Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Jace's POV

Once the engine of Brayden's car roared to life, I grunted and stood up just in time to watch it speed away.

I catch the worried glint in Hilary's eyes as she glances back at me only for a moment before the car rounds the corner, and is out of sight.

I use my sleeve to wipe the remaining blood off my bruised face.

Son of a bitch punched the lung daylights out if me! They will both pay. I swear it.

I look towards where I tossed Hilary's phone and contemplate whether to take it or not.

I leave it there, in hopes of that slut panicking and coming back here to get it.

She did nothing wrong. The little voice in my head soothes, and I know it's right. But I don't want it to be right.

I pull out my phone and dial Chelsea's number, which she had insisted that she needed to give me.

It was a good thing she did. On the third ring she picked up, and I was glad. I needed her help.

"Hello, Jace." She purred. "Fancy you asking me."

"Enough with the flirting!" I sigh impatiently. "I need your help."

"Fine Mr Grumpy." She pouted. "What can I be of service to?"

"I need a plan to break Hilary and her little boyfriend." I say quickly, and I can imagine the cheshire smile that usually creeps into her face.

"Of course. Meet me at the park in ten minutes." She purrs again and the call ends.

Chelsea was never friends with Hilary. She only hung out with her because Hilary was the one who made her popular.

I thought the dumbass would figure it out by now, but apparently not.

Within ten minutes, Chelsea shows up at the park wearing her Cheshire smile. It fades when she spots the bruises and crimson blood on my face.

"Goodness, Jace! This bitch really needs to be tamed." She shrieks brushing her hands around my face.

"Yeah, I know. Let's just move into the plan." She grins and pats the empty spot beside her on the park bench Hilary and I sat on moments before.

"So here's the plan..." Chelsea continues to explain the plan to me, and a devilish grin of my own spreads onto my face.

The pain searing through my face muscles doesn't bother me and the smirk stays on my face as I eagerly ask when the plan will begin.

"Tomorrow." Chelsea giggles and we laugh evilly together.

That's when I kiss her.


Hilary's POV

The chilly air the circulates around the room is not what's giving me goosebumps.

It's the pattern that Brayden traces along my hips. I shiver in delight and ask him to continue.

Currently, we lay on my king-sized bed, making out every few minutes. But right now, the moment was perfect.

Brayden trails kisses along my collar bone, all up my jaw and I tilt my head to give him better access.

His lips find their way onto mine, and I enjoy how our mouths mild perfectly together and how our lips move in synch.

This could've been you and Jace.

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