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Everything seemed to happen in a blur. One moment they were astonished and the next Rosie was shoved in stiles' jeep with the owner of the car himself, Scott, Lydia, and a sleeping teenage boy resting on her shoulder.

There was no time for Scott to ask questions about the girl with the cat features who crashed their trip. He knew they had to get the teenage version of Derek back to the one person he knew who can help him.

"You think Deaton will be able to help Rosie?" Rosie perked up once she heard Stiles mention her name. They had been driving for a while and even though she was used to being in an uncomfortable situation her anxiety was at it peek just thinking about what would happen to her if they found her.

Scott glanced back at Rosie with a glint of hope in his eyes. "I hope so." He mused, and that was all that was said for the rest of the ride.


Rosie was gently shaken awake by a exhausted looking Lydia. "Come on." The red head said softly. She helped Rosie unbuckle her seat belt. "We're here." She murmured.

A meow escaped Rosie's lips, which was a new thing for Lydia. She pursed her lips, deciding not to comment on it and instead watched as the young girl looked around in confusion.

"Where are we?" Rosie asked and looked around, noticing they were the only ones outside she frowned. "Where's everyone?" She questioned.

"At our town's Animal Clinic." Lydia responded. "Everyone's inside waiting. We let you sleep while Deaton checked on Derek." She went on.

"Deaton?" Rosie curiously questioned as she hopped out of the car and into the pouring rain.

"He's a vet, who might just know what you are." The red head answered and led her into the clininc.

When they entered, they were met by a friendly looking man with a stethoscope around his neck. Rosie guessed her was Deaton. He wasn't too old or too young, but looked very wise.

"Hello Rosie. I'm Dr. Alan Deaton, but you can call me Deaton." He calmly introduced himself with an earnest smile.

Rosie couldn't help but shyly return the smile, he had a trustworthy aura about him. "Hello." She squeaked.

He smiled at her nervous nature in an assuring way and led her to the back where the others were hovering over an unconscious Derek.

"You can sit here." Deaton beckoned her over and tapped on a medical examining table.

Rosie slowly made her way over to the table and sat herself on it a crisscross apple sauce position as Deaton washed his hands and dried them. He grabbed a few medical tools and made his way back over to Rosie.

"I'm going to examine you." He explained and set down the tools on a table near him. He first checked her heart and breathing with the stethoscope .Next were her eyes, he shined a light small flashlight at them. After that he moved on to her reflexes. "If you don't mind, I'm want to get a closer look at your ears and tail." He questioned, knowing how cats could be when they were touched in an uncomfortable way.

"Okay." Rosie hesitantly agreed. She watched the others reactions as Deaton began examining her ears. At one point in his examination of her ears he gently rubbed, in a way that you would with a cat causing her to purr. Their expressions were a mix of bewildered and mesmerized.

"Wow! Is that even normal?" Stiles gawked.

Deaton ignored his question and moved on to her tail. He gently tugged causing her to hiss. When he saw the look of discomfort on her face he put his hands up in surrender. "I just wanted to see if you could feel anything." Deaton explained.

"I think her tail's working." Stiles remarked.

"Is she shifted?" Scott asked ignoring Stiles.

Deaton sighed. "It's hard to say. Everything else seems fine but I think I would need to know more about Rosie and where she comes from." He said and then turned to Rosie. "Are you ready for that?" He asked. Just by looking at her he knew she had been through a lot.

Rosie looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Um, I- I don't really know." She stammered out.

"It's fine if you're not." Lydia assured her.

"Yeah, a good nights rest will do you good." Scott agreed, while Deaton interjected.

"You all should go home. Rosie can stay here with me. They won't be in any danger here." He assured the teens.

Rosie watched as he gently scolded them on it being a school night. It brought her back to when she was younger. She suddenly remembered how much she actually enjoyed learning when she was younger.

"Someone should stay with you." Scott said, snapping her out of her train of thoughts.

It was decided that Lydia would stay while Scott and Stiles went home to rest. When they were gone Deaton went to the back room and returned with a blanket for Rosie.

"Sorry I don't have a pillow." He apologized and handed it to her.

Rosie covered herself and curled into the fetal position on the examining table. "It's fine." Rosie said and snuggled into the coziness of the blanket.

Before they knew it she was fast asleep.


Author's note:

i finally updated yay!

also i got 23 reads on this story so far :))))))

thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this!

safe // derek hale [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang