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The hurricane with my name when it came

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The hurricane with my name when it came

I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away

Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine

Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time

Florida!!! - Taylor Swift

As soon as Ace left, I stormed out from the living room, my chest burning vividly, the smoke of the past still clinging to my lungs as I tried to suck in a sharp breath for hours.

Keep your shit together, Ryder...

But the memories and ghosts don't seem to be ready to let me go, even after two decades of me running away, far away, an ocean away, a lifetime away.

Very few things are able to surprise me, but surprisingly enough, I never predicted to see Ace, my brother, standing at my doorway, a careless smile tracing his lips, and havoc raging behind the trail of his steps.

I didn't know if I should be worried or happy at the sight of him, didn't know if I wanted to hug him tightly or throw a punch at his face for all the shit that got stuck between us years ago.

"That's it, no more alcohol for you." I glared at Ace, who was sitting on the floor of his bedroom, drinking away his grief and anger. Bottles of wine stood on the wooden floor of our new house, my brother's only companions for the past few weeks.

"Go back to your Spaniard, Zeph, you ain't my parent to boss me around." My brother slurred, taking another gulp of his drink. His jade green eyes, similar to mine, our mother's green eyes, glared back at me.

Any other time, I would've let it pass, I wasn't one to pick up a fight with my brother for a mere sharp retort, but his words stung. I wasn't his parent, yes, it was clear and plain as the daylight, but I did everything to protect him, ever since I met him, the first day of his life, when my mother handed me my baby brother for the first time. I was ten, when he came to the world, fascinated by the idea of an actual, real family. One that Levi gave mom and I, with his affection and protection.

"Are you fucking with me, Ace?" I snapped at him "You broke Rory's heart merely an hour ago, and now you're out drinking? Are you for real?"

I couldn't let him get swallowed by his depression, mom wouldn't have wanted that, Levi would never accept that, even Aurora, the girl he's been head over heels over for as long as I can remember can't do but watch him sinking in his own tears.

Ace's back straightened, struck by lightning at the mention of Rory's name. "Aurora's better off anyways." His voice might've been dry and flat, but I caught the lie in his eyes, how his jaw twitched at the reminder that he just broke down the only thing that has been keeping him sane.

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