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"Yeosang? Baby, are you with me?" Wooyoung asked with an amused smile.

"Hmm?," Yeosang hummed. Curling up in Wooyoung's side under the blanket, the bed felt warm and cozy. "I'm here, let me sleep," he added.

"But... you're too cute," Wooyoung pouted, reaching out to gently stroke Yeosang's hair. "I can't help but admire you when you're like this."

Yeosang cracked open one eye and gave Wooyoung a sleepy smile. "Flatterer," he teased, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. "Just let me rest for a bit longer, okay?"

Wooyoung chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around Yeosang and holding him close. "Alright, alright. I'll let you sleep," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Yeosang's forehead. "But just know that I'll be here, admiring you the whole time."


"Love, wake up, it's midnight, and we need our midnight snack. I'll make you hotpot," Wooyoung whispered, lightly shaking Yeosang awake. Yeosang groaned and rubbed his eyes, blinking sleepily at Wooyoung.

"Midnight snack? But I'm so tired," Yeosang whined, but he couldn't resist the thought of Wooyoung making his favorite hotpot.

Wooyoung grinned mischievously, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on Yeosang's lips. "Come on, baby. I'll make it quick, and then we can go back to bed," he promised, getting up and pulling Yeosang to his feet.

Yeosang couldn't help but smile at Wooyoung's enthusiasm. "Fine, fine. Just for you," he relented, allowing himself to be led to the kitchen. As Wooyoung started preparing the hotpot, Yeosang couldn't help but feel grateful for a boyfriend who knew exactly how to spoil him, even in the dead of night.


"Your hotpot is ready, my love," Wooyoung announced, setting the steaming bowl in front of Yeosang at the table. The savory aroma filled the kitchen, making Yeosang's stomach growl in anticipation.

Yeosang took a spoonful of the hotpot and blew on it to cool it down before taking a taste. His eyes widened in pleasure at the explosion of flavors in his mouth.

"Mmm, this is amazing," Yeosang complimented, looking up at Wooyoung with a grateful smile. "Thank you, baby."

Wooyoung beamed, happy to see Yeosang enjoying the meal he prepared. "Anything for you, love," he replied, taking a seat across from Yeosang and digging into his own bowl of hotpot.

As they ate in contented silence, the midnight snack became a sweet moment shared between the two, a reminder of their love and care for each other. And as they finished their meal and returned to bed, snuggled up together under the covers, Yeosang couldn't help but feel blessed to have Wooyoung by his side, making even the simplest moments special and memorable.

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