Pepper Spray

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I wrote this at 4am so I was really tired and I thought it was weird. So I wanted to share it with you guys. So now we know that I write the weirdest stuff when I'm half asleep.

I walked in my room setting my stuff down on my desk. I took off my shoes and scrolled through Instagram.

About 10 minutes later I got hungry so I went downstairs and grabbed some oreos.

I poured myself a glass of milk and ran back to my room. I sat at my desk and turned on my laptop.

As I was going through tumblr I heard something shuffling in my closet. I just ignored it and went back to tumblr.

"Can you just open the closet door. Its getting hot in here." A familiar voice said from my closet.

What the hell? Who would hide in my closet?

I opened my desk drawer and grabbed my emergency pepper spray. I slowly got up and walked towards the door.

I opened it and closed my eyes and just started spraying.I didn't know who I was spraying and if I was even aiming for them.

I didn't hear anybody move so I stopped spraying and opened my eyes.

"You had the safety on." He said laughing.

It was Shawn he was sitting there with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates.

"Happy birthday. This wasn't exactly how I planned it but at least you opened the door." He said getting up.

"I'm so sorry, I almost sprayed you with pepper spray. But thank you so much for trying to surprise me." I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

He pulled me back into him and kissed me with passion. He slid his hand in my shirt and started kissing my neck.

"This is gonna be my second birthday present." He said as he unbuckled my bra.

Tonight was going to be great.

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