Story 4: Liberty Ave Assault

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Justin woke up in an alley on Liberty Ave. He didn't remember how he had gotten there. The last thing he remembered was talking to these group of guys. One offered to buy him a drink. And then nothing. Darkness. He tried to stand up and was hit with a wave of unbearable pain that made him fall to his knees. His stomach felt like it was in knots. His ass hurt like hell. And his face felt numb.

He pulled himself off the ground and walked out of the alley. At least he was still on Liberty Ave. He trudged down the street until he got to Brian's loft. He wondered what Brian would say when he saw him. He probably looked as bad as he felt. He went up the elevator to the loft. He opened the door to the loft and practically collapsed to the floor.

It hadn't been the typical night that Brian preferred. He'd been offered by the others to go hang out at Woody's, Babylon. But he had been so swamped with work, he just didn't have that option. So, he sat at his desk, typing away on his computer, nursing a bottle of beer. It wasn't until he heard the loft door open that he finally looked up from his work.

"Justin?" he called as he turned his head to see the younger man on the floor. "What the fuck?" Brian stood up, making his way over to the blond before kneeling at his side. "Sunshine?" he said, genuine concern lacing his voice. He shook the younger man's shoulder, trying to wake him up. What the fuck happened to you? "Hey, come on. Wake up."

Justin was out for a minute or two before he woke up. The first thing he registered was that he had made it to the loft. When his vision cleared, he saw Brian, concern painting his face. He felt hands shaking him and it caused him more pain than it should have.

"Brian, stop..." he muttered weakly so the older brunette would stop shaking him.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Brian said, getting straight to the point. He pulled back his hand, no longer shaking the younger man. He could hear the weakness in Justin's voice and it only confused him further. "I thought you were hanging out with the guys? You drink too much or something?"

Justin shook his head. "I was hanging out with guys. But then I started dancing with this other guy. He and his friends starting talking to me. They offered to buy me a drink. I can't remember anything after that."

"So you took a drink from a guy you didn't know?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow expectantly. "I thought I taught you better than that, Sunshine. Come on." Brian stood, pulling the younger man with him. "Go sit down," he instructed. "I'll get you something to drink."

Justin stumbled over to the couch. When he sat down and cried out in pain and laid on his side. "Fuck! Everything hurts."

As Brian made his way over to the younger man, a glass of water in his hand, his face fell. "What the fuck happened?" he asked, unaware of the worried sound of his voice. Brian set the glass down on the coffee table before turning his attention to Justin. "What do you remember, Justin? Did you take anything?"

"I don't remember much." Justin breathed through the pain until it was once again an annoying contraction of muscles. "I just remember dancing with these 3 hot guys. And then one of them bought me a drink. Then nothing. The next thing I remember is waking up in an alley on Liberty Ave."

Shit. "Okay, well, here," Brian said, trying to keep a level head. He reached for the glass of water, offering it to Justin. "Drink this. You need to stay hydrated." He waited patiently until Justin was finished with the drink before he spoke again. "You said, everything hurts," he began, a deep furrow setting into his brow. "What hurts, Justin?" Brian asked, his voice taking on a serious tone as he looked at the younger man, concern evident in his features. "Be a little more specific."

Justin sat the glass of water back on the table. His muscles hurt too much to hold it. "My face hurts. My stomach. My ass. I can barely sit without it hurting."

Memories {A compilation of Britin short stories}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora