Story 19: Late

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Justin giggled as the other male prevented him from walking out the door. He tried to get past them, but their grip around his waist tightened.

"Let me go," Justin chuckled, "I'm going to be late."

"What, you think you'll have more fun waiting tables than staying here with me?" Brian teased, a pout forming on his lips as he sighed dramatically. "I'm hurt, Sunshine..."

"No. But I think I'd rather avoid a lecture from Debbie about being late for work." He smiled at Brian putting his hands on his shoulders. "I'll be right back home when I get off."

"Aw, come on, Sunshine," Brian smirked, nuzzling his face down into the side of Justin's neck. His arms wrapped tighter around the younger man's waist. "Live a little."

Justin sighed contently. He rolled his eyes. "Well, you are pretty persuasive. But if I get trouble with Deb, I'm blaming it on you."

"Oh, please," Brian scoffed. "What's the worst she could do? Thump you on the back of the head and call me an asshole for making you late?" He playfully nipped at Justin's neck. "I think I'll take my chances."

Justin giggled pushing playfully at Brian. "Stop. That tickles, Brian."

Brian pulled back, pulling his lips into his mouth to hide his smile. "You still wanna go bus tables?" he asked, a huskiness in his voice.

Justin pretended to think about it. "Hmm no. I can work tomorrow."

Brian chuckled. "Sounds like a plan." He pressed their foreheads together, lowering his voice. "Now, get your ass back into bed."

Justin bit his lip. "Make me."

Letting out a laugh, Brian wrapped his arms tightly around the younger man as he started to walk backwards toward the bedroom, pulling Justin with him.

Justin laughed the whole way there. When they finally reached the bed, Brian fell back on it pulling Justin with him. Justin looked down at Brian smiling.

Smiling back up at Justin, Brian reached over to the bedside table to grab his cell. He handed it over to Justin, cocking his head to the side almost childishly. "Call Deb," he said, "and tell her you're not coming in." He eyed him carefully, as if challenging him to argue.

He waited patiently for Justin to make the call, nuzzling into his neck as the younger man spoke to Debbie on the other end, playfully nipping and sucking at the skin of Justin's neck.

Justin tried to keep a steady voice as he spoke to Deb on the phone. He told her that he wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be at work that day. When he hung up, he was sure she didn't believe him, but she had said she would get someone to cover his shift.

Justin continued to laugh as Brian's mouth played on his neck. "You are such a tease. Why are you so playful today?"

"Me, a tease? Never," Brian chuckled, planting a kiss on Justin's lips. He huffed a laugh. He lowered his voice. "And I don't do 'playful,' remember? 'Playful' is not my thing."

"Then what is this?" He kissed Brian's lips again smiling softly.

Brian quirked an eyebrow. "What's what?" he asked, playing the innocent.

"This. The laughing, the smiling, the kisses. What is it?"

Brian furrowed his brow slightly. "What, I can't just be affectionate?"

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Because you're you. You don't do affectionate."

"True," Brian agreed. "Are you complaining?"

Memories {A compilation of Britin short stories}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora