Story 7: Angry Sadness

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Justin tried not to give into his boyfriend's tender touched and attempts to apologize. Even though he was finding it harder and harder to resist.

"You can be as cute and romantic as you want. I'm still mad at you."

"Oh, come on," Brian said, pressing another kiss to the side of Justin's neck. "I can be pretty persuasive."

Justin tried to move himself away from Brian, but all he did was run into Brian's arm. "No, Brian. I'm not going to forgive you that easily."

"Okay," Brian sighed. "Then are you at least gonna tell me what the fuck I did, or said, to piss you off?"

"You were supposed to come to dinner at my mother's house yesterday. Remember that? But you forgot and went to Babylon instead. I know cause Emmett told me he saw you there." Justin looked back at his papers on the desk. "I knew you would forget...."

"Dinner at your mo—" Brian's voice cut off. He ran a hand across his forehead. "Shit, I forgot." His face twisted at the thought of Emmett ratting him out. He looked down over Justin's shoulder, at whatever papers the younger man was shuffling around. "I fucked up. I"m sorry."

"Yeah. You fucked up." Justin stopped rustling the papers. He couldn't concentrate. He was so angry and Brian for missing the dinner with his mom. He pressed his fingertips to his forehead trying to prevent a headache.

"Okay, so," Brian started, moving around the desk so he could see Justin's face. "Reschedule it then. I'll write it down."

"I shouldn't have to reschedule it. And you shouldn't have to write it down just to remember." Justin's voice was unnervingly calm. "Am I important to you?"

Brian frowned. "What the fuck kind of question is that?" His voice was just as calm as Justin's, but the frustration was evident in his tone.

"It's a question. Am I important to you?" Justin looked at Brian. "Because, lately, I feel that I'm not."

"You know the answer to that question, Justin," Brian stated flatly. His brows knit together and he shook his head in disbelief. "Why, because I didn't go to dinner with you and your mommy? You've got to be fucking kidding me, Justin!" He knew he was being a dick, but he just couldn't understand where any of this was coming from, why Justin was so upset over it.

Justin pushed the papers he was working on off the desk in frustration. Brian was such an inconsiderate asshole. Sometimes he wondered why he still hung around. "Fuck you!" Justin got up from his seat and stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door.

Sighing in frustration, Brian shook his head. He knew there wasn't anything that he could say to make Justin come out. He made his way over to the lounge chair slowly, reaching for the television remote. He turned it on, lifting his legs to rest his feet on the coffee table. He flipped through the channels idly, mostly to just pass the time as he waited for Justin to come back out of the bathroom.

Justin finally came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later. He didn't look at Brian as he stripped and got into the bed.

Brian muted the television when he heard the bathroom door open. When Justin didn't come out, he leaned back so he could see into the bedroom. "Are you seriously so pissed off that you're just going to go to bed?" he asked skeptically.

"Do you seriously not care enough about the fact that I'm pissed to still ask me smartass questions?" Justin retorted.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?" Brian asked, shutting the television off. He made his way into the bedroom, leaning against the doorway. "Other than missing the dinner with your mom, what else did I do? I must have done something else to piss you off..."

Memories {A compilation of Britin short stories}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя