The miracle rock

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One of the Eagles had grabbed me by its talons which made it more painful for me. I gasped in pain. Then it dropped me only for me to fall upon some other Eagles back. I laid in its feathers as if it were a bed. I looked to find that the sun rising now. I could feel the wind on my face. It was a good ten-minute flight until the eagle started to drop down. One eagle swooped down and grabbed me by his talons. He put me down with the rest of the dwarves. Most of them were concerned about Thorin. Which I understood. I looked at my arm which was where most of the teeth got me. I then looked at my leg where big gashes were. The mithril shirt that was under my armor had saved me. Fili kneeled down next to me. I could feel his warm breath.

"Shouldn't you be concerned with your uncle?"

I asked him quietly so no one else could hear. I looked over to find Thorin hugging Bilbo. I smiled a bit.

"You still have those rude remarks."

He replied as he touched my gashes. I hissed in pain.

"Oin, can you come to have a look at these wounds?"

Fili asked one of the dwarves. I sat up and looked around. Fili held my back with one hand. I looked at his face which had a scratch on it. I put my fingers on it as I touched it softly, it healed. Oin sat down next to me. I put my hand down and wrapped it around my arm. It started to heal it. Fili looked at me with amazement.

"Irene, it looks like you will be a fine suitor for the company."

Gandalf told me. I looked up at him and smiled. I wrapped my hands around my gashes and they automatically healed. I gave a great big smile.

"Although, you have yet to learn with your powers."

Gandalf added. Thorin came towards me. I stood up in his presence.

"Elm, what have you become? Once you were just a little girl with hopes and dreams. Now you are this."

Thorin told me. His words were filled with pain. I took his hand which was filled with scratches and looked painful. I wrapped my fingers around it.

"Now I am a girl who fulfilled those dreams. I don't know what I have become, but it is neither bad or good."

I replied by healing other parts on him. He gave me a slight smile.

"Irene is almost like a wizard such as I, but more powerful. Almost as if she was a God."

Gandalf told Thorin. Thorin turned to Gandalf and then back at me. I smiled.

"Why does Azog want to kill you?"

Thorin asked. I looked down at the floor. I didn't know. I scratched my forehead.

"Azog is a master of his own mind, but he does work for a dark lord. The dark lord knows of Elm's power. He is afraid of it and wants her dead. That is why she goes off the name Irene now. We must remember this or it could all serve us an injustice."

Gandalf answered for me. I looked up. How did the dark lord know of me already?

"Let us discuss this more detailed after dinner. I'm starving!"

Cried one of the dwarves. I was hungry too as he pointed it out. I looked down at my bag which had bread in it. I took one out and started to chomp down on one. None of the dwarves saw me because they were too busy preparing a meal. After half of the lembas bread, I couldn't eat anymore.

"Irene, can I do your hair?"

A petite dwarf asked. I looked down at him. He was so cute! I then looked at my short hair. I sighed. I hated this.

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