happy & okay

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In the time that it took for Derek to drive back to the hospital, Rosie had two things on her mind.

One: She was extremely anxious and nervous to open up about herself. The only person who really knew about her and where she came from were her captors, and that's because they had to force it out of her. Not even Max, the only person she really talked to when she was held captive, knew where she came from. All he knew was what he saw.

And two: Derek Hale is an extremely complicated person. His mood changes were going to give her whiplash. He went from being somewhat talkative to being back to his quiet self. But Rosie liked that about him, he was a puzzle and she couldn't wait to figure him out.

Arriving to the hospital caused a bundle of nerves to explode in her stomach and chest. Rosie's palms began to sweat. She hastily wiped them on her jeans as Derek parked in an open space.

"Wait." Rosie said after they exited the car.

Derek, who was a few feet in front of her, paused and glanced back at Rosie.

"I don't know if I can do this." She said and gripped the hood of his car, with her gaze focused on her feet. Her heart was thumping in her chest, she felt like it could burst out at any minute. She began to feel faint, her mind felt blank and her skin felt sticky with sweat.

Derek's eyes widened. All the color from Rosie's usual bright and flushed faced drained away and she looked panicked.

"Rosie." He said, trying to gain her attention.

It was useless, she was too focused on trying not to pass out.

He walked the short distance towards her and gently grabbed her upper arms.

"Rosie." Derek repeated and hesitantly shook her shoulders. "You're having an anxiety attack." He stated and cautiously touched her cheek.

That caught her attention.

She gasped. "How do I," She breathed, "Stop it?" She asked through deep breaths.

"Alright, I'm going to help you. First take a deep breath and then let it go. Derek immediately replied. "Breathe in and out slowly, okay?" He encouraged when he noticed her breathing had become erratic.

She hadn't even noticed her breathing had changed, but Rosie immediately listened. She breathed in deeply and then slowly exhaled.

In and out. In and out. In and out...

When her breathing was back to normal she looked into his eyes.

"You good?" Derek asked. "If you're not really ready, we don't have to do this." His eyes searched her face for any indication that she wasn't alright. Instead, he found a determined expression.

To leave and not have deal with facing Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski sounded very appealing to Rosie. It would be so easy to. But, if she didn't face her past now, she never will.

Rosie nodded. "I know." She said and with her head held high she grabbed his hand and dragged him into the hospital.


The room they were in before wasn't the same room Rosie was examined in. Instead, they were in what Derek had told her was a small private waiting room. Couches were placed against each of the four walls with a small coffee table in the center.

"You must be Rosie." Was the first thing she heard upon entering the room. A middle aged man in a khaki police uniform stood up from where he was sitting and held his hand out. He had this comforting look about him that reminded her a lot of her papa.

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