Story 10: Protect Me

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"The outside world doesn't matter. Not as long as I have you to protect me, right?"

"You don't know that. The world's a pretty fucked up place, Sunshine. But I'll be here for as long as you need me."

"I'll always need you."

"You might change your mind one day, but for now, I'll take your word for it."

"I'm done changing my mind about you, Brian. I like you the way you are. And I don't want anything else."

"That's a relief. But like I said, the world's a fucked up place. Not everyone is willing or able to see the good in everything like you can."

"I guess that's why I get hurt so much, isn't it? Always the ray of sunshine."

"No, you get hurt so much because you care too much about what people think. You wanna be a ray of sunshine? Be whatever the fuck you want to be. Forget about what everyone else thinks."

Justin smiled as he kept his head on Brian's shoulder. "You know, we're going to have to get off this roof before the doctor's throw us out of the hospital? Something tells me that Michael won't be too thrilled that our visit to the hospital to see Hunter turned into a security battle."

Brian snorted, lifting an arm to wrap it around Justin's shoulders. "I'd like to see 'em try, but you're right," he relented after a moment. "I'd hate to have Mikey queening out over something like that."

Justin grabbed Brian's hand and led him off the roof and back into the hospital building.

Brian let the younger man take his hand, swallowing back any comment about sentimentality as he followed. When they were finally back in the building, Brian pulled Justin close, whispering in his ear. "What do you say we go tell everyone goodbye and head home?"

Justin chuckled. "Ok." They said goodbye to Michael, Ben and Hunter. They went out to Brian's car and drove the short distance back to the loft. "Didn't feel like spending another hour with the happy family?"

Brian smirked, lifting the elevator gate and waiting for the younger man to enter. "Yeah," he chuckled. "There are many other things I'd rather be doing than hanging out in a hospital with the family."

Justin walked into the elevator. "Really? Like what?" There was a teasing tone to his voice.

Starting the lift, Brian smirked, pulling the younger man close to him. "A lot of things, really," he said in a low voice. "But I'm sure you can guess a few of them."

"I'm sure I could." Justin caressed the back of Brian's neck and kissed him deeply.

Brian returned Justin's kiss eagerly, a contented hum escaping him as he wrapped his arms around him.

The elevator stopped and Justin opened it, pulling Brian out with him. He pressed Brian's back against the door of the loft and continued to kiss him.

Brian let out a laugh, leaning back against the door. He returned the kiss fervently, his hands going to Justin's hips. He pulled back slightly, putting but an inch between them. "Wanna continue this inside?"

Justin pulled on his bottom lip with his teeth. "Yeah." He let Brian open the door.

Kissing the younger man quickly, Brian turned slightly to unlock and slide open the door. He pulled Justin with him, walking backwards into the loft. His arms came around the younger man, holding him close as he kissed him.

Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck kissing him back. Justin removed his jacket and kept backing Brian up until his back hit one of the poles.

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