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Sophie woke up from her sleep she turned her head slightly to see her husband Hort was not their. She was confused because she was always up hours before him. Also, the curritains had light seeping through them. She turned to look at her bedside where her phone was she turned it on and time said 11am. " shit" she said. She then pulled cover of her and slowly got up. She wobbled over to her closet, her hand her back because her bump was quite big. She then got one of her dresses out it was a purple one with white pokeadotes on it was flowly dressed because she couldn't wear her other dress anymore. She put on her stocking to cover her popped out veins one them had cut because was red. She put them on and made her way over to her vainty to put her makeup on. She then brushed out her hair. Then she got up and made her way downstairs. She then got downstairs  to see Hort sat down on the sofa  drawing. He then looked up and smiled at her. Sophie then sat down next to him her feet ached from walking on them and probably didn't help because the tight stocking she been putting on them wich had been covering her views but had making them worse and sore. Hort senses  her discomfort. " What hurts my love?"    "Oh, it fine it just feet and legs their bit sore that all."  He looks at her, not convinced at all."Lay down. It might help."  Sophie lay down on the sofa. Hort put her legs into his lap and lifted her dress ever so slightly so he took the stocking off. "DONT." " These stockings are too tight for you to be wearing Sophie."" I have to urgh I do want you to see."" Why?"               "Because I look horrible."" Nonsense My Love your  divine." Hort then took the stocking off. "Oh, that looks painful and infected."" What?" We're gonna have to get this checked out.

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