Story 11: Just A Cold

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Justin had been feeling sick for a while now. Stomach aches, vomiting, headaches, etc. This particular day, he had a fever along with everything else. His eyes were closed when he felt the other male's hand on his cheek. "It's just a little cold. I'll be fine."

"Bullshit," Brian grumbled, his hand moving slowly up to feel Justin's forehead. "You have a fever," he stated plainly, leaning back to consider the younger man's face. "You're far from fine."

"People get fevers all the time." Justin let out a cough that left his throat burning. "It'll pass in a few days. You worry too much."

"Don't tell me that I worry too much, you little shit. You were the one force-feeding me chicken soup when I was sick." Brian moved to shove Justin's shoulder playfully, but stopped when he heard a cough. "Is there anything you can take that you're not allergic to?"

"I'm allergic to Tylenol. The one thing you take when you can't take anything else. So no, there's nothing." Justin felt like he was trapped in a sauna standing in the middle of a volcano. He was sweating everywhere and he felt lightheaded.

"Right. Shit." Brian ran a hand through his hair, sitting up, looking at the other man carefully. He was never good at this. "When was the last time you had something to drink?"

"Like an hour ago." Justin hadn't been able to muster up enough energy to go get himself some water. Every time he stood up, he felt like he was going to faint.

Standing, Brian nodded his head. "I'll get you some water. Don't move." He quickly moved to the kitchen, getting a glass of water for Justin and a beer for himself. He offered the glass to the younger man when he returned to the bedroom. "Here," he said quietly.

Justin took the water and drank. Even the water burned as it went down his throat. He coughed then sat the glass down. He put his head back on the pillow.

Taking a swig from his beer bottle, Brian sat on the bed, watching the younger man carefully. "You alright, there, Sunshine?" he asked after a moment.

"Fine," he lied. Justin coughed feeling his chest heave. He grabbed his chest.

"Bullshit," Brian said firmly, calling him out. He sighed, leaning back against the pillows, Brian folded his lips into his mouth. "When did you start feeling like shit?" he asked. "You catch it from Daphne or something?"

"A few days ago. She wasn't sick. I don't know where i got it from. It's probably the flu." Justin wiped some sweat from his upper lip.

"Hmm." Brian took another swig of beer. "Well, if you give it to me, I'll kick your ass," he joked, nudging Justin's leg with his.

Justin smiled weakly. "If you don't want it, then you don't have to take care of me." His voice was groggy and weak but he still held a teasing tone.

"Don't be a twat," Brian grumbled. He set his beer bottle down on the bedside table before crossing his arms over his chest. "I may be an asshole, Justin, but I'm not going to ignore you just because you're sick."

Justin closed his eyes. His head was spinning. He felt like his fever was getting worse. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."

Brian reached out slowly, his fingers lightly touching the younger man's forehead. "You still have a fever," he said, even though he was sure he didn't need to. "You want some more water?"

Justin shook his head, but that just made his light headedness worse. He coughed hard and slumped against his pillows.

With a heavy sigh, Brian moved, standing from the bed. He walked around, reaching for Justin's empty glass before he moved back into the kitchen. He refilled the glass and reached for a dishcloth. He ran it under some cold water before folding it neatly. When he made his way back into the bedroom, Brian set the glass of water down and offered Justin the wet cloth. "Here," he said. "Put this on your head."

Justin took the cloth and put it on his head. The cool water felt good against his skin, but soon the cloth was hot with the heat from his fever.

"I know this is a really dumb question," Brian said as he got back into bed, lying on his side, facing the younger man, "but how're you feeling?" He watched Justin carefully, unsure of what to do at this point. "You still feel like you're going to pass out?"

Justin nodded his head. "I feel tired..."

Letting his head fall against the pillows, Brian shrugged a shoulder. "Then sleep."

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