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Donovan's words hinted at an inevitable doom they were all aware of. Still, she tried to talk to him.

"Please, I was going out to dry my clothes when- " she began, rushing her words so she could finish her explanation before any interruption could come from him.

"Boma." he cut in, killing her voice. "Did I ask you to explain anything to me?"

"No, but- "

"Then shut your mouth."

She bit her bottom lip and kept quiet. She met Phillip's sympathetic gaze through the rearview mirror and looked away.

"I will listen to your explanations." Donovan assured her. "But that can only come after your punishment." he declared. "There is no need for any negotiations, baby, believe me. So don't even try because you'll only be wasting your time and mine."

Boma shuddered and didn't utter a word. There was no point.

"Meanwhile, I'm sure you've watched your performance."

She tentatively watched him retrieve his phone and play a clip of her fight with the girl.

It was the moment when she had the upper hand again. Boma was ashamed of her actions but she knew she didn't have a choice. Neither could she turn back the hands of time. Even if she could turn back time, she wasn't sure she would have been able to resist the fight.

"This is my favorite part." said Donovan. "At least if you're going to fight, then you have to win. Not that I condone such nonsense but, you're lucky she didn't beat you. That would have made your punishment worse."

He backwind the video to the point where the girl was mishandling her bucket.

"You know, this girl, what's her name again?" his question was directed at Phillip.

"Sandra." Phillip supplied.

"Yes, Sandra." Donovan repeated, stopping the video and putting his phone away. His lips dropped to her ears. "She is going to pay for daring to touch my baby girl." he swore.

Boma was bothered by his words.

"Please." she whispered. "I'm sure she is sorry." Boma didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her.

"Did she tell you that?"

"No but-"

"It's a slap to my face."

"Please, I'm sure she didn't know about-"

"Stop!" he hissed between gritted teeth, his fingers tightening around her wrist and shocking her to silence. "Stop begging for someone you don't know." he half growled, his deep voice rumbling and sending shivers down her spine.

She felt pain building up from her wrist as his fingers kept tightening around the skin.

"P- please, I'm sorry."

He lightened his grip immediately, ending her pain.

"Do not speak again on her behalf." he warned. "Do not double my anger."

Boma sniffled and remained silent.

He released her wrist entirely from his hold but still kept her close to him with one arm around her waist.

"Imagine my girlfriend, fighting over a drying rope." he said disbelievingly. "What an insult to my personality. A drying rope." He shook his head. "You know what? I caused it. So, I blame myself. I let you stay in that hostel when I can afford a place for you. But like I mentioned before, it ends."

"Please I- I won't fight again." she said tremulously. She was afraid of staying off campus and living on her own. Besides she would soon leave the school. If she stayed off campus, he might monitor her movements and it might be difficult to leave. "I want to stay in the hostel please."

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