chapter twenty five

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hellooooo, who's ready for a new chapter??


~ hours later ~

About two hours later Jade and i were up to our second movie, when all of a sudden my phone rang. I looked down seeing 'natasha' written across the top.

"is it Natasha?" Jade immediately asked jumping down from the chair to the join me on the rug.

I gave her a simple nod as i looked at my phone ring. "put her on speaker" I groaned at Jades suggestion as i answered the phone putting it up to my ear.

"hi" Jade huffed as i answered, i chose to ignore her.

"hi peach" Natasha's angelic voice came though, i could also hear the low rumble of her car. She must be driving and have me connected to her car. "i'm sorry it took so long to reply to you, i was out for lunch" Natasha spoke sincerely.

"oh that's okay, i had Jade come over so that's why i stopped replying this morning" Jade covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. I swung my leg out to kick her lightly.

"oh am i on speaker?" Natasha asked her voice dropping a few octaves.

"no" I replied calmly getting a weird look from Jade which i elected to ignore.

"hmm good girl" I had to concentrate really hard to keep my expression neutral. Which was hard considering how those two little words made me feel. "so i can say anything and Jade won't know" I hummed dropping my gaze to my lap.

I could feel Jades gaze on me, god i wish she would watch the movie again.

"i wish i could see how cute and flustered you are. are you trying to hide it from Jade?" I took a deep breathe glancing at Jade who was wondering why i hadn't said anything.

"uh yeah i am" Jade furrowed her eyebrows clearly confused as to what we were talking about. "we're just laying on the floor watching movies" I clarified my position as i heard Natasha hum.

"i wish i was laying on you..." Natasha husked in a low tone. I gulped thickly trying to ignore the flutter in my lower abdomen.

"if you want to join you can, Jade and i don't mind" Jade hit my leg as i spoke on her behalf.

"hmm i wish i could baby, but i've got some work to do this afternoon" Natasha purred, i really like it when she calls me baby. It makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"oh work?" I spoke questioningly, i watched as Jade raised an eyebrow.

"oh sweetheart, i won't be doing THAT i have actual proper work to do. who knows though, i might do something later this afternoon" Natasha chuckled, i heard her engine rev clearly she was taking off from a set of lights or a stop sign.

"oh um, well that's nice" I spoke furrowing my eyes as i shook my head. I thought i was slowly getting more confident talking to Natasha but i guess not today.

"you're cute, i'll make sure to let you know if i do post. maybe give you your own special photos like last night" I could tell by her tone that Natasha was smirking, she also would of certainly winked at me after that comment.

I gulped before mustering up the courage to reply. Jade had lost interest in this clearly long conversation so she was now on her phone. I knew my cheeks were red so i'm glad she wasn't looking at me anymore.

"would you like that peach?" Natasha purred before i could replied. I cleared my throat ensuring it didn't come out dry like it felt.

"yes, i would" I answered calmly and honestly. I heard Natasha hum as her car engine yet again revved.

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