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(Emma's P.O.V.)

For some reason, I had finished changing last from the girls and I spotted them and started to walk towards them and they were a bit far from me when a guy suddenly appeared next to me, asking me my name and my number.

Before I could speak, someone spoke to him in an Australian accent.

I turned to see Jake with a glare on his face and let me tell you, it was hot as hell.

"I'm talking to this very pretty lady here, and you are?," the guy said smugly.

"Hi, I'm Logan Tuffler and you are flirting with MY girl Tiffany here, now scram before you see stars, mate," Jake growled.

The guy jumped a mile and quickly walked away.

"So, mate, where'd you get the accent?," I joked.

"Shut up, let's go find them," Jake grumbled under his breath, back to his original accent.

"Thank you," I said to him, smiling.

His mood lightened a little and he shrugged,"I studied in Australia for about one to two years."

"Oh, that's cool. Erin studied there for about half a year!," I exclaimed and Jake flinched.

I studied him, but wasn't able to make anything of it because he is as stoic as a statue.

"Where have you both been?," Rey asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed, hitting him on the arm.

The day went by fast and finally we went back to the beach house and I went into the room first so that Erin wouldn't lock me out again.

"Hey Erin," I said as she walked in and continued as I got her attention," Jake was at Australia for a year or two, you didn't see him there?," I asked.

Erin flinched, not expecting the question. Hmmm, something's fishy here.

"Tell me!," I pleaded with her.

"I can't, Jake will kill me. I want you to know but you should ask him yourself," she pleaded back.

I sighed and nodded, leaving her to go to Jake's room in my pajamas.

I knocked on his door and heard a come in then opened the door, seeing him on his laptop.

I approached him, pushing the lid down and made him look at me.

"Can I help you, Em?," He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What happened in Australia?," I asked.

He sighed, looked down and ran a hand through his hair, "nothing."

I put my finger under his chin and pulled it up to meet my eyes, telling him I was serious.

He sighed again and rolled his eyes," Fine, Erin and I had a 'thing' in Australia."

"Why didn't you tell me?," I asked.

"She broke my heart. But I forgave her when she came to me to apologise," Jake explained.

"But I would've appreciated it because she's my cousin and you're...," I trailed off, looking down,

It was his turn to turn my chin up," I'm your what?"

"That's the problem," I whispered.

"What?," he asked.

"You can't be that dense, Jake?," I asked.

"But my brother-"

"What about you,huh? It's always about James, Jake. You sacrificed your future career for him already," I said a bit loudly," Did you want to sacrifice me too?," I asked in a whisper.

He was speechless," I like you, if that is what you're asking."

"Tell me, Jacob, would you have acted on your feelings when James didn't cheat? When he was a good boyfriend?," I asked, spitting the word boyfriend, "Or would you have let him be and date me while you like me, when I like you! Hu-"

I was cut off by Jake crashing his lips to mine, Jake is kissing me. Not proxy Jake, but Jake. Just... Jake. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

We moved our lips in synch with each other and pulled away too quick for my liking because I was out of breath from all the rambling.

Jake put his forehead on mine and breathed in deeply," I don't know, Em. I don't know but I'm glad that he DID cheat on you and most especially that you like me and not him."

"Good, because when I break up with him, you have some catching up to do with me," I said then stood up to leave his room, stopping by the opened door to say goodnight before closing the door behind me to go back to my room.

(Jake's P.O.V.)

I lay in bed, thinking of her lips and how I finally had the courage to say I liked her and kiss her as Jake. The real Jake.

I miss her already. Is this what it feels like to finally... Feel?

My train of thought was interrupted by someone getting inside my room without my permission and before I could get up to see who it is, they laid down beside me and I looked to see Emma smiling at me.

I adjusted my position so that I am facing her and traced her face.

"Hi," she said.

I felt my heart leap out of my chest as I said hi back.

"I missed you," I whispered, not aware that I have actually said it.

Only the moonlight illuminated her face but I still saw her slight blush and she replied an I missed you too to me which made me really happy.

We just stared at each other in silence after that, Feeling.

After a few moments, I noticed that we were inching closer together and finally the moment arrived where our lips touched and we kissed very passionately but then just before I was going to pull her shirt up, my door suddenly opened and I jumped up to see James by the door, in the middle of opening his mouth.

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