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I sat quietly in the field of grass as I held Mohel. Her great blue eyes shine bright as the sun touched them. If I were to leave with the company and never come back she would fit in with the elves just fine. I looked out to the river to find a hobbit walking along its shore. I rose an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"My young sir, what are you doing?"

I asked gently. Elrondhad not told me of any news of a hobbit visiting. The small hobbit turned towards me.

"Oh, I mean no harm, I was just exploring."

He answered with his best manners. I had stayed with a hobbit family for two days as I was traveling to Bree, their kind was always so kind and gentle.

"Do you need any help to get back?"

I questioned as I rose to my feet. He smiled a little bit.

"Oh no I'm perfectly fine, thank you."

He replied as he bowed down a little bit. I guess he had noticed my gold belt. I curtsied in reply.

"I'm guessing you are part of Thorin Oakenshield's company?"

I asked as I came back up from my curtsy. He piled his lips to his left cheek. He lifted up both eyebrows.

"I guess you can say that, I mean most of them don't like me."

The hobbit replied as he swayed forwards and backwards.

"Dwarves are hard headed, if I may say so myself."

I told him as I readjusted Mehol in my arms.

"How do you know?"

He asked raising an eyebrow. I bit my lower lip. I had said too much.

"I lived with them."

I answered trying not to give too much information away. The young hobbit seemed to be interested in this.

"Then you must be Lady Elm. I am Bilbo Baggins. It is a pleasure to meet the young wizard and adopted daughter of Throin"

Bilbo told me as he fell to one knee. I seemed to blush from this a bit. Then I rose my eyebrows.

"Young wizard?"

I asked Bilbo. He looked up at me and nodded his head.

"At the meeting to read the map with Elrond, Gandalf and Lord Elrond talked about you. Elrond stated that Gandalf take you on the journey to reclaim the mountain."

Bilbo explained to me. Tears filled the rims of eyes. My mouth fell open at this news. I gasped in astonishment. Bilbos eyes widened. I looked down at my baby. I looked at Bilbo as tears ran down my cheeks. Why was this not brought to my attention? I was of age fifteen and I was old enough to hear this. Without another word to the hobbit I walked off. I needed to fund Gandalf and Elrond to see if this was true. I looked down at my silver necklace that had five diamond that's created a flower. My necklace had been around my neck since I had been a baby. I touched it barely with my fingers.

I had reached Elrond's home. I opened the door to find him talking with Arwen.

"Why do you hide such things from me?"

I asked interrupting the question. Elrond looked at me and so did Arwen.

"Why did you hide from me what I truly am?"

I asked Elrond trying to clarify I knew what I was. Elrond sighed and motioned Arwen to leave.

"Arwen many you take Mohel?"

I asked as she passed me on her way out. She nodded with a small smile and accepted the small child. I handed her to Arwen and Arwen left with that. I turned to Elrond with my angry eyes.

"What am I?"

I asked almost screaming. Elrond rose his eyebrows.

"Lady Elm, you have been born of the two elements fire and earth. You are born of earthly manner and forced to be sent down to serve the world. Elm, you are the savior of this world. You are a wizard but more powerful. That necklace you carry when broken a strong power will find you, making you the most powerful in Middle Earth."

Elrond told me. I looked down at my necklace. I slipped it off my neck. I held in my hand.

"How must I break this necklace to gain this power?"

I asked as I clenched the necklace in my hand. Elrond swallowed. He started walking away. I followed after him. We walked down to the lower levels.

"Do you know how?"

I asked as we continued down to the stairs. He looked back and then forward again. The stairs soon ended. We were in one of the lowest parts of Rivendell. Elrond ran over to his book self and started looking around he pulled out a dusty book. He flipped through pages and started reading it.

"Take out the main diamond and swallow it whole."

Elrond told me as he closed his book. He slid it back into a book shelf. I took the diamond out by just my touch. I took the diamond and put it into my mouth. I swallowed it. Elrond started running up stairs as fast as he could.

"Wait, where are you going?"

I questioned reaching out for him. All of a sudden my legs fell from under me. I wasn't able to catch myself from my fall. I fell flat on my face. I tried rolling over to my back only to be met this burning pain inside. My blood felt as if it were on fire. I started to scream. Soon I couldn't scream anymore because my lungs started to fill with something. I started to choke and soon threw up blood. This pain was pain like I had never felt before. I looked down at my arms which were covered in boils. I closed my eyes and tried to weep. Was this my end?

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