Chapter 34 - A plan

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Once safely in my chambers, I let out a few tears down, concealing my sobs but letting my sharp and difficult attempts to breathe pierce through the air. 

I hated my father, that man. 

More tears streamed down, mixing with my blood and stinging in contact with the open wounds. I staggered to my feet and made for my bathroom. Cold water whooshed out of the silver taps into the porcelain bowls as I dabbed my cheekbones with it, watching my bright red liquid seep through the drops of water. Looking around for something to use, I grabbed a hairbrush and smashed the mirror in front of the sink. It cracked and broke in front of my furious eyes as I smashed it more vehemently. Shards littered the floor everywhere, sharp ends like the broken pieces of me. 

I swung my arms and all the pretty glass bottles containing fragant perfumes, soaps, creams and shampoos crashed to the floor as well, spilling their contents over the shiny tiles. Then, the shelf came crashing down from my furious arms in a loud noise. I uprooted the plants, spraying dark earth everywhere around me. Once I had sufficiently rampaged my bathroom, I stormed out to destroy my room as well, just like I used to do before. 

Knock knock

"NO!", I bellowed towards the double doors, uncaring for whoever was behind and whoever could be hurt by my tone. I was hurt yet no one seemed to care so why should I? If my heart is bleeding and no one is bothered, why should I? 

"It's Jalid. I brought Elena." 

"Why. Would. You?", I asked scornfully, slamming the door open. Elena gasped a little and backed away, seemingly very scared. 

"Because we have a plan Loki. Now let us in if you haven't ripped all the pillars out.", Jalid muttered, making sure no guards were in near vicinity. 

They entered and sat themselves on my couches, gesturing for me to take a seat alongside them. Huffing, I joined them. Elena spoke up first, with a small voice that betrayed her fear to even be near me currently, "Uhm. Prince Loki. I am aware that you don't love me and uh that your heart could never be mine. But in truth, erm... I feel the same. I'm sorry to say that as dashing as you may be, I belong to another. Neither of us could be happy in this marriage so I'd like to help you." 

Hope soared up like a bird let out of a snare before being shot back down. In what world do they think we have a fighting chance? We are controlled by higher beings and our fate currently doesn't belong to us.

"Help me? Help me? What kind of fantasies have you conjured up? Have you lost your mind? ", I exclaimed, anger still boiling thrugh my veins from previously. Elena gulped a little and tried to hide her trembling hands beneath her ample gown.

Jalid glared at me harshly, "Loki, shut up and listen. I know you and Y/n can speak to each other so do that. We need as much people as possible for this plan." 

"What plan?" 

"We're having you leave this popsicle land.", she grinned proudly, handing over to me a detailed plan of the fortress with every passage written down as well as the schedule for the change of guards and their usual positions. I observed it carefully, tracing along the corridors and rooms marked down. 

Elena whispered, "It doesn't matter for me, I'm a girl. My father will just find another to wed me. But you Prince Loki, have hope and such love for Lady Y/n, you could succeed." 

My gaze flickered to her rapidly and narrowed, enerving her even more, "Why should I trust you?" 

"Because it's either this or you're stuck here forever and it's painfully obvious you hate this place.", Jalid hissed firmly. She clearly didn't have time for this but she wasn't the one getting married in the forthcoming week.

To be Loki'd  - Loki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now