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Donovan continued belting her behind, ignoring her pleas and cries.

"This is not just for your disrespect." He said, punctuating each word with a smack. " It is also for your lies."

"D, please, I'm sorry. Please."

He paused, granting her some temporary relief. She was sniffling profusely.

"Please sir, please."

"You know what? I don't even trust you and Hilda. Don't think I'm stupid. If I really wanted you on the hot seat, I won't even let you speak. So don't think I didn't notice that little code you provided for your friend. I know exactly what you guys did."


"Shut up." He said, emphasizing his command with a smack.



She tried to control her cries.

"Are you going to deny that you and your friend were lying to me?"

She shook her head. "No, please- aargh!" She cried out as he delivered another smack. " Please, please, please-"

"Tell me exactly where you met Harry. Because after now, I am going to find out. Your lies have to stop."

Boma was sweating despite the coolness provided by the air condition. Her behind was on fire.

"Oh, God, please- aargh!" She cried out again as he delivered another one. "Please."

She was sobbing uncontrollably now.

"Where did you meet Harry?" He demanded. "I will just keep going until you faint. So, you better tell me what I want to know at the count of five. One-two-three-four-five-"


"Aargh! God no!"

Smack! Smack!

"Please stop, I met him at the pharmacy please. Please, D, please sir." She hurriedly confessed.

"I thought as much." He said, then proceeded to pull down the waist of her slacks a little below her bum. "Now let's finish without this protection over you." He said.

"D, please don't, please." She trembled as she felt the air kiss her tender behind, at his mercy. "Please, I won't do it again- aargh!"


The pain seared into her deeper than before.

"Please. I will never lie to you again, please."

Smack! Smack!

She wept under his onslaught, unable to move anymore, so she just lay there and sobbed.

He stopped the whipping then and released her, only to lift her onto his shoulder like she weighed nothing. Then he laid her on the bed.

She quickly curled herself on her side, her body trembling from the sobs that still wracked her body.

"I love you, Boma. But I really hate when you lie to me. Most of the time, I can easily tell when someone is lying to me. My members know better than to lie to me but you have been doing that a lot. It's time for you to learn and understand that I won't tolerate it anymore. Are we clear?"

She nodded and sniffled, unable to speak. Feeling her bum burning she began to squirm and rub the hurt in a futile attempt to ease the pain.

"I want to hear you."

"Yes, sir." She managed to croak out. Then she remembered his threat. "P-please don't tie me up, please." She pleaded. "I'm dying."

Donovan took pity on her. Having punished her mercilessly, he was starting to feel like comforting her. But he hardened his heart. Ronald had taught him to be ruthless and handle his home with a rod of iron.

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