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"Jake! Where are my earrings?", Ashley shouted from upstairs.

I was in the living room waiting for her to come downstairs for us to go to the business gathering of our companies. Ashley's parents would be here in a few moments and I am a bit nervous.

"It's here with me, remember?", I shouted back. She gave it to me awhile ago to keep since she was so forgetful.

I heard heels climbing down the stairs and stood up to look at her.

I raked my eyes up and down her body. She was wearing a red dress with her back visible and red heels with a black purse.

"You look amazing, Ash.", I said.

"Why thank you, Jake. You look dashing.", she winked at me.

I held out my hand for her to take and she took it quickly.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and we went towards it, hand in hand, and I opened it to greet her parents for the first time.

They were already in formal wear so with a few greetings after they put their luggages beside the door, we went to our separate cars and agreed to meet at the venue.

"How was I?", I asked her, pulling out of the driveway.

"You were alright.", Ashley said, smiling at me.

"Just alright?", I asked, smirking at her as we stopped at a stoplight.

"Fine, you were great. I feel that my parents loved you.", she said.

"You sure it wasn't my surname talking?", I smirked.

"That, was just a bonus baby.", she winked at me.

The drive was a short one since the hotel was close to Ashley's house. I pulled up in front of the entrance and got out of the car, giving my keys to the valet and going around the car to see that a worker already opened the door for Ashley. I put my arm out for her and she looped it with mine, walking with me to the lobby of the hotel to wait for her parents.

Ever since that 'date' with Emma, I've been going to cover for James at least twice a week. It's now August and it's only been two weeks of covering for him but I have quickly adapted to the gentleman ways of my brother.

"Hello again, Jacob.", Mrs. Taylor greeted me.

"Good evening again Mr and Mrs Taylor.", I greeted politely. "Shall we proceed to the ballroom?", I asked.

"Of course.", Mr. Taylor agreed.

I led the way to the ballroom and immediately found my parents, James, Emma, Rey, and Sam there.

Emma, as usual, was breathtakingly beautiful. She was wearing a one-shoulder white dress that hugged her body, black heels, and black and white purse. James had an arm around her waist, whispering in her ear while she giggled.

I sighed as the feeling google called jealousy rushed through me. Lucky James.

I guided the Taylors towards them and my mom immediately hugged me. I was a mommy's boy, she just wasn't around often because she goes to charities all around the world.

"Mother, Father, this is Ashley Taylor and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.", I introduced, doing the sign language for my mom to understand; she was deaf. "Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Ashley, these are my parents."

They shook hands and my parents chatted with the Taylors. They seem to know each other and my father was the one signing for my mother so I think she doesn't need my help now.

"'Sup Jake.", Rey greeted me, earning a slap on the arm from Sam.

"Ouch! Sorry. Evening Jacob.", Rey greeted again.

Ashley giggled beside me as I smirked at Rey.

"Good evening Reyver. I see that you are still getting used to these parties after 2 years of being with Samantha.", I greeted.

"2 years and 9 months, FYI. And yes, I will get used to it. For my babycakes.", Rey said sweetly, looking at Sam sweetly.

I fake gagged but Ashley slapped my arm. I smirked at her and put my arm around her waist, putting my face on her neck and inhaling her strawberry scent.

"Alright alright. Stop it you two, you're making me gag.", Sam said.

"Let's sit down, shall we?", I asked after licking and biting Ashley's neck.

They all agreed and we all sat down on a table for ten.

"So, James. I haven't heard you speak once I got here. How are you and also you, Emma!", I asked. I noticed that James had been on his phone the whole time after I introduced the Taylors to my parents and vice versa, and that he didn't pull Emma's chair back.

"Oh, nothing's up. I applied for University of Science and Technology though.", he said, glancing at me quickly then looking back at his phone.

(A/N: UST is a made up school)

I shook my head at him. I thought he said that Emma was 'different'.

(Emma's POV)

James had become distant from me ever since Jake covered for him that day and to be honest, I don't really care. He can fuck whoever he wants as long as he doesn't fuck me. Yep, we haven't done it yet. I'm a proud virgin.

Jake has been a real gentleman these past two weeks, he even does stuff that James doesn't do like put my hair behind my ear when it was falling on my face and play with my baby sister, Emerie, when I am still deciding what to wear for our date. I caught him one time playing teahouse with her.

Now he was including me in their conversation since James wanted to text this girl named Jenny. He wasn't discreet about it, I saw the messages when he was talking to my parents once in my house. It was full of dirty messages. I guess since I can't give it to him, he has to get it from somewhere else.

"You in, Emma?", Jake asked.

"Huh?", I asked. "I mean, can you repeat that?", I asked.

"We were going to the beach this weekend. I just bought a beach-house there because SOMEONE wanted me to.", he said, smirking at Ashley.

"Shut up. You work way too hard and you haven't been spending time with me,baby." , she pouted and wrapped her arms around his, pressing her boobs to his arm. I rolled my eyes discreetly at that, jealousy rushing through me. I googled it, surprise. Now I know that I feel jealous when I see them together; it's a weird feeling. Like my stomach was being tied in knots.

He shook his head, smirking at her but looked at me.

I stared back, not knowing why he was looking at me.

He cleared his throat. "Well? Are you guys coming?"

Oh. That's why. I shrugged, looking at James who was texting furiously, a tent on his pants, which he tried to conceal.

"I guess so, I'll go.", I shrugged.

"James??", Jake said, louder this time.

James almost jumped out of his seat. "Yeah?", he asked Jake.

"Are you coming with us to the beach this weekend? Emma says she's going.", he said, trying to contain his irritation.

James glanced at me then shot me an apologetic look. I knew the look.

"Sorry, I have to prepare the papers that I need for UST.", he said, faking sadness.

I know he was planning on fucking that Jenny girl and even though I didn't like him, I still felt betrayed and disappointed.

"It's alright, studies first.", I said, pecking his lips.

A few moments later, the food came and we started eating.


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