Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Hilary's POV

I ended up at the park where I told Brayden we needed to break up. Where Jace almost raped me if it hadn't been for Brayden.

Brayden. Brayden. Brayden.

His image clouded my thoughts and I couldn't help but replay the conversation we had in the hospital. He seemed really angry, and a glimmer of hope still remained in my heart. Did he still care for me?

At exactly 6:00 I returned home, just in time for dinner. I could here Mom, Dad and Anna discussing something in the dinning room where we usually ate when the family was together.

When I entered the room, everyone was silent, and so I made my way to sit down in my place at the table and averted my gaze from the others.

"Anna you're excused." Dad says and I could feel his eyes on me. I felt ashamed. And they knew it.

The silence filled the room until I couldn't stand it any more. I wanted my parents to yell at me. To say something.

"Can you please say something?" I say looking my payments dead straight in the eye. "Please."

"Hilary, this is a very serious matter." Mom says.

"I know." I whispered just loud enough for them to hear it.

"What were you thinking when you sent those pictures?" Dad says raising his voice a little and I wince.

"I was blackmailed. Something would've happened to someone if I didn't. But they didn't keep their promise." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

My parents stared at me for a moment before contemplating my answer. There was no hint of a lie in my voice. I was dead serious.

"Who blackmailed you? Everyone at school hasn't had issues with you!" Mom exclaimed.

"I thought they didn't, but apparently I've done something terribly wrong that I don't know about." I sighed.

"Who did it?" Dad said and glared at the dining room table. I sighed an swallowed my fear before saying the name I never thought I'd say again.



Chelsea's POV (this'll be interesting)

Hilary hadn't come to school for almost a week now. Matt was starting to get worried, even though he'd seen the pictures.

She was the talk of the school. She was all anybody talked about. People would not shut up about her.

Dad says its a good thing she hasn't come to school. He said it shows she's afraid. Even I was starting to worry about her, even though I no longer cared. Did I?

Jace had contacted me a few times saying that he wanted daily updates of Hilary, but I never notified him. I hated speaking to him to much.

School was a little lonely without a best friend by my side. I'd thought Anna would've wanted to become friends but she's been avoiding me, and sticking up for her sister every chance she got.

Honestly, I thought Anna hated her, but clearly something happened during Hilary's absence. How would I know? I haven't talked to her in forever.

But, dispose all that's happened a tiny part of me still wanted to help Hilary and befriends with her. But that feeling was quickly gone as soon as it came.

And I hope it never came back.


Hilary's POV

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