Little Prince

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Info - mommy kink, soft Dom, emotional Timothée, baby talk, nursing kink, cock warming, crying during sex, pet names, sleep aid

I slept soundly to the sound of the shipping forecast, something Timothée had gotten me into. There was also a white noise machine and a cooling fan. I was at peace on the goose feather mattress cover.

Both Timothée and I had issues sleeping. Anxiety, work stress, insomnia, and a plethora of other things made it hard for us to relax the way we wanted. Timothée had been having a specifically hard time lately.

His work had him overwhelmed and anxious. Little things were making him feel awful. I tried my best to help him. I never let him believe the small things were inconsequential. We usually ended up relaxing into a bit of silence, maybe a funny meme to show one another, and then sleep.

I felt guilty that I had been doing better than him. Work wasn't quite as hard and my sleep hadn't been so awful. Timothée assured me I shouldn't feel guilty.

I was awoken by the moving in the bed. I blinked open my eyes and saw him lay on his back with his eyes staring bleakly at the ceiling. I knew this wasn't his normal position. He wasn't doing well.

"Baby?" I asked groggily.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He rasped. I could hear the weakness of his voice.

"What's going on love?" I asked. I cupped his jaw, and my thumb caressed his cheek.

"I-I'm sorry I woke you," he repeated. I was unsure of what to do. It was clear he wasn't okay.

"Tell me what you're thinking," I whispered.

"W-would it be a turn off if someone cried when you soft dommed them?" He asked slowly.

"What, no," I said and began to play with a loose curl.

"Really?" He asked.

"I would feel so trusted and adored. I would be turned on. I think it would be beautiful," I mused as I absentmindedly toyed with his hair.

"And he could make cummies still?" He said in a very small voice.

"Of course he would. He would be such a good boy to let mommy help him in that way," I cooed and he shuddered.

"Why, what's up?" I asked.

"I am so stressed. I need, fuck, I need to let off some steam. I need release but I might, I might-"

"Cry?" I finished for him.

"Mhmm," he nodded pitifully, his mouth a hard line as he tried to stop his lips from trembling.

"Oh baby boy," I said and pulled him into my arms. I pulled my top off and my bottoms. I was thankful he only wore boxers in the warm night air.

"Feel mommy's skin," I breathed and I felt him relax a bit.

"You know, you haven't wanted praise in a while. Can mommy give you praise?" I asked him. His eyes didn't meet mine. I knew he felt bad for wanting it.

"I d-don't deserve it. I'm no good-"

I shushed him. I let my thumb press into his mouth so he could suck. I gently stroked his cock as he looked at me needily. He looked so pitiful and desperate.

"Pretty boy," I crooned.

"Mmmm," he sighed.

"You're so brave. You're such a good boy. Mommy thinks you're so amazing," I told him quietly.

It was just him and I in this night. There was just my whispers and his wet cock sounds. He was a little squirmy, but he also looked dreamy and happy.

"My little prince needs it soft doesn't he?" I asked.

"Mmmmhmmm," he sniffed. His eyes were welling up.

"I think you're so good," I explained. "No bad inside you. I'm sorry you're so stressed. You deserve all the good things."

"Mommy," he said weakly. His cock was drooling precum.

"You have cummies that need to come out. It'll help you won't it, mommy's boy."

"Yes," he nodded.

"Your thingy needs his mommy, that will make it all better. Tell me what else you need," I requested.

"Mommy, mommy could I have suckies? I just want to be soft and small with mommy," he asked in a whiny voice. I smiled at him happily.

"Yes my darling," I nodded. I presented him with my nipple. He stared at it for a moment as I pumped him, and then he began to fully cry.

"Y-you want me to have you? You want to be soft with me?" He asked weakly.

"Yes. You're my beautiful little prince. You get Milkies and suckies and you can make cummies inside mommy," I allowed.

"I-Inside mommy?" He asked with huge and wide eyes that looked up at me.

"Yes, safe inside mommy," I soothed him. "Just suckle."

"Yes mommy," he nodded eagerly. "You're so special to me."

He closed his mouth around my nipple. He closed his eyes and I felt the weight of the world fall off his shoulders. He began to massage my other breast. He sucked and suckled and nuzzled closer and closer.

We were warm and safe. I guided his cock inside me. He gave soft little thrusts, just a tiny one here or there to feel good. I pressed a kiss to his forehead. I let one of my hands play with his curls. My other hand went gently down and squeezed his ass.

I saw him grow a little smile as he nursed. He liked when I played with his butt. Tears still trickled down his face.

"It's okay baby. You can let it all out. Make cummies, make tears, do whatever you want little one," I said softly. I patted his ass as he suckled.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, my mommy," he murmured against my breast.

"You're safe," I promised. "You're warm and good. You're a brave boy. You're so kind, and a hard worker, and you are mommy's perfect boy. You're pretty and you make mommy feel amazing."

"I make mommy feel good?" He asked.

"So good my little prince," I promised.

"Mommy can I cum in you?" He asked.

"Always," I nodded.

"Th-thank you mommy," he stuttered as his hips picked up a bit. Then he made a strangled, beautiful, submissive noise and I felt his warm offering inside me. I cooed my thanks as I cradled him.

"I feel dreamy mommy," he confessed.

"Then go to sleep my love. Do you feel any better?"

"I feel amazing," he sighed. He laid down on my chest and fell asleep. 

NSFW Timothee Chalamet One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now