Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Hilary's POV
I only awoke because of the sunlight that poured through my widow and onto me.

The blinds were open when I sat up and I realized Anna probably opened them this morning.

I didn't want to think about anything that happened from last night, but the events always found a way to creep into my thoughts.

I padded down the stairs and the scent of pancakes and waffles flooded my nose.

I followed the delicious scent into the kitchen and found Mom standing there and frying up a batch of pancakes.

"Mom!" I cried and leaped to hug her. She laughed and returned the hug. "Why are you home early?"

"Oh, the trip wasn't as long as we thought it was going to be, and we were permitted to return home early." Mom explained and I nodded in understanding.

"Continue making the pancakes please!" I demand and my mom laughs and does what I say.

I exit the kitchen and go back up the stairs in search for my sister.

Her bedroom is empty, but the closet door is wide open and the bedspread made.

The dress she was wearing last night was lazily tossed on the floor along with maroon pumps.

Lazy ass. I agree.

When I return to the kitchen I catch Anna stealing a pancake off the plate when Mom wasn't looking.

She grinned sheepishly at me and signalled for me to keep my mouth shut. I giggled.

"What's so funny?" Mom asks and I burst out laughing.

"Nothing." I say terribly lying and Anna laughs.

Mom mutters something about having crazy children, and this causes Anna and I to laugh more.

For once, I felt we were having a proper family moment. The only problem...where was Dad?

Soon, Mom finished cooking and we were all seated around the large dinning room table.

The oak wood didn't have a single scratch on it because we never ate here to often.

"Dig in!" I cried and moaned at the taste of the pancake.

My mom sure knows how to cook!

"Not at the table H!" Anna laughs and I give her a disgusted look an laugh.

"Ew!" I cry and Mom laughs.

"Mom, where's Dad?" I ask bluntly and my mom tenses.

"He's..." She searches for the right words. "Out."

Mom gives me her best fake smile but I see right through it. Anna seems to notice something is up as well and she stops eating o I've me a knowing look.

We don't push mom and continue eating as if nothing happened.

When I was finished, I excuses myself to do my daily retinue and wasn't surprised when I revived a notification.

A message from Liam/Jace.

Time is ticking, Hilary.

Seeing my name in one of those sick minded messages chilled me to the bone.

I deleted Liam or Jace from my contact list on but also on my iPhone as well.

"Hilary hurry up!" Anna calls and I roll my eyes at how impatient she is.

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