Chapter 141 - Variety Show (42)

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The entire audience burst into applause, cheers, and whistles while Rio and Shawn bowed.

As the two of them recovered their breath while looking around, Valentina could feel a plethora of gazes burning into all sides of her head. Pretending not to see it, she stood up and applauded with everyone else while resolving to act like an invisible person since her portion was done.

Their thoughts were their own.

It had nothing to do with her.

As for the one back home, who would be upset?

Let's leave that for later. Maybe she could get him just not to watch it.

Thankfully, the rest of the show went without a hitch as Rio and Shawn continued talking about their album and the inspiration for their songs. As the show wrapped up, Valentina stood and smiled along with everyone, waving when the camera panned over to her.

The moment the cameras turned off and the audience was ushered out, she immediately wanted to leave. Unfortunately, she had to say goodbye to the hosts and give back the mic attached to her dress.

As she walked back onto the stage, she could see Jimmy make a beeline for her with an enthusiastic expression on his face.

Although she wanted to frown and avoid him, she held it in and smiled politely. Seeing him reaching in for a hug, she nimbly sidestepped it and held her hand out for a handshake instead. As he quickly transitioned to shaking her hand and almost brought it to his lips, she laughed uncomfortably and pulled it away.


"Ahh, my dear Valentina, I see you're a bit shy now that the cameras are off. What a true actress you are."

"Ahaha, I guess so." Without being too rude, she surreptitiously increased the distance between them.

"Well, I just wanted to say that you did great for today, being your first time here, and you looked beautiful doing it. Fantastic job! I don't think anyone could have been as lovely and charming as you were on their first time. And you smell fantastic."

At the excessive praise, Valentina could feel her eyes begin to twitch, especially as Jimmy stepped close to her once more and took a huge sniff of the air.

Taking a polite step back, she smiled awkwardly once more.

"Thank you very much for the compliment, but you're overstating it. I think Yuri did a fantastic job and helped bring her team the win, not to talk of the Fallen Angels themselves, who gave me this opportunity. Additionally, if it weren't for the amazing hosting skills and atmosphere created by you and Vanessa, I wouldn't have made it. I was only able to scrape by thanks to the both of you."

"Rather than scrape by, I want to say you killed it. You're quite naturally charming, you know, and so immensely beautiful. Speaking of which, and I know it's a bit sudden but would you like to get a meal together? I'm also an industry expert and can definitely give you some advice as well. Why don't we get together, and you can offload your worries on me? Since I am an actor, I can definitely help you navigate things better than Rio or Shawn can."

"Pardon me?" her brows arched in surprise.

Was she mishearing something?

"Didn't you say you wanted to be on the show again? I can easily make that happen on weekly idol as well as other things that I produce. All you need to do is have dinner and drinks with me. As friends. I'm sure a pretty girl like you knows what I'm talking about."

I beg you pardon?

Valentina truly couldn't believe her ears.

What was this man openly saying to her in broad daylight with people around?

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