apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours." Wu said as Lloyd sighed sadly
"I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy." Lloyd said
"The greatest lessons never are." Wu said sadly looking away
"You miss him too, don't you?." Lloyd asked Wu
"Everyday, I raised him for such a young age, I can't remember my life without him, it feels like I lost a part of me as well." Wu said sadly
"I understand the pain, (Y/N) was like an older brother to me, everyday it hurts knowing he isn't here anymore." Lloyd said sadly
"It's the sad part of life, when we lose someone close to us, I have felt that pain before, but we mustn't allow it to overtake us, we must move forward and continue their legacy." Wu said as he and Lloyd hug
Meanwhile on a game show, Jay walks on stage
"Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever!." The crowd yells as jay walks up
"I'm Jay. Ninjago's most loveable ninja, here before the Gauntlet of Humility to see who will be Ninjago's next hero, and whose dreams will be gone, in a flash!." Jay announced as he uses his lightning to fly up to the platform
"I'm here with Cathy, tireless mother of four, pillar of the PTA, and returning contestant. Tell me, Cathy, after being humbled by the Gauntlet the first time, what makes you think this'll be any different?." Jay asked as Cathy yells in the microphone
"Because ninja never quit!." Cathy yelled and Jay laughs
"Okay Cathy. Start the doomsday clock!." Jay yelled as Cathy starts to make it across, she gets far but falls
"Heh, I got father than last time!." Cathy yelled as the crowd cheers, after the show, Jay makes it back to his dressing room, and he looks at a photo of the Ninja standing together with a young Lloyd
"Ninja never quit, huh, Zane and (Y/N)?." Jay asked as Lloyd jumps down from the roof
"The team needs you now more than ever." Lloyd said as Jay turns around and gasps seeing Lloyd
"How did you get in here?." Jay asked
"I'm a ninja, and you are wearing makeup." Lloyd said pointing at Jay smirking
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's concealer, a time- honoured tool of the ninja. And what do you mean team? I'm not going back without Zane and (Y/N), and I'm not returning until I repay my faults on (Y/N), I never got to apologise to him before his sacrifice, I feel like I failed him." Jay said looking down sadly
"Jay, you know (Y/N) would forgive you, you both were friends, you both understood each other, he wouldn't want you to beat yourself up for his sacrifice, neither would Zane. Come on Jay, you don't belong here. This isn't you. You're the Master of Lightning, not the Master of Lighting. You know where I'll be if you change your mind." Lloyd disappearing, Jay goes to apply more concealer but gets angry and tosses it away
Lloyd then finds Cole chopping wood in the Blackwood forest
"The team needs you now more than ever." Lloyd said as Cole chops wood
"I thought I was good with a scythe. Turns out I'm even better with an axe." Cole grunted as he continued chopping wood before looking at him
"I'm tired of fighting Lloyd. Tired of Serpentine, tried of Nindroids, tired of... failing my brothers. Out here, no one knows who you are. No one expects anything of you." Cole said remorseful as he looks around the area
"But what would Zane and (Y/N) expect? You're the Master of Earth, Cole. You don't belong in trees. Your feet should be on the ground. You can't hide who you are." Lloyd said as Cole sighs
"Sorry, Green machine, this is my life now." Cole said
Meanwhile a man is on top of a pile of logs, it starts to fall
"Oh no, cracked stem! She's falling hard!." The worker yelled as he jumps off as the logs roll off, Cole jumps off the tree and uses his earth to stop them, everyone cheers
"Who is he?." A worker asked
"Not one of us." Another worker said
"If you change your mind, Cole, you know where I'll be." Lloyd said disappearing, Cole sighs sadly
Kai meanwhile fights in the Yang Tavern
"Welcome to the Yang Slither Pits final. In the left corner, we have Kai, the Flaming Shogun. And in the right corner, we have Kruncha." Mezmo announced
"Ninja! Go!." Kai yelled using Spinjtizu to defeat Kruncha
"Didn't your mama ever warn you not to play with me?." Kai asked crossing his arms as Kruncha laid on the ground
"No." Kruncha answered
"Victory of the Slither Pit and undefeated champion... Kai, the Flaming Shogun!." Mezmo yelled raising Kai's hand who pulls it back
"The Red Shogun. Red Shogun!." Kai yelled as he kicks Krunchas head
"Hey!." Kruncha yelled
"Some fight that was." Nuckal said as he picks up Krunchas bones
"Let's get out of here." Kruncha said as he kicks him and starts laughing
"You said to go down in the first." Kruncha laughed
"I said don't be the first to go down." Nuckal said as he kicks Krunchas head out of the arena, meanwhile Kai sits down at a nearby table and drinks juice
"You shouldn't drink too much juice. It's filled with more sugar than you realise." Lloyd said appearing next to Kai
"Oh, it's you." Kai said uninterested
"The team needs you now more than ever." Lloyd said
"Who says the great and powerful Green Ninja needs a team? You seem to be holding down the fort in your own." Kai said not interested
"I get it Kai. You've ran out of bad guys to fight out there, you've got to come to a place like this. But where's the honour in that? Where's the Master of Fire?." Lloyd asked
"It's the Red Shogun now. And where's the Master of ice? Huh? Where's the Master of Destruction? Huh? They're gone, but I'm still here. Who cares about honour? It should've been me, I should've been the one-
"You always thought you should've been the one. First it was being the Green Ninja, now this. When are you gonna start thinking of someone other than yourself?." Lloyd asked as he disappeared
"If you change your mind, you know where I'll be." Lloyd said as Kai looks down at his drink sadly
Kai leaves wearing his regular civilian outfit, he walks over to Zane's and (Y/N) memorial, he puts a hand on Zane's statue before looking at (Y/N)'s statue, he sighs and looks down, before looking up and smiling at the two statues, remembering all the good times they had, he hears the Falcon who perches itself on Zane's statue, Kai smiles at the Falcon before walking away
Kai eventually arrived to Chens Noodle House and enters
"There's only one Master Chens, Ninjago's number one noodle house." Chen said on a recording, Kai looks around as Lloyd calls him over
"Kai, back here." Lloyd waved over and Kai walks over and sees the duo
"Jay? Cole?." Kai asked as they looked at him
"Ha, you too?." Cole asked
"The runt tricked us all." Jay grunted, Kai reaches over for the food but Lloyd stops him
"We talk first, then eat." Lloyd said as Kai pulls his hand back
"Uh, trust me, do you know what kind of restraint I've had to stare at all this noodle goodness? You're late." Cole crossed his arms annoyed
"Make it quick." Kai said
"I know without Zane and (Y/N) things have been different, but we have to move on. The reason I brought you all here is because... maybe we should add someone new to our team?." Lloyd suggested
"A new ninja?." Kai asked
"Are you crazy?!." Jay yelled
"Come on, Zane and (Y/N) are irreplaceable!." Cole yelled
"I cared for them too, trust me, you should know I was close to (Y/N) more than anyone, but now it's time to care about this team." Lloyd said
"Maybe without them both, there is no team." Kai said sadly
As they talked Eyezor and two thugs come in, Jay spots them
"Oh. Don't look now, but we've got trouble." Jay said as they force the Restaurant owner to open the cash register, he gives them the money before the put him on the conveyor belt, they laugh
"Check it out." A thug said as Cole got frustrated
"All right, now they're our problem." Cole said as they got up and confronted the thugs
"Excuses me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food." Cole said as the four crossed their arms
"I'd listen if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry." Kai said as the thugs attacked the ninja who fought back
"All right, I admit it. We make a good team." Kai smiled as Cole eats food as Kai kicks the rest at the off the conveyor belt
"Yeah, mmm. Everything's better in a full stomach." Cole said as Eyezor shatters a plate
"Hey, I was gonna eat that." Cole glared as they defeat the thugs, the four cheer
"How could you walk away from this?." Lloyd smiled as the thugs run away and escape from the back door
"Hey, let's get them guys." Cole said as they followed behind, they leave and look around, only to notice them gone
"Oh, where did they go? Huh?." Kai looked confused as they spot fortune cookies on a table with a letter above it
"What's this?." Lloyd asked as he takes it off
"Uh..." Jay looked confused as they saw a picture of Zane and (Y/N) on the letter, Kai gasps
"It's Zane." Kai said
"And... (Y/N)?." Cole looked confused as they looked at each other
"What does it say?." Cole asked
"It says they're alive." Lloyd said much to their confusion and shock
"I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House. I think they were delivering a message to us." Kai realised
"What do you mean it says they're alive? How's (Y/N) alive? He's not like Zane, he can't be rebuilt." Jay said
"Maybe... maybe it's cause he's like the Overlord? Maybe he just came back?." Cole guessed
"Why would these thugs lead us here?." Kai wondered
"You know, this had to be some cruel joke. And I'm not laughing." Cole said crossing his arms
"Look." Lloyd said looking at the fortune cookies
"I think this was meant for us too." Lloyd said
"Fortune cookies? Very peculiar." Jay looked confused
"Should we?." Lloyd asked as Cole eats it
"Uh, you do realise there's a fortune inside right?." Kai asked
"Oh, so that's why they're called that." Cole chuckled slightly as Lloyd opens his and reads it
"Listen to this. Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his Tournament of Elements." Lloyd read out
"Wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr Chen, the same guy filling my belly with delicious goodness, is actually Master Chen?." Cole asked confused as Kai reads his
Secrecy is of the utmost importance. Tell no one, or suffer the consequences." Kai read as Jay read his
"If you ever want to see your friends again, meet on the pier at midnight and leave your weapons behind." Jay read as they looked at each other before their fortunes explode, they all look at Cole who's belly exploded before belching
"Uh. At least I know I was invited." Cole said as everyone laughed before stopping
"You don't think..." Lloyd looks upset
"It could be a trap. A lie to lure us in." Kai said
"Yeah, but what if it's not? What if Zane and (Y/N) are alive?." Jay asked
"The Tournament of Elements. I'm starting to think this Master Chen makes more than noodles." Lloyd said
"You can forget brining in a new ninja Lloyd. Let's go see about an old few." Kai smiled
Meanwhile at Garmadons monastery, Garmadon sees Nya and Wu working on something
"Hm, are you planning on fixing the bounty?." Garmadon asked
"Yeah, it's easier to take our minds off..." Nya stops herself as she sighs and continues working
"How are you both feeling?." Garmadon asked
"We will be fine... we just need time to move on." Nya said sadly
"Maybe, I could go get help for you." Garmadon said as he walks off to Lloyd's room, Lloyd inside gets ready for the Tournament, Lloyd goes to grab a katana but remembers the note
"Leave your weapons behind." Lloyd said as he walks away from it, Garmadon then knocks on the door and enters
"I was just on my way to help Nya and Wu restore the Bounty. Would you like to join? Guess you could say it's all hands on deck." Garmadon chuckled as the radio stops playing music
"Uh, sorry. The guys and I are going fishing. Team building exercises." Lloyd lied
"Hm, good to hear the teams back together." Garmadon smiled, Lloyd then looks at Garmadon with a conflicted expression
"Dad, our Elemental Power... are there others out there with powers like us?." Lloyd asked as Garmadon looked confused
"Why would you ask?." Garmadon asked curious
"No reason. It was just on my mind." Lloyd lied as Garmadon noticed a takeout box with the Noodle House logo, let's gets infront of it
"See ya. Early bird catches the worm." Lloyd said leaving, Garmadon then noticed Lloyd didnt take his fishing rod, he then looks back at the box and glares
"Chen." Garmadon looked angry
The ninja arrive at the docks with multiple other Elemental Masters
"Ah, I told you we shouldn't have worn them." Kai said referring to their GI's
"The Tournament of Elements. You think all of them have powers like us?." Kai asked
"When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious. Like there's something he's keeping from me." Lloyd said
"The fortune cookie said. Tell no one or else there'd be consequences." Cole quoted
"Relax, we're cool." Lloyd said as a ferry pulls up
"We don't know yet if this is a real. Wherever they take us, we have to stick together." Lloyd said as they line up
"Watch your step, madam." Clouse said as a woman looks back at them, Kai looks at her and sighs
"We can't let anything distract us. You hear me, Kai?." Lloyd looked at Kai who didn't pay attention
"Uh? Uh, yeah. Uh, got it. Whatever you said." Kai said in trance as they kept moving up
"Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjtizu shall fare favourably in his Tournament." Clouse said
"Hey, we're not here to fight. We're here to save some friends." Jay said glaring at Clouse
"Don't be so petty Master Jay. Everyone here has something to fight for." Clouse said smirking as he pulled out nunchucks, Jay chuckles
"Chopsticks. I'm a big eater, heh." Jay gulped as Clouse throws them off board and into the sea, the others board and Lloyd goes to do so too, but Garmadon stops him
"Lloyd! Wait! If you get on that boat, you may never return." Garmadon warned
"What are you doing here, dad?." Lloyd asked confused as Clouse glared
"Master Chen is a dangerous man who should never be trusted. Whatever he promised you, do not believe him." Garmadon said as Clouse walked up slightly
"Lord Garmadon. It's been awhile. It's Sensei now, correct? I can't remember." Clouse smirked slightly, Garmadon glared at him
"Clouse. I see Master Chen still has you running his errands." Garmadon remarked as Clouse glared at him
"I have to go Dad. This is about Zane and (Y/N). It's about family. If we're ever going to be whole again. I have to get on that ship." Lloyd said
"(Y/N)'s alive?." Garmadon asked confused
"Last call. Are you in, or out?." Clouse asked as Lloyd entered
"I can't stop you, son, but I can join you." Garmadon said as he went to board, but Clouse quickly stopped him by pulling the plank back with two warriors
"Sorry, no more room in the ship." Clouse smirked evilly
"No room?." Garmadon asked as he kicks a thug off the ship
"I stand corrected. There's room now." Clouse corrected
"Don't worry, I'm not here to compete. Only to look out for my interests." Garmadon smiled, side hugging Lloyd
"Let's ship out!." Clouse yelled as the ferry leaves
The ninja and Garmadon wonder the ship and see the other Elemental Masters display their powers
"You know him. You said his names Clouse." Lloyd said
"Don't be fooled by his attire. He is a Master of Dark Arts and Master Chens number two." Garmadon said
"Huh, I thought Master Chens number two was egg roll and fried rice." Cole questioned
"Dark Arts? Like (Y/N)'s powers?." Jay asked
"Not even close, just know, the Dark Arts is very dangerous." Garmadon said
"Why haven't you or Wu ever told us there are others with powers like us?." Kai asked
"Because there are some things we don't want you to know. You were led to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from." Garmadon said
"Uh, are you implying that I'm not special?." Jay asked
"Everyone on this ship is a descendant of an original Elemental Master." Garmadon explained
"Elemental Master? Who were they?." Lloyd asked
"They were the First Spinjtizu Masters guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has passed down through generations." Garmadon explained
"If that's true, then so is my sister Nya. But she can't do what I can." Kai said
"Can't she? Power lies in all of you. It only needs to be awoken m. The fighters here serve no master and have managed to unlock their own True Potential. For instance, that Pale man. A distant relative to the Master of Light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's stayed hidden all these years." Garmadon looked at the pale man who disappears, Griffin Turner runs by
"Then there's Griffin Turner. Grandson to the Master of Speed." Garmadon said as they watch him run
"Hey, you can't lay a hand on me. I'm faster than fast. Swifter than swift." Griffin said smirking
"Uh, Master of Speed? Pfft. That's not an Element." Jay said as Garmadon walks past him
"So asks the Master of Lightning." Garmadon mocked
"Oh snap, he got you there." Cole laughed as Jay glared
"You wouldn't even win a fight against me rock head." Jay glared
"Okay, stop spreading lies old friend." Cole laughed
Kai then looks at Skylor
"And uh, who's she?." Kai asked
"I don't know. Most of these people I have not seen. But they will all be gunning for you. You are ninja. You serve with honour. Here, that means very little." Garmadon explained as Karlof walks up to Skylor harasses her
"Well, maybe honour means something to me." Kai said as he walks up to them, Skylor noticed
"It's okay. I can handle myself." Skylor reassured as Karlof looks at Kai
"This none of his business. Karlof cold. Karlof just want her cloak." Karlof said
"You look like you got big enough mittens. Why not leave the gal alone?." Kai asked
"These not mittens. These crush ninja." Karlof glared at Kai
"Wow, if my old friend was here, he would tell you to get a better grip on your language skills." Kai mocked
"Karlof have good grasp on language!." Karlof yelled
"Sure you do big guy." Kai mocked as Garmadon tried to stop him
"Save it for the Tournament, Kai." Garmadon said but Kai ignored him
"Don't think Karlof afraid of you." Karlof glared
"No, you don't think much at all, do you?." Kai asked as Karlof lifts him up
"Uhh! Just jump in whenever you feel like it." Kai groaned
"You say Karlof not smart?." Karlof asked
"I'd say Karlof is plenty smart not to start something he can't finish." Lloyd glare as Karlof punches Kai
"Woah!." Kai yelled
"Oopsy. Guess Karlof not smart." Karlof laughed, the ninja try to intervene but Garmadon stops them
"Kai started this. He can finish it." Garmadon said as Kai and Karlof fight each other, Karlof breaks parts of the ship, Kai and Karlof fight on the ferries pedal and repeatedly hit each others fists, Kai gets knocked onto the ferries deck again and they go to fight again but Clouse stops them
"Enough!." Clouse yelled as Karlof left, skylor walks over to Kai
"I'm sorry if I was cold to you earlier." Skylor said as she helps Kai up, secretly using her Amber powers on him
"We're here. Welcome to Chens island." Clouse said as everyone wowed at the Island, Clouse hides behind a crest and pulls out a walkie talkie
"Master Chen, Garmadon has returned. He says he will be looking out for his interests." Clouse said
"Interesting. You worry to much, Clouse. Everything will work out. Just wait and see." Chen said as he hanged up the walkie talkie
Back on the ferry, Garmadon glared at the island
"I swore never to return." Garmadon said
"You know, you should never swear. It's a sign of weak verbal skills." Jay said
"If Zane and (Y/N) are on that island, we'll find them. We have to." Lloyd said
Meanwhile Chen walks under the island and approaches two cells
"I hold all the cards." Chen laughs evilly as inside the two cells, Zane opens his eyes as they are now Blue, and his body is made out of titanium while in the other cell a boy with long (H/C) colour, wearing a Purple and silver GI, he opens his eyes, revealing it to be (Y/N)

Lego Ninjago The Purple Ninja (Male Reader)
ActionLong before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons, but when he passed a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon, so I, sensei Wu, his brother sought out four ninja to collect th...