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"How was the date?", I asked Emma, ignoring her question and Erin, noticing that she was in a very simple yet elegant black dress.

"Well, it was alright.", she answered, looking between me and Erin.

"How do you know my cousin?", she asked again.

"She was my classmate.", I answered, sighing.

"Well now she's gonna be your classmate again.", Emma said.

"Oh.", I said, walking to my car and continuing to read the report. I opened the car door and waved without looking back at them, then i started the car and pulled out of the parking lot towards our headquarters.

I arrived at the tall glass building and parked my car at my space. On the way here, I played the report over and over in the car so I memorized it already. I entered the building and was greeted by the secretaries.

Finally, I was in the elevator going up to the seventh floor. When I arrived at the floor, I immediately went in the room.

"Ah, here he is," father announced.

"Good evening, Mr. Foster. Mr. Fox," I greeted them respectively with a handshake.

I went on with my report about partnerships with each other and how that will help our companies.

"Very good, Jake," Mr. Fox congratulated me on my report.

"Thank you, Mr. Fox," I thanked.

"Say, Jake, one of my daughters are interested in you. She's going to attend your school starting tomorrow," Mr. Hiro said. He came to the meeting because Mr. Foster is a good friend of his.

"What is her name, sir?," I asked politely,

"Her name is Sakura," He said, smiling fondly at me.

"Alright, sir. I will find her tomorrow," I smiled at him.

"Okay, this meeting is dismissed," my father said, clapping his hands twice.

Our guests left and it was only us in the room.

"Next time do not wait for them to ask what the benefits of being our partners are, okay?", He stated.

"Yes father.", I agreed.

"Other than that, you did a great job. Now go find that girl and make an impression.", He said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded and he left. I exhaled and put out my cellphone to call someone.

"Hello?", I said as she picked up.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5," I said, hurrying out of the building to my stress reliever. Sex.

I raced to Megan's place and slammed the door of my car, barely remembering to lock the door.

I got in the elevator eagerly and pressed Megan's floor.

As soon as the elevator doors open, I ran to her door and knocked eagerly.

She opened the door and I attacked her lips, ready to release my frustration from work.
I collapsed on top of her and breathed deeply.

"Thanks.", I told her and fell asleep.

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