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I woke up the next morning feeling awesome. I stretched then got up to do my morning routine.

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I dressed up and went to the kitchen, getting my backpack on the way there.

James was already up, reading the newspaper and sipping on coffee.

"Where's Jenny?", I asked.

He just shrugged. "One night thing only. She had a boyfriend.", he said.

"Oh.", I said pathetically.

"So, how was Ashley and Megan?", James asked.

I shrugged. "Ashley and I went to watch a shitty movie, had sex in the movie theatre, went to eat at a decent restaurant, had sex in the car, then had sex again in her house. After that, I went to Megan's place, You and I switched places, and I had sex with Megan all night long.", I summarised.

"Who would you keep?", he asked.

"Definitely Megan.", I answered.

He nodded, gesturing to the plate beside his. "Eat.", he said.

Today we went to school in our Porsches. Mine was pure black again and Jamie's was yellow.

We parked at our usual places and as usual, James headed for the doors.

I saw Reyver walking towards me, with Sam by his side.

They've been together for almost a century!

Just kidding. They have been dating for 2 and a half years only, which is a century for me.

I mean, I did date when I was younger... And we dated even longer than they did...

Ugh. I don't wanna bring up the damn past.

"Dude. How was Ashley?", Reyver immediately asked me.

I shrugged. "Never again.", I said.

Sam shook her head. "When are you going to settle down, Jake?", she asked.

I laughed. "Never,Sam.", I smirked.

"Hey, you heard?", Rey asked. "New hot girl."

Sam punched him on his shoulder.

Rey pouted at her. "But my baby is hotter.", He quickly said, hugging her.

"What's her name?", I asked.

They shrugged.

"Let's go in then.", I said, and they followed me inside.

Immediately, I saw who they were talking about.


"Venus to Jake!", Sam said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?", I asked.

"Go man!", Rey said.

I nodded, walking towards her, admiring her from afar. Wait, what the hell. I mean, checking her out. Her black hair was a bit curly, falling on her shoulders perfectly. Her nose was cute and perfect. Her lips were pink and looked so kissable. And her eyes. Oh God. Her eyes looked like it changed colour every second; from blue to green to gray.

I shook my head. Since when did a girl's eyes matter? And her hair? What the hell, what has gotten into me.

I noticed that she was looking at me as I neared her so I smirked at her and she frowned! She fucking frowned. I usually get blushes or smiles or seductive looks. But frowns?

"I told you already, I don't want a fucking tour, asshole.", She said before I could say anything.

"What?", I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Are you fucking deaf?", she asked.

My jaw hung open, then I processed what she said.

"Oh, so you've met my brother.", I stated.

She looked confused for a second, then she got it. Her pink lips formed an 'o' and she smirked.

What's my name again?

Shit. Get it together, you're staring!

"I met your twin, yes.", she shrugged. "He was a bit.... pushy."

I laughed. I never heard of that before. James always respected women. Why is he trying with this one?

"I'm the pushy one, actually.", I smirked.

She shrugged. "It doesn't make a difference actually, you two look the same so I won't accept your offer too.", she said. "Unless you're more handsome, which you are not."

Wow. Blunt much.

"Who says I'm offering you a tour?", I asked.

"Aren't twins alike in everything?", she asked curiously.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

"I'll answer that one during lunch....", I said.

"Emma.", she introduced herself, offering her hand.

"I'm Jacob. Call me Jake. I don't do handshakes.", I said, puckering my lips.

She pushed my face away and I was beyond shocked, some people also gasped at the scene but hurried to their class.

"Ouch, that hurt my rep.", I joked.

"Whatever. Are you gonna help me with finding my class or not?", she asked me, giving me her schedule.

"I thought you didn't want me to give you a tour?", I asked her, smirking.

"I did say that; however, I never said to not help me find my class, idiot.", she said, rolling her eyes.


"I bet we're in the same class, then we're gonna end up as project partners, and we're gonna end up together.", I teased, ignoring her sarcastic comeback and looking at the schedule. "Oh, and no, we're not really the same.", I answered her question about twins. Oh man, there goes my reason to be with her during lunch. Wait, what!?

"Whoa dude, you don't make comments about a future with girls!", I heard Rey comment.

I rolled my eyes then realised he was right. Shit.

"Whatever man, we're gonna be late.", I said.

Then I turned to Emma. "We do have 5 out of 6 classes together.", I said, smirking. "We don't have the class before lunch together but let's meet at the cafeteria.", I said.

"Hi I'm Sam and this is my boyfriend, Reyver. Since asshole here doesn't seem like he's gonna introduce us.", she rolled her eyes, smiling.

I raised both of my hands up. "I was getting there.", I defended.

"Whatever. Let's get to class now, baby.", she said, grabbing Rey's hand and pulling him with her.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair, turning to Emma.

"Let's go.", I said, going to my locker and getting my books, putting them in my bag.

"You study?", Emma said, seeming surprised.

I shrugged. "I have to, my brother doesn't want to take on the family business."

"What DOES he want?", she asked curiously.

I sighed. "He's one fella, I tell you. He's the best. He wants to be a scientist.", I answered, adding unnecessary words into the sentence. I loved my brother to bits so I brushed it off.

She just nodded, studying me intently.

I got this weird feeling in my stomach but I ignored it.

The tardy bell rang so I took her hand in mine, running with her toward our class.

Kaya Scodelario as Emma. Credits to Google pics.

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