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Her feet ached. It was then that she wished her bare feet had something to protect them. She could feel the blisters forming. She didn't know how much longer she can keep on going, but she knew if she stopped to rest somewhere they will eventually find her. So she pushed herself to move her legs until she was somewhere safe.

As she kept on, Rosie kept her senses on high alert. Sure she has been trapped in a cage for most of her life but she knew how to use her senses. And right now her senses were telling her that something about the desert was off. She could just feel it in her bones. But with her being so naïve to the outside world she tried to brush it off. The bright sunset was starting to turn into a very dark night and she started to worry. She could feel her will power to keep going becoming weaker and weaker.

Rosie suddenly began to see an object with lights in the distance. As she began to grow closer and closer to it she saw that it was a parked vehicle, and around it was people standing around it. Afraid that she was beginning to see things, she blinked and rubbed her eyes.

About forty feet away from her it was there. Her chance at escaping. Tears began to form in her eyes and hope swarmed through her heart. Suddenly she wasn't tired any more, she couldn't feel the pain in her feet and her will power grew.

"Help!" She screamed out as she ran with all she had toward them. "Please! Help!"

At the sound of her voice the boy and the girl looking into the hood of the car looked up. They quickly came from around the car and rushed to the unusual girl screaming.

"Please." She said frantically once she was close enough. She glanced back at the empty desert, before continuing. "You have to help me." Her small raspy throat spoke.

"Whoa. Are you okay?" The boy asked.

At first glance he noticed that she was dirty, practically covered in dirt and what seemed to me bruises and scars, her hair was matted with some kind of filth, and she was bare foot. But, when he took a closer look he saw that she had what seemed to be cat ears sticking out of the tops of her head.

"Are those real?" The red head asked, mesmerized by the ears atop her head, but before Rosie could even respond two more girls came running towards them from an unknown direction.

"Let's get out of here!" The both said at the same time. When they caught sight of the strange girl they both froze.

"Please don't hurt me." Rose timidly said as she looked down at the sword in the black haired girl's hand.

The four of them could hear the fear in her voice and how terrified she looked by just seeing that type of weapon. There was one thought running through all of their minds; what had this girl been through? Suddenly they heard a frightening roar. At the sound the boy shoved all of them into the car and drove off.

Since Rosie was the shortest, she was sat in-between the red head and the black haired girl. She didn't really mind, she was used to being in small spaces.

"By the way, I'm Stiles." The boy behind the wheel said. He glanced at the cat-like girl in the rear view mirror, and back at the road as the three other girls introduced themselves. She learnt that the girl sitting next to Stiles was Malia, the red head was Lydia, and the girl with the black hair was Kira.

"What's your name?" Kira asked and turned towards Rosie to see the sleepy look across her face.

"Rosie." She said softly. She sighed and cuddled into Lydia's side. "Rosie Mitchell."

Her slow and steady breathing was all they heard for the rest of the car ride, while the strangers who helped her tried not to freak out over the ears on her head or the tail attached to her short body.


Rosie was awaken by the car coming to an abrupt stop. Her eyes widened when she noticed that they were parked in front of a church that looked to be on the verge of collapsing.

"Stay in here." Stiles told her as him, Kira, Malia, and Lydia exited the car.

She watched as three people exited the church, two of them carried someone who seemed injured. Stiles, Kira, Lydia, and Malia stood in front of the car and watched as the three new comers came closer.

"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Rosie heard Malia ask aloud to everyone.

There was a beat of silence. Rosie felt that something wasn't right. She could feel their confusion from where she was sitting in the back seat.

"Uh, sort of." Stiles replied, unsure how to answer the girls question.

At that, the boy who was being carried the women and guy lifted his head. She leaned forward to get a better look. His green confused eyes landed on an even more confused brown eyed Rosie.


Author's Note: 

soooo this is chapter two of the story :) 

rosie meets a few important people but more importantly rosie meets baby derek!!!!

also this isnt a baby derek story but when rosie meets him he is young again because of what happened to him when he was taken previously.

dont worry he will turn back to his regular age ;)

if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment!! 

share this story with your friends too!!!!

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