appendix emergency

430 19 18

Tw: vomiting (a lot my bad)

The appendix is one of the most useless organs in the human body. For years, scientists couldn't figure out what it could possibly be for until recent suspicions that it may be used to house helpful bacteria that could be later carried to other parts of the body.

(Don't quote me on this I barely know what I'm talking about)

Maybe it was the bacteria there that made it susceptible to inflamation so bad it can burst.

Peter didn't know much about appendicitis. He knew it happened, but it had never happened to anyone he knew. So when he was on a vacation with the avengers (yeah, that's right. The avengers took a group vacation and HE WAS INVITED!) and his stomach hurt a bit, he didn't question it much, in fact, he did his very best to ignore it entirely.

Their first stop was a water park. They had rented out the entire water park for themselves (courtesy of Tony's money) and Peter was having the time of his life until he finished a ride on a double tube buddies with Clint and felt a swell of nausea and a mild sharp pain in the middle of his stomach.

Peter groaned instinctively and grabbed his stomach. Now he was paying attention.

"Kid? What's wrong?" Clint asked as he climbed out of the tube and out of the end of the slide.

Peter took a deep breath, "nothing. Sorry." His stomach really hurt now and he was not ignoring it, "gonna use the bathroom, I'll catch up with you in a bit." He said, urgently getting out of the slide and leaving the tube with Clint. He went straight to the bathroom, growing paler and paler on the way there. He deeply regretted the dippin' dots he had purchased earlier as he knelt down on the disgusting, wet bathroom floor in an even grosser stall.

His stomach twisted and he gagged loudly. He kept trying to think about what he could have possibly consumed to bring him this level of discomfort on his first day of vacation, but vomited before he could really find any of the information. Thankfully, two rounds of losing his lunch and he felt a lot better.

He took a deep breath and pulled himself up off the floor and flushed the toilet. His entire body was shaking violently with unused adrenaline. His stomach felt like a pit, empty. Somehow he was hungry again.

He opened the stall door and went to wash his hands. Tony walked in tanned and fully dry while he was doing so.


Peter smiled back weakly. Tony didn't pick up on anything wrong, emotions and subtle hints were not his strong suit.

"Hi, Mr. Stark." The boy responded as he turned off the faucet.

"Are you having fun?" Tony asked as he headed for the urinals.

Peter nodded, "I just finished riding the three big slides with Clint." He lied, a soft smile on his face remembering the fun they'd had before he had abruptly left after only the second slide out of three to go throw up.

"That's good. That's what this vacation is for. We all need it. Now excuse me." Tony said as he began his business and Peter promptly left.

His whole body was shaking still. The sun baking him alive wasn't really helping his body too much. He looked around for a friend to continue the day with, but found himself wandering back to the picnic table he had set his stuff at and putting on more sunscreen. His cheeks were rosy.

The next person to approach him was Bruce who patted him on the shoulder and offered to help spray sunscreen on his back. While doing so, he noticed Peter's figure still lightly trembling.

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