Story 8: Baby Taylor-Kinney

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Justin held his son in his arms. The little boy had started crying out of hunger and Justin had just gotten through feeding him. He still couldn't believe this was his life. Married to Brian, living in their castle called Britin, and Brian had finally given into raising a child with Justin. It was life he had always wanted.

Justin walked into the living room where Brian was. He handed him the baby. "Here, take him. I have to get his diapers."

Brian looked up when he heard Justin enter the room. He'd been lounging on the couch, typing away on his laptop. He smiled upon seeing Justin with their son, somewhat surprised at how easily that feeling of happiness overcame him.

Sitting up, Brian closed his laptop and set it on the table. He reached out to take the baby from Justin's arms, cradling him to his chest. "Where are his diapers?" he asked, lightly running his hand up the baby's back. "Is he wet or something?"

"The diapers are in the nursery." Justin headed up the stairs to the baby's room. He grabbed a clean diaper and came back downstairs. "I couldn't hold him and grab the diaper. He needs to be changed."

He held his hand out for the baby. "Unless you want to change him."

Brian nodded to Justin before turning his attention to the baby in his arms. He was starting to fuss, no doubt a reaction to Justin not being around. "Hey," Brian said gently, rubbing his son's back. "Don't worry Little Man, your old man's got you."

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Justin come back. "He still throws a fit when you leave the room, you know," Brian told him. He barked a laugh at Justin's next comment. "No, no. I'll let you handle this one."

"This is why he throws a fuss when I leave," Justin commented, taking the baby, "You let me do the diaper changes and the feeding and putting him to bed. He wouldn't start to fuss with you if he was used to you taking care of him." Justin didn't say it to complain or be cross. It was just a fact.

"Come on. Change his diaper. I'll show you how."

"I feed him and put him down for the night," Brian defended, standing up from the couch. "Shitty diapers are not my thing." He ran his finger over the baby's little fist, a faint smile making its way to his lips.

Brian groaned, rolling his eyes. "Okay, fine. Give me my kid," he joked, taking the baby back into his arms. "I know how to change a diaper. I changed Gus a few times, remember? I just... prefer not to."

"And you think I like wiping baby shit? I don't, but I do it because he's my son and I love him." He poked Brian playfully. "Now it's your turn." He handed Brian the clean diaper.

Justin took Brian's seat on the couch letting out and exhausted sigh. It was nice to sit down for a minute or two and rest.

"Yes, dear," Brian replied with his patented eye-roll. He carried the baby out of the room to change him.

It didn't take long to change the diaper (Brian was thankful it was just a wet one), so he made his way back into the living room in no time. He took in the sight of Justin on the couch, letting out a small laugh. "Jesus, you look comfortable," he said, rubbing his hand up and down the baby's back gently. He sat down next to Justin, cradling their son to his chest. "He's all clean, but you just fed him, so you get the next one."

Justin had his eyes closed, but he wasn't sleep. He turned his head and opened his eyes when Brian sat on the couch. He groaned. "Fine. I just needed a break. He's definitely your son. Always craving my attention." He smirked.

Brian laughed lightly. "Nonsense. The kind of attention he craves is far different from the attention that I want from you." He eyed Justin devilishly before turning his attention back to the gurgling baby in his arms. "Isn't that right, Little Man?"

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