Story 18: Don't Leave Me

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Justin held on tightly to the other male. Mostly because he didn't want him to go anywhere. He had just gotten the news that the other was thinking of moving to a different state. Justin knew that they couldn't be together if the other moved. It wouldn't work.

"Don't leave me," Justin whispered into their ear.

"If I get this job, I have to go, Justin," Brian said with conviction.

Justin buried his face in Brian's neck refusing to step out of the brunette's arms. "You don't have to take the job. You can decline so you can still work here in Pittsburgh." Justin knew how Brian felt about promotions and achievements, but he hoped this one time, he wouldn't be so quick to pack everything up and leave for a job.

"It's business," Brian replied simply, casually. He didn't understand why Justin cared so much.

Justin finally pulled away from Brian so he could look him in the eye. "It's more than business. It's packing your life up and moving away. Pittsburgh is your home. Debbie is here. Michael is here. Lindsay, Gus...and me."

"Lindsay and I have already discussed Gus," Brian explained. "And Mikey has his own life to live. So does Deb." His lips folded inward for a moment. "And so will you."

"So what? I'm just supposed to go back to living with my mother, working in the diner, and trying to peddle my art? You're totally fine with leaving me alone?" Sure, he would have his mom, Debbie, Lindsay and everyone else. But they weren't Brian. They didn't mean the same to him as Brian did.

"I told you, it's business." Brian ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath as he stepped away from the younger man. "I'm sure you'll get along just fine without me."

"That's what you think," Justin mumbled under his breath. "Yes, I'm being selfish for wanting you to stay. I know that. But I'm not ready to give you up yet, Brian. I'm not ready for you to leave and to move on without you."

"Move on without me?" Brian quoted, lifting a quizzical eyebrow. He turned to face the younger man. "Christ, Justin! We're not in some kind of fucking daytime drama. You'll be fine." He shrugged his shoulders as he turned back to his task of clearing out one of his drawers. "Hell, you probably won't even think about me. You'll go on with your life like a normal teenager."

"A normal teenager who gets bullied for being a gay and who's father hates him and will make him repress who he is." Justin nodded angrily. "Yeah. That's the life I want to go back to."

"And what difference does it make with me around?" he countered. "I'm a bad influence, remember?" Brian rolled his eyes. He could just hear Debbie saying those exact words...

"You're not a bad influence. I don't think you are which is why i still want you around and not a thousand miles away where I probably won't even be relevant to you anymore."

"Yeah?" Brian challenged. "And what makes you so sure that I'm it for you? You'll finally meet some kid your own age, have an actual relationship..."

"I don't want a kid my own age. I want you, Brian."

"So you've said. But if I get this job..."

"Then you're going to leave. I know." Justin let out an angry and exasperated sigh.

"Don't finish my sentences like we're some happy fucking couple," Brian snapped. He took a deep breath, sighed. "If I get this job–when I get this job, I'm going to walk out that door, and I'm never looking back."

Justin looked at Brian. His expression was more hurt than angry. Unfallen tears glistened in his eyes. "And you're just going to forget about Pittsburgh?"

With a shrug of his shoulders, Brian gave his answer. "I'll have to if I want to start over, start a new life."

"Because your life here is so horrible? You think you can just forget everything that easily?"

"It's worth a try," Brian answered simply. He clicked his tongue. "And if not, well, I guess I'll survive."

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