Story 20: Father Troubles

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Justin had come with Brian to visit his dad. About a second into meeting Brian's father, Justin knew why Brian was the way he was. Growing up with a dad like that would have made anyone cold and distant. Justin didn't know what Brian had said to his dad, but the next thing he knew Brian had been punched in the face and was on the ground. Justin pushed Jack away before he was able to get to Brian again. "Don't fucking touch him!"

He should have known. He should have fucking known that would have set the old bastard off. Still, at the impact of Jack's fist, Brian found himself falling to the ground. He could taste blood in his mouth, presumably from his lip.

What shocked him more than the punch itself, was the sound of Justin's voice, defending him, protecting him. Brian looked up at the sound, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. "Justin," he said calmly, reaching out toward the younger man. "Stop. This doesn't involve you."

Justin didn't listen to Brian. He felt his hand on his arm, but he didn't let himself be pulled away. Jack's eyes were on Justin now, and Justin wasn't backing down. Before Brian could pull Justin away from the fight, Jack punched Justin in his stomach, making the blonde hunch over in pain.

"Don't ever touch me, you fucking fag," Jack slurred out, "You and my god damn pathetic excuse for a son can go straight to hell!"

"Fuck!" Brian shouted. He put himself between his father and Justin. He squared his shoulders before spitting out through clenched teeth, "Fuck you, you selfish, pathetic drunk."

Turning toward Justin, Brian wrapped an arm around his waist, steering him toward the door. "Come on, Sunshine, let's get out of here..."

Justin followed Brian out the door. Once they were in the parking lot, he stood up straight clutching his abdomen. He knew that he would have a bruise there later, or maybe there was already one there.

Brian pulled Justin toward the jeep, keeping his arm wrapped around him as they walked. He let Justin stand straight on his own before gently reaching out to lift the younger man's shirt to inspect the damage.

"Shit," he exclaimed, running his hand gently over the reddened skin of Justin's abdomen. Brian knew there was going to be a bruise come the next day, much like he would probably have on his jaw and lip. "This is exactly why I told you not to fucking come!"

"And let your dad beat the shit out of you more than he already did?" Justin winced as Brian touched his wound. "No. I'm glad I came, punch in the stomach or not. But now I know why you spent most of your time at Debbie's."

He took Brian's hand away from his shirt and pulled it down. He knew Brian was going to keep staring at it, mental blaming himself for it happening.

"I would have handled it," Brian deadpanned as he continued to study Justin's stomach. He rolled his eyes at Justin's words. "You still shouldn't have gotten involved. This had nothing to do with you! You should have stayed out of it!"

"You're yelling at me for protecting you?" Justin moved out of Brian's way to he would stop touching his stomach. It was starting to hurt more.

"I don't need your protection!" Brian countered. He glared down at Justin as the younger man moved out of reach. "I never did! He's my father. I could have handled it!"

"I know you could have handled it! You wouldn't have come here in the first place if you didn't think you could. But excuse me if I don't want to see you get hurt! Excuse me for caring!"

"He's my father," Brian retorted. "He's a drunk, abusive, heartless piece of shit, but he's my father. I don't need anyone's protection, and I sure as hell don't need some twink getting all possessive when my father knocks me on my ass. I can fucking take care of myself!"

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