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As Boma waited outside her residence, her nerves tingling with anticipation, she couldn't shake the sense of apprehension that clung to her like a shadow.

When Harry's car pulled up beside her, the tension between them crackled like electricity, an unspoken acknowledgment of the past animosity that simmered beneath the surface.

Harry didn't like the fear in her eyes. He wished to end it as soon as possible.

Silence stretched between them as she slid into the passenger seat, the weight of their uneasy truce palpable in the air. Harry's gaze lingered on her, a mix of curiosity and suspicion flickering in his eyes, but neither of them dared to break the silence that hung heavy in the car.

Harry was glad that she needed him. Of everyone she could have called she found him worthy. All this proved she was supposed to be his. But then Donovan stole her, taking her away from him.

As they drove in silence, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a steady backdrop to their thoughts, Boma couldn't help but wonder what Harry was thinking. Did he really care? It seemed like he did. He didn't even waste time to come to her rescue. And to think it wasn't even planned. Did he know the true extent of her desperation?

Despite the tension that thrummed between them, Boma found herself drawn to Harry's quiet strength, his steady presence a source of unexpected comfort in the face of uncertainty. And as they neared his place, she realized that perhaps, against all odds, they could look past their differences and she would stay safe with him for the time being.

But for now, in the quiet solitude of the car, they remained two adversaries bound by circumstance, their fates intertwined in ways they had yet to fully comprehend. As they arrived at Harry's place, a silent understanding passed between them, a tacit acknowledgment of the delicate balance that hung between them.

Harry ushered her into his cozy apartment. Boma was glad he had no henchmen, unlike Donovan who had henchmen hanging around him.

Harry had her settled on the couch and sat across from her.
"I'm glad you reached out to me." He said.
"I'm glad you responded so promptly." She responded.

"It's my pleasure." He replied. "Do you want to talk about the problem?".

Boma didn't want to but she didn't see why she should not. He was helping her. He had to know why.

She briefly explained the issue with Teni and why she did what she did.
"I just could not let him hurt her." She finished, broken.

Harry felt sorry for her.

"You're a good friend." He said. "You took a huge risk. "

Harry looked disturbed as he said the words. "You were right to flee."

His words terrified Boma as though she was not already terrified enough.

"What can I do now?" Her heart was shaking. "I'm scared of what he will do to me."

"I understand." He assured her. "But I don’t want you to worry, okay? Just try and relax and we will figure out a solution in the morning."

Boma was not cleared of her worries but she had to accept Harry's suggestion.

"Thank you."

"It's okay. Have you eaten?"

"Yes I have. Thank you."

"Okay. But if you need anything, I have assorted snacks in the fridge. I snack a lot.” He said. “Although it doesn't show on my physique." He added teasingly, making Boma smile for the first time. Her reaction pleased him that he was able to make her smile, especially in such a dire situation.

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