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Boma left the confines of Donovan's house, boarded a shuttle to the estate's main gate and entered a cab leading towards the nearest pharmacy.

She prayed that Donovan would return the following day so there would be no chance of trouble.

The pharmacy bustled with muted activities, a symphony of hushed conversations and the occasional clatter of medicine bottles.

Boma, acutely aware of the prying gazes around her, moved through the aisles with a delicate blend of urgency and discretion.

She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with fellow patrons or pharmacy staff. The last thing she needed was to cross paths with someone who might recognize her, someone potentially connected to Donovan.

Wilberforce Island was small and students often knew each other or someone who knew someone. Everyone was connected in some way. And the connection ran deeper the longer you were in the school. She had a bit of luck because she was in year one.

The air of anonymity the pharmacy provided became her temporary shield against the watchful eyes of those entrenched in Donovan's circle.

The shelves held a myriad of healthcare products, each aisle a labyrinth where Boma carefully navigated, hoping to remain unnoticed.

As Boma stood in the pharmacy aisle, uncertainty about which contraceptive method to choose weighed on her mind.

She reached for her phone and dialed Hilda's number. The call rang for a moment before Hilda's familiar voice answered.

"Boma, what's up?" Hilda's voice held a mix of warmth and curiosity.

Boma hesitated for a moment before speaking in a hushed tone, "Hey, Hilda. I'm at the pharmacy, and I need some advice on contraception."

"I thought we agreed I will bring it tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but Donovan rushed out and he might be back tonight or tomorrow so I decided to get it now."

"Oh, B, why? What if he gets home before you? How will you explain your absence? Why did you risk such a thing?"

"The pharmacy is not far. Please tell me so I can go back fast, please."

"Ok." Hilda said resignedly. "Wait, how did you even manage to leave the house? Where is his frat security?"

"Unavailable at the moment. Donovan said he will be back tomorrow."

"I see. Okay, let me tell you what you called for."

Boma took a deep breath, grateful for Hilda's willingness to lend an ear.

Hilda, drawing from her own experiences and knowledge, provided thoughtful advice, outlining the pros and cons of different contraceptive methods. Boma opted to take the ones that had to be used after the intimate act.

After their conversation, Boma felt a renewed sense of confidence. "Thanks, Hilda. I appreciate your advice. I'll make a decision and head back home."

"Anytime, Boma. And hope you didn't tell those girls about contraception."

"They are now my friends too, Hilda."

"Wait, you told them?" Hilda's voice took on a serious tone.

"No, of course not." Boma responded. "You are my best friend. I can never compare them to you or anything like that."

"Great to know." Hilda said "Take care of yourself," she added in a reassuring manner. "And please get home fast. I don't need to tell you how that husband of yours is. You should know better."

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