Story 32: Bruised {Part 4}

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{For those of you wondering why this particular story has was a really long role play so just bare with me ;D }

Michael, Ben and Hunter were the first to show up. Then came Ted, Emmett and Jennifer. Debbie was the last to come. Justin leaned against the counter staring into his glass.

"Where's Brian?" Debbie asked.

"In the bedroom," Justin deadpanned, "He doesn't want to see anybody."

"What? That's bullshit. We all came here to see him. We just want to know he's ok."

"You try telling him that." Justin put his drink down and walked past her. He was starting to feel helpless in this whole situation, like nothing he could do would ever help Brian through this.

"I'm recovering, not deaf," Brian called. He could hear every single word they were saying. Not that he really wanted to. Michael, he could handle. Ben, occasionally. Even Jennifer, with her concerned, motherly nature. But this, this was too much. He climbed out of the bed without a stitch of clothing on and walked out into the kitchen. "Happy now? You all see me. Alive and in the flesh, Brian Kinney. Michael said it best. I'm always going to be young. And always beautiful. So you've seen me. Enjoy your drinks."

Justin stared at Brian in disappointment. He wasn't surprised. It was just like something Brian Kinney would do. Everyone there stared at Brian in disbelief that he would walk out completely nude. Everyone except Debbie who just looked angry and annoyed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she snapped at him, "We all come here to make sure that you feel better because we all care about you and this is what you do? You treat all of it like some fucking joke? Well I'll tell you something, you little asshole. You always treat the people who care about you with respect because they don't have to give a fuck about you. If you keep carrying on like this, they won't. You got it?"

If anyone could make Brian feel like a piece of shit, it was Debbie. Debbie, who had always been like a mother to him. Practically still was a mother to him. And he had disappointed her. Of course, she didn't get it. She didn't know what had really happened. None of them did, apart from Michael and Justin. And Justin looked so hurt.

Michael just sighed and shook his head. "Ma, let me talk to him." He dragged Brian back into his bedroom. "Listen to me. Listen. I know it's hard, okay? But big fucking deal. You pick yourself up and you let us help you. Justin, me...Ma. We all love you."

Looking down, Brian nodded. He grabbed a pair of sweats he'd kept lying around and pulled them on. A shirt wasn't happening. "Get me a beer?"

Justin sat on the couch drinking a beer and staring out the window. Jennifer came to sit next to him and put her hand on his leg.

"What's bothering you, honey?" she asked.

"Just Brian. He's an arrogant little shit and I know that. It's one of the things I love about him, but...sometimes he makes me feel so worthless. Like it wouldn't matter to him if I was around or not."

Jennifer smiled. "I haven't always liked Brian, but I do know he loves you. That I know for sure. Even if he shows you in his own, unusual way. You just have be patient, sweetie. Love is about waiting and accepting."

Justin rested his head on his mother's shoulder. "Are you coming to my art show at the gallery?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

Taking the beer from Michael, Brian drank practically the whole thing before walking back out into the kitchen. Debbie was much more pacified, and Brian made all the pleasantries necessary for keeping her happy. But they were smothering him. To the point that he could hardly think. Pulling himself away, he walked over to Justin and sat on his other side.

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