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In the alleyway of the motel was where a few humans, if you can call them that, resided in their cages. Most were asleep, since there wasn't much to do, while a few were left awake. The summer air was humid and made it hard for a young girl in her cage to sleep. When she heard someone whisper her name she was thankful to have a distraction from the heat, and concrete she had to sleep on.

"Rosie" Max, a human with an unusual eye color whispered.

The young girl sat up from where she was laying and looked to her left at the boy who was only three years older than her. Most people would be afraid to look into his eyes, but Rosie knew his white irises were just a birth defect he was born with.

"I'm going to get us out of here." He said.

Rosie sighed sadly. "Don't you think it's time we give up on that?" She asked.

Max was known around their kind for his determination to escape from the hell they were all living in. Many didn't believe in his plans but Rosie always stuck through them with him. That earned the both of them a beating quite frequently since their owner always thought they were forming ideas and plans. But now she was just so exhausted from the countless beatings she's endured.

Max didn't know what to say. So instead he stood quiet.

"Aren't you tired?" She asked. She felt so defeated.

He looked up with a look of determination on his face. "Rosie, please don't give up on me. I can take everyone else, but not you. If you give up on me then that means all those times we've tried have been for nothing." He told the young girl and it was true. They didn't take all those punishments for nothing.

Rosie thought of all the pain she has ever endured because of being who she is and wanting to be free. "Alright." She pursed her lips, and with a new found determination she asked him the question he's been dying to answer. "What's the plan?"

Max's hopeful smile turned into a sly smirk. He reached behind him and brought out a set of keys.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rosie asked with a hopeful voice. "Where'd you get them?"

His smiled broke out into a full grin. "While they were handing us our blankets I snatched it from Gary's pocket." He said.

"Do they work?" Rosie asked.

Max nodded. "While you were tossing and turning I tried them out." He responded. "Turns out this one works for my cage." He said as he held out a shiny silver key for Rosie to see. He then stuck his arm out of his cage to reach the lock.

"Do you think it will work for mine?" Rosie asked as they heard the click of the lock open.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Matt said and crouched down in front of her cage.

Right as he stuck the key into the lock, Rosie heard a door slam, and a laugh that they recognized as Gary, one of the many men in charge of making sure they never escaped their cages.

"Max, hurry!" She whispered, "I heard Gary. I think he's coming to do his checkups."

The lock finally opened and Max helped Rosie out of her cage. She could feel her legs wanting to give out from being cramped up for so long but she didn't have time to think about it any longer because she heard Gary shouting.

"Hey!" He shouted, "Get back in your cage, freaks!"

"Come on!" Max said and tried to pull Rosie out of the alley. "Let's get out of here!"

But Rosie was frozen. She looked around at all the others who were like her, humans that were deemed a disgrace to society. "What about our family?" She asked, looking at all the others she's come to love who were suddenly wide awake and watching the commotion that was happening.

"We don't have time." Max said, still trying to drag her away. He was panicking. Gary was getting closer.

"Just go, Rosie!" She heard someone say. It was Edward and elderly man with a rhino's horn as his nose.

Rosie's heart swarmed with so many different emotions, but the one that stood out the most was guilt. She was guilty that they were all going to be stuck here. "I- , I promise I'll come back for you, all of you." She shouted as she let Max drag her away.

The two ran as fast as they could. They turned into a different alley way and Rosie could make out a light at the end. That meant there was people there. The only thought running through her mind was to ask for help. But then suddenly she was yanked back by her tail.

She meowed in pain and hissed as her body made contact with the floor. Gary grabbed onto one of her ears atop her head and began dragging her back the way they came from.

Rosie was crying and trying to grab onto everything and anything. She felt everything slipping from her so she grabbed at his arm. She could hear Gary grunting in pain as she scratched at his arms. Rosie was putting all her effort into trying to be set free that she didn't notice when Max jumped on top of Gary. The two of them stumbled to the ground while Rosie got to her feet.

"You fucking freak!" Gary shouted as they both fell onto the floor.

"Get out of here." Max screamed at Rosie. As he put up a fight with Gary.

"What about you?" Rosie screamed back. She was back to crying. She couldn't just leave her best friend behind.

"I'll be fine! I promise, just go!" He shouted trying to dodge Gary.

Rosie was still hesitant but in that moment she made a promise to herself that she'll come back and find them.

And so she ran.

She ran out of the little city knowing that if she stayed close they will find her. She had to get as far away from there as she could. She kept on running until she was in what looked to be an empty desert.


Authors Note:

hello everybody :) !!!

i just started watching teen wolf a couple of months ago and im finally caught up on all the seasons.

derek hale has played a big part in my love for the show so i decided to why not write my own story with him but also add my own character to the show.

rosie is a character i have been developing for about a week.

also if you are confused, she is a hybrid she shes basically a human with a few major cat features, her tail her ears, her sense of smell, and her hearing.

but everything else about her is completely normal (she has a human brain human legs, arms and hands. even a normal face, but she has cat traits like she meows, and is playful, innocent and likes to be petted like a kitten.

hope that clears everything up! if you have any question leave me a comment!

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