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In the morning, Phoenix had talked about his plan to Gumshoe. They both decided to follow through and let Edgeworth's team continue their search. Gumshoe didn't know how much help he could be, so he told Phoenix to visit the hotel and he would bring something to him. Phoenix  couldn't hide his confusion but knew that he would trust Gumshoe.

"Good luck pal!"

Phoenix left Gumshoe to secretly go back to the police station whilst he went back to the victim's apartment. He took Pearl with him and using the slip that Edgeworth had given them, entered the hotel with little to no problems.

"Mr Nick? Why are we back here?"

"Detective Gumshoe told us to meet up in the victim's room because he wanted to bring something. We might as well investigate a bit while we wait."

Pearl nodded and began running around the room looking for anything that looked out of place. Phoenix on the other hand took a calmer and  slower approach, he combed through all the stuff piled near the window. There was nothing that he could see that looked important, Phoenix couldn't help but feel slightly worried. A pit formed in his stomach as he looked for more evidence but couldn't find any, soon, he felt a hug near his waist. He snapped out of his panic and looked down.


Pearl had tightly latched onto Phoenix's waist and had buried her face into his stomach.

"Mr Nick... Are you sick?"

"Why would you think that?"

Pearl's eyes watered up slightly and she looked up at Phoenix.

"You looked really pale... Is it because you think we can't save Maya?"

She wasn't crying but instead had a look of worry and fear. Maya was the only other family Pearl had left now, losing her could be devastating. Phoenix was determined to get her back.

"Absolutely not Pearls!" Phoenix flashed a smile across his face and put on a new confident stance. "I was just a bit sad that I couldn't find any evidence. I think that we will definitely get Maya back!" 

Pearl's worry faded away and she began smiling again. Just as the two of them were about to continue their search Gumshoe walked in. He was smiling confidently and had a small yellow device in his hands.

"I got it pal!"

Phoenix stared at him in confusion, it didn't take Gumshoe long to realise that maybe not everyone knew what he was holding. He paused before beginning to explain his masterful plan.

"Sorry pal, I should probably explain what this is. Back when I was in grade school I made this bug sweeper. It can detect any bugs in the room."

"Don't we have anything... Better?"

Gumshoe quickly began puffing up in anger defending his little device.

"Hey don't disrespect my grade school heart! Also... I got caught trying to sneak into the precinct before I could even get past the door."

Phoenix gave a disappointed look whilst Gumshoe kept reassuring him that the sweeper would work. Gumshoe handed Phoenix the device and gave him the instructions on how to use it, he then swiftly left the room to guard outside whilst Phoenix swept his surroundings.

Phoenix spent a few minutes checking everything in the room, all the usual electronic devices and such. He realised he was running out of options.

"Pearl do you think we should check the big pile of presents? If I were to hide a listening device I'd probably hide it somewhere cluttered so it's harder to find."

"But Mr Nick none of these things look like they could have a camera in them."

Phoenix considered what Pearl had said, there really didn't seem to be any place to hide a camera at all. He had to try however, something had to be found. Phoenix began checking again but found that there wasn't anything beeping. He decided to look for the last place he would expect. 

There was a large obnoxious bear standing in the corner of the room, Phoenix thought it would be too obvious to hide a camera but he checked anyways, to his surprise the sweeper beeped. Phoenix quickly called Gumshoe into the room.

"Great job pal!"

Gumshoe grabbed the sweeper and checked the bear a bit more. Once he had located the bug he aggressively ripped it out of the bear's eye. Pearl had clutched her face and screamed in horror as this all went down.

After pulling out the device Gumshoe explained what this meant to Phoenix, he already knew. This case was a mess, his client was probably guilty and the evidence was here to prove it. Gumshoe then told Phoenix he was going to circle around some electronic shops to find out who bought it. Leaving Phoenix on his own.

After Gumshoe's departure Phoenix was going to leave too, if it weren't for an abrupt voice breaking the silence.

Edgeworth had stepped into the room wearing a small smile, he quietly walked in and stopped in front of Phoenix, blocking the door.

"I'm sorry for the interruption Wright, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Gumshoe."

"Surprising to see you Edgeworth."

"I came to tell you a rescue team has finally been sent out... Sadly, I can't say I'm too optimistic."

Edgeworth clutched his arm and shamefully looked down to the side, Phoenix could feel the pain in his voice. Phoenix had to push on through the doubt.

"Thanks for telling me."

"Please... Don't thank me just yet. We still have to find Ms Fey."

Phoenix paused but nodded anyway, Edgeworth carried on his conversation.

As he had heard Gumshoe talking, Edgeworth was able to provide some helpful information to help. However, it wasn't really an advantage to Phoenix's case.

"Thanks Edgeworth but why are you telling me all of this?"

Edgeworth blushed ever so slightly, the silence made Phoenix blush too. He couldn't help but resort to his old habits again. Phoenix wanted to unpack all his emotions but didn't have the time, Maya was more important. Edgeworth muttered out a few words.

"I- I don't think I would be able to express myself properly, however one of my reasons is that I also would like Ms Fey back safe and sound. I wish you the best of luck in court tomorrow."

With that, Edgeworth walked away leaving Phoenix to be with his own thoughts again. Edgeworth's words pierced him, it was like Phoenix was reliving his time with him all over again. But he just wasn't ready yet... 

Maybe in a future time.

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