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The next morning Rosie was one again awakened by Lydia. The red head was gently shaking her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up and it worked. Rosie blinked and sat up. She looked around and saw that the sleeping boy was still in the same position as last night and Deaton was nowhere to be found. When Lydia noticed her confused expression she smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Deaton went to the back room to get you a towel and soap." She explained, and then continued. "I woke you up so you can take a shower. Stiles dropped off some clothes you can borrow." Lydia informed Rosie and looked down at the plastic bag she had set down on the floor.

Rosie smiled with so much gratitude in her features. She barely knew these people and they were already so nice and willing to help her. "Thank you." She said earnestly.

Lydia nodded her head in acknowledgement. "It's no problem." She brushed it off, and Rosie could tell she wasn't thanked that often. Not even a minute later Deaton returned with a white fluffy towel in his hands.

"Good morning, Rosie." He greeted, "How are you feeling?" He questioned with a gentle smile.

"Good morning. I'm okay." She answered shyly.

He smiled and then placed the towel and soap down on the metal examination table she had slept on. "There's a restroom with a shower in the back. But before you shower I would like to weigh you and take your height." He explained and then looked to her for confirmation.

"Okay." Rosie agreed.

"Great." He smiled and motioned for her to hop off the examination table. Next he had her stand on a scale and grabbed a clipboard while the numbers by the tips of her toes were doing their job. They both watched as the number landed on '122 lbs'.

"Is that normal?" Rosie asked. She was unsure of herself. She hadn't been to a doctor's office since she was nine.

Deaton didn't answer and instead asked her a question they were all curious about.

"Do you by any chance know how old you are?" He asked as he led her to a wall with a height chart. He had her stand with her back against the wall and silently took her height measurements.

"What year is it?" Rosie asked and nervously chewed on her lip.

"We're in 2014." Lydia answered causing them both to look at her. She was sat on the examination table Rosie was previously sat on with her legs dangling of the edge. She then looked down at Derek who was still sleeping on the table next to her.

"I know I was born in 1993 on October 31st." She answered. Over the years it became a little harder for her to remember some things, but her birthday was something she couldn't forget.

"So you're twenty one." Deaton stated.

"You're legal and a Halloween baby, how exciting!" Lydia said astonished by her birth. Her gaze was on the Rosie and Deaton and she had an amazed look on her face.

At the realization of her age, a feeling of sadness overcome her. She didn't reply to Lydia's comment and instead watched as Deaton wrote a few more things down on his clipboard before he spoke.

"Everything seems fine. You weigh one hundred and twenty-two pounds with a height of 5'2, which I think is normal for a woman of your age." He assured her. "I'm only an animal doctor so I would recommend going to see a regular doctor." He said, and when he noticed the worried look on her face he added on. "Scott's mother is a nurse and knows about these kinds of things so it might be good for you to speak with her."

"What do you mean?" Rosie asked. When she was younger she didn't know anyone who had a tail or ears liker her, let alone a doctor who worked on people like her. She was reminded once again of how mysterious this new group of people she just met were. It wasn't really like they were hiding something from her. It was more like if they were keeping some important information from her.

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