The Blue Eyed Stanger

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Seme's POV:

I started to head to the river as it was now time for us night people to come out as the day people went to sleep. I took up my spot by the river in case anyone, especially the little ones, wanted a drink. I would be the one to make sure they stayed safe while doing so. I liked what I did, mainly because I got to talk to the people who came for a drink and I enjoyed the sound of the water moving in the night.

The sun had finally set, but we could still see—something that happened because we are in the dark more often than not. 'I like that I can see so well because it makes my job so much easier. Plus, while I am here, I can keep an eye out closer to The Valley,' I think to myself, smiling. I heard a sound and looked to where it came from, seeing it was just a fox. Pretty common for me to see. 'Pretty, we should be seeing babies soon,' I think to myself as I watched the fox from my spot. They were not a danger really, just looking for mice, and if they were sick and did attack, they were easy to stop.

I think back to what Izuku has been doing lately. 'Kye might be right that he is a cryptid with how he easily hides from everyone and finds us.' I think, mentally laughing at the thought as it came to my mind. I shook my head. 'I need to focus,' I scolded myself. I went back to keeping an eye out. I heard more rustling and looked at where the sound came from, but I didn't see anything. 'It's probably just the wind,' I think, still looking at the far river bank where the rustling came from. The sound was getting closer, almost like it had a purpose of sorts. When the sound was close enough, I realized it wasn't the wind, but instead it sounded like footsteps.

I kept an eye out more, scanning around for what—or who—was making the sounds of footsteps. I heard the sound again and looked towards where it was coming from, and I actually saw something—or rather someone.

At the end of the river bank, I saw a figure. They had a white hoodie on, which confused me as the weather has been warm. I could see the color of their eyes; they were blue. The person was walking towards me—and in turn, The Valley. They didn't seem to mind the dark—even if the full moon was out, it was still relatively dark.

"Stop! Why are you here?" I call when he gets close enough.

"Please, I just need a place to hide from someone," the blue-eyed stranger said.

"Kye! Kìmà!" I call loudly towards the forest, hoping he would hear me. Thankfully, it seemed he did, as just a few seconds later, he came running.

"Jì?" he asked, before he noticed the stranger near me. "Ìma?" he asked, pointing at the stranger.

"Vōl," I say, pointing to the stranger—as that is what it meant, 'stranger.' "Tàzim," I said, and he nodded and left.

"Who was that? Where did he go?" the stranger asked.

"You will see soon," I say, keeping an eye on the stranger. I also watched them climb onto a low-hanging branch. I could still see them, so I didn't say anything.

A bit later, I saw Kye and Shio coming towards us. Shio, having been woken up by Kye, yawned as he is usually asleep at this time. Shio saw me and then the stranger. "Ìma?" Shio asked.

"Vōl, that is why I requested you be here," I say to him. I was still keeping an eye on the stranger in front of me. The said stranger had a look of confusion on their face.

Shio looked at the stranger and began to speak. "You, come here," he said to them. They climbed down and came to us.

'Did Shio tell them to come to get them off the branch and out of the tree?' I think to myself, confused.

"What is your name?" Shio asked, his voice serious.

"My name is Shirakumo, Oboro," the stranger—now known as 'Shirakumo, Oboro'—said.

"Okay, and how old are you?"

"I am seventeen years old," he answered.

"Okay, and what is your quirk?" Shio asked. This was a serious question; if they had a quirk, they were not to be trusted.

"Oh... I don't have one," he said nervously.

'That is a good sign, and he doesn't have any tics to point out a quirk,' I think to myself.

"Good to know. Now, why are you here?" Shio asked.

"I am hiding from someone. I need a place to hide," he said to Shio. I knew that part as I already asked when I saw him.

"Okay, final question. What is your opinion on the killing of quirkless children?"

Oboro looked shocked. "Why would anyone?" It's clear that he's not okay with it.

"That is something we would like to know as well," Kye scoffed.

I look over and see the sun starting to rise over the horizon. Shio looked over and saw that as well before saying, "The sun is rising. Let's get you to The Valley." I nodded while yawning; it was time for us night people to sleep.

"That sounds good to me," I said after yawning, wanting sleep.

"Same," Kye said, now yawning, but he was more used to having less energy because of how much patrolling he does during the night.

"Oh Oboro, I would like to inform you that we don't use last names here, so sorry if it is confusing for you," Shio said to Oboro.

"That should be fine; I'll get used to it. Thanks for the warning, though," Oboro said, nodding to Shio in thanks. Shio nodded back to him as we started walking back. The person who changes shifts with me was walking to the river. I nodded in thanks to them, and they nodded back to me.

(Forgot to put: idea from sinerci_kitkat )

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