Season 8 Episode 83: True Potential

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The canal lays quietly as a truck plays some music before leaving

"In other news, Ninjago City has once again been saved by ninja from the clutches of a militant biker gang calling themselves the Sons of Garmadon."

"Yeah, hear about that? Happened just a few blocks away. Crazy, right?." The man asked his co-worker as they reversed out

"Over 300 of its gang members have been sentenced to Kryptarium Prison, while its suspect leader, the Royal Jade Princess of Ninjago, Harumi, is being questioned by police."

"Uh, what I wouldn't give to be a ninja. Hoo. Hah. Hyah." The co-worker pretended to kick around as the trucks back opened up ready to dispose of the trash

"Hey, easy there, Master of Trash. This shift just started." The man said

"Aw, this drive— it's killing me." He complained as they threw trash into the garbage truck

"She calls me." A voice spoke out

"She calls you what?." The co-worker asked confused

"I didn't say anything." The man responded as they went back to their jobs

"She... calls... me." The voice said again gaining both of the attention, they look to the back of the alley as someone slowly raises their head, making the two men run away and scream

"She... calls... me." Lord Garmadon said as his red eyes glare
Day time arrives and Harumi sits in the interrogation room

"Has she talked yet?." The Commissioner asked

"Yeah, she hasn't given us squat. They don't call her the Quiet One for nothing." The officer told The Commissioner as a truck zoomed over, it crashed into things and the people scream and yell

"No, it can't be—

"Sir, watch out."

The Commissioner gets knocked into the wall of the interrogation room

"Ha-ru-mi." Lord Garmadon spoke as Harumi stared at him in shock, his glare landing on her

"You're free. Now free me." Harumi smiled evilly
The weekend whip began playing as a pool-ball hits other balls, it's then revealed the ninja singing on the karaoke bar with Misako and PIXAL watching while Baby Wu dances

"It's time for training, And we're getting started it's on you know. And we wanna see you whip and shout it. We rock. You roll! They say go slow. And everything just stand so still. We say go, go. We're ready for the fight we know the drill. It seems so long ago...

"This part is— okay listen—-" Jay broke off from the song

"okay, here it comes." Cole said

"They say go slow. And everything just stands so still. We say go, go...

Misako laughs as Wu continues dancing

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