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"Hi. Welcome to Frank's Books." Rosie greeted as she heard the soft chime of the bells ring, signaling a new customer.

A middle aged woman entered and greeted her back politely, before heading straight to the back of the store to begin her browsing.

It was Rosie's first official day of work and she couldn't be more ecstatic. Derek, Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski had helped her get all the important information and paperwork she needed to get her first ever job. Lydia had even helped Rosie enroll to get her GED, another thing she was excited about.

Derek seemed content that Rosie keeping herself busy. But, part of her knew that this was because of what happened at the high school when he couldn't use his heightened senses. She thought it was strange that he hadn't exactly talked about it, but she knew he was worried. Rosie figured that when he was ready to talk about it, he'd let her know.

The bells chimed again, signaling more customers. Rosie looked up from the booklet she was studying to begin her usual greeting, but was cut short when she noticed Frank, his granddaughter, and her two classmates she was always with, enter the store.

"Rosie!" The kids exclaimed when they saw her.

She walked from behind the counter and smiled. "Hi guys!" Rosie greeted and the children immediately latched onto her legs. "How was school?" She asked and lifted the small boy named Liam from the ground and perched him onto her hip.

"Boring!" Liam said with a pout.

Frank and Rosie chuckled.

"Is it reading time?" Lily asked as she tugged on Rosie's tunic. She looked from her grandfather to Rosie with a hopeful expression as the other little girl named Masie and Liam agreed.

"Well don't keep the little ones waiting, dear." Frank teased with a laugh and shooed the four of them to the children's area of the store.

Rosie sat on the bean bag while the three children went to go pick a book. They came back and Liam handed her a copy of 'Where the Wild Things Are'. The little ones then sat themselves down on the colorful carpet and eagerly listened as Rosie began reading.

By the end of the story, the children were begging for another one. More and more children joined in to listen as she read and eventually Rosie had to decline by the seventh story as Frank went over to her to let her know her shift had ended fifteen minutes ago.

She glanced around to find that Derek was already in the store leaning against a bookshelf patiently waiting and listening to her read.

"You ready to go?" Derek asked once she said her goodbyes to Frank and the children who were all sad to see her go. They made her promise to read an extra book the following day.

Rosie grabbed her belongings from behind the counter and nodded.

"How was work?" Derek asked as they drove back to the loft.

"It's pretty slow, but I like it. It gives me time to study." Rosie answered and tapped the booklet she was studying for her GED test on her lap.

He nodded. "That's good. When's your next shift?"

After explaining her schedule to him, and talking more about her work. Rosie asked how things with Scott went. Derek had previously told her the teen wolf had accidentally turned a freshman at his high school into a werewolf, after explaining the rankings to her, which she still had trouble understanding.

Despite that, she was still interested in how things were going with Scott and the others. Lydia was the only one of them who made sure to stop by everyday after school to visit her. Not that she minded, she knew the others were busy not only with school, but dealing with the supernatural world they were involved in.

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