Ch. 38: Smoke Alarm

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A few days later, Emily walked around the lobby with a clipboard, and her brand new General Manager name tag attached to her vest. Everyone else was standing before her like a soldier line up.

"Alright, everything is going smoothly so far." Emily said, going over the checklist for Charlie and Vaggie's wedding/coronation, "Everything needs to be perfect."

"Does it really have to be perfect?" Husk asked.

"Husker, this is their wedding! Of course it hasssss to be perfect." Pentious said to him.

"It's not just their wedding." Emily said, not looking up from the clipboard as she paces before them, "It's also going to be the coronation where dad steps down after 10,000 years and crowns Charlie and Vaggie as the new royalty of Hell, this has never happened before, so it needs to be GREAT!"

"... You're a little high strung." Husk said.

"Of course, I haven't had a smoke break or drink in days!" Emily shouted, stopping her pacing but still writing.

"Really? Not even after meals?" Angel asked her.

"NO! Charlie has been SO high strung about me smoking or drinking ever since I lit a cigarette in front of her but that's not important right now!" Emily said, snapping the pencil she was using and threw it away before pulling out another one.

As she kept writing stuff down, everyone glanced at each other before quickly nodding in agreement.

" should go take a smoke break, Em. You seem to need it... REALLY bad." Husk said.

"I'm fine! A little nicotine withdrawal never killed anyone, much less a fallen angel! Plus we have to finish preparations for the wedding/coronation!" Emily said before pointing to Sir Pentious. "Mr. Pentious, you'll be in charge of security."

He instantly stood straighter and saluted.

"I won't let you down, ma'am!" Sir Pentious said.

"Good! Husk, I need you to take care of the drinks for the night, that's your specialty." Emily said, scribbling notes down on the clipboard, "And I need-"

Suddenly, Husk took the clipboard from her hands and replaced it with a pack of cigarettes.

"To go take a break, it won't kill ya." Husk said, "Hell, you're a fallen angel, I'm pretty sure nothing will be able to kill you. So go and relax, we can take care of this."

"Agreed. Have faith in your employees, my dear." Alastor said.

"But I'm the new General Manager. It's my-" Emily suddenly jumped by Niffty.

"Shut up and pop one in already!" Niffty shouted, ripping the pack open and shoving a cigarette in her mouth.

Seeing even Niffty telling her to take a break, Emily knew better than to mess with her or say no. Despite being the general manager.

'Maybe Niffty needs one too? I'll ask later.' Emily thought before snapping her fingers, making a flame and lighting her cigarette.

She took a deep hit of it and let the smoke out through her mouth, feeling significantly more calm immediately.

"Uuuuuuuuh, sweet father. I needed this." Emily muttered with a smile.

"Yes, I can see the stress melting away but could you please take it outside?" Alastor asked, waving his hand around.

Emily rolled her eyes, but obliged.

She walked outside and summoned her black wings, flying to the second floor balcony and sitting on the railing.

Emily looked out at the rest of Pentagram City as she let took a hit and the smoke fill her lungs.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but... I've never been happier than I have been in hell." Emily said, blowing out smoke. "It just... feels like an entire, giant ass weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"I agree."

Looking next to her, Emily saw that Vaggie had joined her with an unlit cigarette in hand.

"When did you get here?" Emily asked in surprise.

"I've actually been here a minute before you got here. I was just really quiet." Vaggie said before holding her cigarette out. "Spare a light?"

Emily held a finger out and made a small fire ball on it.

"Always." Emily said as Vaggie's put her cigarette to the flame.

Vaggie put it to her lips and inhaled, sighing as she expelled smoke.

"Thanks." She said, grinning. "Bet you're why I'm here?"

"Sort of but I can assume it's because Charlie is busy learning about running the Pride Ring from dad." Emily said.

"Yup but that's not all on her plate." Vaggie said.

"Yeah. It'll be crazy running the hotel, being a parent, and learning about being queen. That will be A LOT to juggle." Emily said.

"Tell me about it." Vaggie said, taking a hit of her cigarette, "And the further she gets into this pregnancy after the wedding/coronation... the more likely I'm breaking out the weed."

"Heh... let me know when that happens." Emily said, grinning.

"You sure you can handle it? Marijuana is an entirely new beast compared to nicotine." Vaggie said, warning Emily.

"Please. What's the worse that can happen?" Emily said, being sarcastic.

"Remember after you first gorged yourself on coffee shop pastries?" Vaggie asked with a grin. "Charlie told me what happened."

"Again, I have my gluttony under control." Emily said.

"You say that but trust me. Weed gives you a GIANT case of hunger called "the munchies." And even if you do eat, you're still hungry." Vaggie explained.

"You ever experienced it?" Emily asked.

"Once... damn, Charlie thought I was going to eat her." Vaggie said, chuckling.

"As opposed to eating her out." Emily said, finishing her cigarette.

"How do you know I didn't it mean that way?" Vaggie asked with a grin.

Emily cringed a bit.

"No... I don't want to know." Emily said, the little aroace bean.

"If only you know what it's like to romantically love a person." Vaggie said.

"Oh, I think I can. It's just I refuse to take it into lustful territory." Emily said as she pulled out a second cigarette.

"Yeah, that maybe, but you'll still find someone that you're willing to spend your life with. It could be a friend that you have a special platonic bond with, or it could be someone you just meet. Lust may not be your thing, but love doesn't have to be romantic or lustful." Vaggie said.

That made Emily think for a moment, perhaps a relationship like that COULD be possible. A strong friendship or a loving relationship, without the need for lust.

'It sounds pretty good but uncle Ozzy would probably faint if I told him.' Emily thought.

"I'll think about it." Emily said, lighting her second cigarette.

Honestly... she does need a friend, she only works at this point, she needed someone she could just talk to, but sadly... there was no one she could possibly be friends with in hell, not that she could think of at least.

"Well, I have to get back to work." Emily said, taking one big hit of her cigarette to finish it in seconds before stamping it out and chucking it off the balcony.

'Damn, girl. You're a glutton even for cigarettes.' Vaggie thought in surprise as Emily blew out a large cloud of smoke.

"You have my number, so let me know if something happens with Charlie." She said, jumping to the ground

"I will." Vaggie said, taking another hit of her own cigarette, "Talk later, Em."

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