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Once Lydia was gone Rosie took it upon herself to snoop around where she was staying. Sure the red head had given her a tour quick but it didn't include the stairs and what awaited her up there.

Climbing up the spiral stair case she found that there was two bed rooms that looked like they hadn't been used in a while, it made her wonder if Derek lived alone. Along with the bedrooms she found that there was an extra bath room. The spaciousness of the loft amazed her. After being in cage for many years, space was something she cherished.

Despite that, what amazed her was a small room at the end of the hallway. Inside that room were books. Rosie felt along the walls for the light switch, once her finger found the switch, she flipped it up and gasped. It couldn't be any bigger that a closet but somehow it seemed like there was hundreds of books in it. The walls were adorned with shelves that spread across horizontally and vertically.

Rosie ran her finger tips across the spines of the books and sighed. She remembered how much she loved books as a young girl. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she hadn't read a proper book in eleven years.

Instead of feeling sad, she felt determined. Rosie decided that instead of mopping around she would teach herself how to read again. With excitement and determination flowing through her body, she grabbed a couple of books that stood out to her and plopped herself onto the floor of the small closet space.

She didn't know how long she had been reading for, but her eyes and head were starting to ache from all the words and knowledge she was processing. Sighing, Rosie removed the baseball cap she was wearing. She laid her head back against the shelf and closed her eyes.

Not even a minute after she shut her eyes she heard a loud growl.

It rang through her ears for almost a minute long. Rosie began grunting in pain and rolled herself into a fetus position. She started screaming as she felt pain along her back and pain on her ears. A nasty cracking sound was heard as she withered in agony. The pain went away a minute later, but it left a weird feeling inside her.

A groan rumbled in her throat and she sat up. Placing her hands on her head, she began to massage her scalp. Suddenly, she froze and a sickening feeling overwhelmed her.

Her ears.

Rosie patted her head some more and whimper escaped her lips. They weren't on her head anymore. Not believing that they could just disappear, she reached for her tail and whimpered when it wasn't there.

In a panic, Rosie rushed to the nearest restroom and gasped. She was back to looking like a normal girl. Her ears were where they were supposed to be and her tail was gone! Confusion overwhelmed her, she didn't know whether to feel happy or sad.

For most of her life not only was she tortured and branded a freak for how she looked, but it sort of became a part of her. For eleven years she was stuck with cat ears and a tale but now they were gone.

Rosie felt hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, she might be able to have a normal life.

Once again, she snooped around the loft searching for the noise she heard. Rosie came up empty. She was still suspicious as to where the noise came from but after what happened to her, Rosie felt worn out, physically and emotionally. She went back down stairs and took a long needed, peaceful nap on the black king sized bed.


When Rosie woke up it was still dark outside.

The loft was quiet and cold. Shivering, she slipped out of the bed and dug around into the suitcase of clothes Lydia had kindly lent her. Rosie was surprised to find most of the items of clothing still had price tags on them. She dug around until she found a sweatshirt and sighed in relief.

After Rosie slipped the sweatshirt on herself, she made her way over to the fridge. What greeted her inside was not a lot. There was the basics like eggs and milk, but there was also a lot of half eaten take out cartons. Plus, Rosie was pretty sure the milk was expired.

Rosie ended up throwing out the takeout food and milk. It didn't seem appetizing to her and she thought that Derek needed to do some serious grocery shopping. Once those items were out of the way she found all the items she needed for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When she was done preparing her meal and a glass of water, she grabbed her items and made her way to the only table that seemed suitable for eating on.

Rosie happily dug into her sandwich. A small moan of satisfactory escaped her lips while she was chewing. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were always her favorite when she was little, it was a snack she always had before bed.

Just as she was about to take another bite of her sandwich, the steel door slid open to reveal a tall and broad looking man. He looked around the loft before his gaze landed on Rosie. When he spotted her, his face was hard and expressionless.

"Who are you?" He questioned in a demanding voice and crossed his arms over his chest.

Rosie froze. The sandwich was still in her hands and her mouth was still open. She closed and opened her mouth before answering. "Rosie." She managed to choke out. She felt intimidated by him,

He looked at her curiously for a second and was about to speak but Rosie spoke before he could.

"Lydia said I could stay here." She blurted out. "She said the guy who lives here wouldn't be here for a while, and I could stay till here, er- gets back." She said not wanting to reveal her situation to the strange brooding man.

He raised his eyebrows. "I'm 'the man who lives here'" He said mimicking her choice of words.

"You're Derek?" Rosie gasped.

Derek nodded and before he knew it Rosie had abandoned her place at the table and was standing in front of him. He looked down to find that not only was she way shorter than him, but her gaze was locked on his face.

Astonished, she looked him up and down before her gaze was brought back up to his face. She hesitantly reached on her tippy toes and gabbed his face with both of her hands. His facial hair lightly tickled her palms. Rosie felt him freeze under her touch, but ignored it as she turned his head to side as she inspected his face.

When she recognized the features in him that were in the younger version of himself she had previously met, her eyes widened.

"Woah." Rosie said amazed.


Author's Note:

so, rosie has shifted back to 'normal' and they finally meet :))))))))!!!! 

ahhhh im so excited about this!

believe me there is more exciting stuff to come ;)))

also my story has 198 reads and 23 favorites!!! thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this and favorite it. 

ive also seen some people have added this to their reading lists, dont worry i see ya'll ;)

thanks for all the love on this and we'll talk next time, amigos!

safe // derek hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now